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觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
www.kanaeng.co.krMade in Korea
リ碓襴襯 讌 覓伎 殊牡 螻 ろ
蠏覈 螻讌  覲伎ロ 牛蟯襴 ろ
螻旧  螻リ軌覿
蠏覓 覓誤 譯殊姶
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
MBro 覓伎 CCTV 覓伎′蠍 , 覓伎蠍,
レレ襯 覈 MBro Protocol 襷豢 螳覦
朱   ろ 螻牛 襭
 覯伎 .  ろ朱 企
伎 MBro覓伎 CCTV  襭 企襦 
豈襦 蟆曙 所  螳ロ覃 螳
誤煙 覲企 危 覿 讌 
 覲伎  給.
MBro 覓伎 CCTV 豌 螳覦 リ碓襴Protocol襯
覲企  蠍一ヾ 覓伎 襷轟 伎 蟇磯Μ 
螻煙 蠍一朱   . LOS覲伎
蟆曙 覓伎 ′蠍一 覓伎蠍磯ゼ 1:1襦 覃
3km~5km蟾讌  ′ 螳ロ. LOS螳 覲
 讌  蟲螳 譴螻蠍磯ゼ 伎 LOS
襯 覲危 螳ロ.
MBro 覓伎 CCTV  覓伎 ′蠍一 4
 SD 豺企朱ゼ 郁屋螻  覓伎 蠍
螳 3 覓伎 ′蠍磯ゼ    蠍 覓
 蠏覈 CCTV襯 り螻 蟲豢 
 . MBro 覓伎 CCTV れ れ
蟆曙 覦 覓語  壱 れ
覦 蟲豢 螳ロ  覯螳 暑
MBro 覓伎 CCTV   豢 觜 覯 
豢  ″ 觚襴酔螳  CPU襦 螳覦
所 覓伎 CCTV襷 蟲   給.
蠍一ヾ 覓伎 觜 覯 觚襴酔 螳螳 IP螳 
る MBro 覓伎 CCTV  IP襦 觜 覯
觚襴酔螳 伎覃 企 蠏覈 CCTV襯 蟲豢 覲
  螻 螳蟆 願屋  .
 MBro 覓伎 CCTV ろ 轟
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
 MBro 覓伎 CCTV 蟲焔
覓伎 蟇磯Μ : 3km
Made in Korea
Switch Hub
Monitoring (CMS)
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
襦蠏 豺企
Analog Camera
覓伎  ′レ
Wireless video
讌 豺企
HD-SDI Camera
覓伎  ′レ
Wireless video
Video server
Long range
 MBro 覓伎  ′ レ (れ )
MBro-WVT (覓伎  ′レ) Analog/HD-SDI 蠍  讌碁
覲 覦 豢蠍磯リ骸 リ碓襴 覓伎 ♀鍵レ朱 Data襯 蟇磯Μ(3km 伎)蟾
讌 覓伎朱 Analog/HD-SDI ′   襦 蟲焔 レ.
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
覓伎  レ
Wireless video
MBro-WVR (覓伎  レ)  5GHz 
 譴 襦蠏 , Wi-Fi 碁ゼ 讌, 覿
 豕 豈 朱    蠍磯レ
螻牛覃, 豈 語伎, Wi-Fi 語覲伎 螳 覓伎
Signal 覿覲企ゼ 蟯襴螳 語 覈磯  
襦 蠍磯レ 螻牛
Digital video storage
蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI 螻伎 Camera 
豕螻 伎 °襦 螻 ロ   蠍
 豈, レ螳  一麹螳 螳ロ
蟆曙 覦 煙 螳 一 螳襯 覦螻
 MBro 覓伎   レ / MBro  レレ
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
 MBro 覓伎 CCTV System  豌襴/ルル
48 Mbps
覓企Μ 覯る
HD-SDI Camera (12 Mbps/)
4 一危磯 ♀
麹螳 豢
蠍一ヾ(NVR/DVR) Network 

560 Mbps
MBRO-WCS Network 
 HD-SDI Camera (12 Mbps/)
48 一危 ♀
覈 豺企 れ螳 豐螻 麹
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
30覦 讀螳
豺企 郁屋 channel
螳 襷朱  NVR
朱, MVS螳 
 ル Data襦
豺企 郁屋 channel螳
襷  Analog/HD-SDI
殊朱  リ鍵
 覦 蟆
豐螻 /所鍵 焔
朱 豕 伎
螻糾, 覈 channel
 蠍壱 蟆螳
 覦 蟆
 Data 讀螳襦 麹/ 覓語
Full HD-SDI 蟆曙 襦 蠍一ヾ
ル逢 DVR, NVR襦 
Data襯 覦 襷 HD-SDI Camera
 Data襯 ロ蠍一 螻 .
Full HD-SDI  麹覓語 願屋
蠍一ヾ レ覲企 10覦 伎 レ襦 Full HD-SDI  麹覓語 願屋襦, 蠏覈
Analog/HD-SDI Camera る  Data襯 豐螻 麹/蟆蠍磯レ 螻.
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
 MBro 覓伎 CCTV System  焔ル蟲
蟆曙 A 蟆曙 B
牛 覿襴 覿襴

Wi-Fi, IEEE802.11a/b/g/n,
5.8Ghz, MiMo
Wi-Fi FM 覲覲旧^

 牛 Module襦 蟲
(觜れ覯 + Bridge + Antenna)
螳覲 Module襦 覿襴蟲
( 貊, ′ Bridge,
螳螳 螳覲 Module襦 蟲
( FM覲譟, )
Analog Camera:
′Module = 4:1
HD-SDI Camera:
′Module = 1:1
(觜 覯+ Bridge)
= 1:1
( FM 覲譟 + Bridge)
= 1:1


蠏/蟇磯Μ Bridge
(覲  Decoder
蠏/蟇磯Μ Bridge
(覲  Decoder
FM Decoder 
  ′ :  = N : 1 ′ :  = N : 1 ′ :  = 1 : 1
 Ethernet Digital (MVS) Ethernet Digital (NVR) Analog (DVR)
蠏手碓襴 る/ れ蟆曙
壱蟆 螳
蠏手碓襴 れ蟆曙 壱讌 覈

譯朱蟆曙 レ 覦
蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI Camera
殊れ 伎螳
蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI Camera
殊れ 伎企れ
蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI Camera
殊れ 伎企れ

FM 覲譟
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
豺企 譬襯
IP 豺企 
覈 豺企
IP 豺企
豈  128豈/ 16 豈/ 32豈/
HD-SDI 豺企 麹 螳
朱 螳
麹 讌 1920fps@1280x720 120fps@704x480 1920fps@352x240
ろ語 レ
(Sustained Data
I/O Rate)
(4Mbps襦 32
(4Mbps襦 4  麹)
リ概螳  螳 覿螳 覿螳
HD-SDI 8 5 4
牛蟯 螳 覿螳 螳
1豐/豈 企
(覈 蟆豈
蠍壱 螳)
- 3-5覿(覲 DB 覯 )
Full channel monitor
 覈 Camera Analog/HD-
SDI 蟲覿 , Full  れ螳
monitor 螳
企れ 企れ
CMS 豺企 豢螳  覲 觜  豺企 豢螳  覲 觜
 MBro -レレ 覦 牛蟯 ろ 蟲焔蟲
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
MBro-WVT (′蠍 / Video Transmitter )
Model mane MBro-WVT SD4-A MBro-WVT HD1-A
Dimension 26826884 mm
Weight 4kg
Standard IEEE802.11a/n, IEEE802.3/3u, IEEE802.3at
Radio Range
(語瑚鍵 覲伎^蟇)
Frequency 5.150 ~ 5.825 GHz
Modulation OFDM, MCS0 ~MCS15
Channel 5GHz  :36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161,
Sensitivity 5GHz@-73dBm ~ -89dBm
Power Supply 12V(1A)
Interface Sensor Input, Alarm Output, Audio Port, DC Output,RS-485
WPA, WPA2.0, AES and/or TKIP, Unicast Encryption: 802.1x Authentication, WEP Encryption, MAC Address Filtering, DHCP Client/Server,
WDS (Wireless Distribution System) Supported
Network DHCP Client/Server, WDS (Wireless Distribution System) Supported
Administrator ID/PWD, Device Name, Station & AP Assoc Information, System Information, Telnet Server Support
Web-based Configuration, Upgrade through HTTP/TFTP, Event Log (WEB Interface)
Operating temperature -20属 ~ 70属C
Video processing Advanced noise filter
Video compression H.264/MJPEG/MPEG4 High profile
Encoding bit rate Up to 12Mbps
Resolution Up to 704 x 480p @ 30fps Up to 1920 x 1080p @ 30fps
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
MBro-WVR (蠍 / Video Receiver)
Model mane MBro-WVR-A
Dimension 26826884 mm
Weight 4kg
Standard IEEE 802.11a/n, IEEE802.3 10/100Mbps Ethernet
Radio Range MAX 5Km(LOS)
Frequency 5.150 ~ 5.825 GHz
Sensitivity 5GHz@-73dBm ~ -79dBm
Power Supply DC12V(2A) 802.3af PoE
Interface Ethernet 10/100 Port, One Antenna Port(N-Type)
WPA, WPA2.0, AES and/or TKIP, Encryption
WEP Encryption, MAC Address Filtering
DNS Server, DHCP Client/Server, WDS (Wireless Distribution System), Subnet, Gateway, WAN: IP, Subnet, Gateway, Up/Down TCP
Throughtput Test, Ethernet Link Speed Control MTU,
Administrator ID/PWD, Device Name, Station & AP Assoc Information, System Information, Telnet Server, , Web-based Configuration,
Upgrade through HTTP/TFTP, Event Log (WEB Interface & Log Server), Time Configuration, Reboot, Factory Reset, Data Traffic
-20属 ~ 70属C
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
MBro-MVS (レレ / Video Storage )
Model mane MBro-KHMR-R1 MBro-KHMR-R2
Dimension 240 x 240 x 60 480 x 420 x 90 420  430  45 420  500  133
Weight 2kg 15kg 10kg 18 kg
Channel 32 128
Compressing H.264, MPEG4, MJPEG
Recording Resolution 19201080
Recording speed 30 Frame /channel
Recording type Consecutive, Schedule, Event ,motion, manual Consecutive Event ,motion,
Event ,motion,
Replay type Calendar ,Event, Motion
Sustained I/O speed 560Mbps per MVS chip
Network 2 x 1,000 Mbps 2 x 1,000 Mbps
HDD 1Slots (Max 4TB)
2 Slots
(Max 8TB)
2 Slots
(Max 8TB)
2 Slots (Max 8TB), Hot
8 Slots (Max 32TB), Hot
Back-up Advanced Backup System RAID 0,1,5,10(option)
Protocol MBro, LPX, TCP/IP, UDP, Multicast, DHCP, SMTP, HTTP, SNMP, RTP, RTSP
View server Quad Core
Power Supply 12V(3.5A)
Power Consumption 24W 120W 80W 160W
Video search speed Within 1~3sec ( unlimited capacity)
Made in Korea
觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ
www.kanaeng.co.krMade in Korea
Add:語 燕蟲 覓碁 5螳 9覯讌 覯曙磯讌碁宛襴 1006
Tel: 82-2-2671-2686
Fax: 82-2-2632-9776
Email: kanambro@naver.com

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語&一(Monthly AIDC n INDUSTRY AUTOMATION) 2014 9
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Amazon Web Services Korea
企殊磯襯 覩碁 襦語 襭 螳 - 伎 襭讀 ろ (GSれろ) :: 覩碁 貉れろ襾 一
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Amazon Web Services Korea
2020.07.14 PWJ SunTechI IoT 螳襭 (豕譬) (2).pptx
2020.07.14 PWJ SunTechI IoT 螳襭 (豕譬) (2).pptx2020.07.14 PWJ SunTechI IoT 螳襭 (豕譬) (2).pptx
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Long distance wireless cctv total solution

  • 1. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.krMade in Korea リ碓襴襯 讌 覓伎 殊牡 螻 ろ 蠏覈 螻讌 覲伎ロ 牛蟯襴 ろ 螻旧 螻リ軌覿 蠏覓 覓誤 譯殊姶
  • 2. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr 殊牡 蠏覈 リ碓襴 牛 襭 MBro 覓伎 CCTV 覓伎′蠍 , 覓伎蠍, レレ襯 覈 MBro Protocol 襷豢 螳覦 朱 ろ 螻牛 襭 覯伎 . ろ朱 企 伎 MBro覓伎 CCTV 襭 企襦 豈襦 蟆曙 所 螳ロ覃 螳 誤煙 覲企 危 覿 讌 覲伎 給. MBro 覓伎 CCTV 豌 螳覦 リ碓襴Protocol襯 覲企 蠍一ヾ 覓伎 襷轟 伎 蟇磯Μ 螻煙 蠍一朱 . LOS覲伎 蟆曙 覓伎 ′蠍一 覓伎蠍磯ゼ 1:1襦 覃 3km~5km蟾讌 ′ 螳ロ. LOS螳 覲 讌 蟲螳 譴螻蠍磯ゼ 伎 LOS 襯 覲危 螳ロ. MBro 覓伎 CCTV 覓伎 ′蠍一 4 SD 豺企朱ゼ 郁屋螻 覓伎 蠍 螳 3 覓伎 ′蠍磯ゼ 蠍 覓 蠏覈 CCTV襯 り螻 蟲豢 . MBro 覓伎 CCTV れ れ 蟆曙 覦 覓語 壱 れ 覦 蟲豢 螳ロ 覯螳 暑 MBro 覓伎 CCTV 豢 觜 覯 豢 ″ 觚襴酔螳 CPU襦 螳覦 所 覓伎 CCTV襷 蟲 給. 蠍一ヾ 覓伎 觜 覯 觚襴酔 螳螳 IP螳 る MBro 覓伎 CCTV IP襦 觜 覯 觚襴酔螳 伎覃 企 蠏覈 CCTV襯 蟲豢 覲 螻 螳蟆 願屋 . MBro 覓伎 CCTV ろ 轟
  • 3. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr MBro 覓伎 CCTV 蟲焔 覓伎 蟇磯Μ : 3km Made in Korea Switch Hub 蟯覯 Monitoring (CMS)
  • 4. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr MBro-WVT SD-A MBro-WVT HD-A 襦蠏 豺企 Analog Camera 覓伎 ′レ Wireless video transmitter 讌 豺企 HD-SDI Camera 覓伎 ′レ Wireless video transmitter Video server AP/Bridge Long range Antenna 牛 Integrated 牛 Integrated MBro 覓伎 ′ レ (れ ) MBro-WVT (覓伎 ′レ) Analog/HD-SDI 蠍 讌碁 覲 覦 豢蠍磯リ骸 リ碓襴 覓伎 ♀鍵レ朱 Data襯 蟇磯Μ(3km 伎)蟾 讌 覓伎朱 Analog/HD-SDI ′ 襦 蟲焔 レ. Made in Korea
  • 5. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr MBro-WVR MBro-MVS 覓伎 レ Wireless video receiver MBro-WVR (覓伎 レ) 5GHz 譴 襦蠏 , Wi-Fi 碁ゼ 讌, 覿 豕 豈 朱 蠍磯レ 螻牛覃, 豈 語伎, Wi-Fi 語覲伎 螳 覓伎 Signal 覿覲企ゼ 蟯襴螳 語 覈磯 襦 蠍磯レ 螻牛 SD/HD 狩 レレ Digital video storage 蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI 螻伎 Camera 豕螻 伎 °襦 螻 ロ 蠍 豈, レ螳 一麹螳 螳ロ 蟆曙 覦 煙 螳 一 螳襯 覦螻 ろ. MBro 覓伎 レ / MBro レレ Made in Korea
  • 6. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr MBro 覓伎 CCTV System 豌襴/ルル 48 Mbps 覓企Μ 覯る HD-SDI Camera (12 Mbps/) 4 一危磯 ♀ 豢 麹螳 豢 DVR / NVR 蠍一ヾ(NVR/DVR) Network 蠍一 560 Mbps MBRO-WCS Network HD-SDI Camera (12 Mbps/) 48 一危 ♀ MBRO-KN200 豢 覈 豺企 れ螳 豐螻 麹 Made in Korea
  • 7. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr CIF D1 HD-SDI Full HD-SDI 30覦 讀螳 NVR MVS Channel 8 128 豺企 郁屋 channel 螳 襷朱 NVR 譴 朱, MVS螳 NVR MVS Data 48Mbps 560Mbps ル Data襦 豺企 郁屋 channel螳 襷 Analog/HD-SDI 殊朱 リ鍵 螻 NVR MVS 覦 蟆 豐螻 /所鍵 焔 朱 豕 伎 螻糾, 覈 channel 蠍壱 蟆螳 覦 蟆 Data 讀螳襦 麹/ 覓語 Full HD-SDI 蟆曙 襦 蠍一ヾ ル逢 DVR, NVR襦 Data襯 覦 襷 HD-SDI Camera Data襯 ロ蠍一 螻 . Full HD-SDI 麹覓語 願屋 蠍一ヾ レ覲企 10覦 伎 レ襦 Full HD-SDI 麹覓語 願屋襦, 蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI Camera る Data襯 豐螻 麹/蟆蠍磯レ 螻. Made in Korea
  • 8. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr MBro 覓伎 CCTV System 焔ル蟲 蟲覿 KANA ENG SYSTEM (MBro-WCS) 蟆曙 A 蟆曙 B 覓伎 CCTV レ 牛 覿襴 覿襴 覓伎覦/ 譯狩/ Wi-Fi, IEEE802.11a/b/g/n, 5.8Ghz, MiMo Wi-Fi FM 覲覲旧^ ′ (Tx) ′ レ 牛 Module襦 蟲 (觜れ覯 + Bridge + Antenna) 螳覲 Module襦 覿襴蟲 ( 貊, ′ Bridge, Antenna) 螳螳 螳覲 Module襦 蟲 ( FM覲譟, ) 豺企 郁屋 Analog Camera: ′Module = 4:1 HD-SDI Camera: ′Module = 1:1 Camera: (觜 覯+ Bridge) = 1:1 Camera: ( FM 覲譟 + Bridge) = 1:1 (Rx) 覦 蠏/蟇磯Μ Bridge (覲 Decoder ) 蠏/蟇磯Μ Bridge (覲 Decoder ) 覲 FM Decoder ′ : = N : 1 ′ : = N : 1 ′ : = 1 : 1 Ethernet Digital (MVS) Ethernet Digital (NVR) Analog (DVR) れ蟆 蠏手碓襴 る/ れ蟆曙 壱蟆 螳 蠏手碓襴 れ蟆曙 壱讌 覈 譯朱蟆曙 レ 覦 伎 蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI Camera 殊れ 伎螳 蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI Camera 殊れ 伎企れ 蠏覈 Analog/HD-SDI Camera 殊れ 伎企れ FM 覲譟 Made in Korea
  • 9. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr 覈 MBro-MVS DVR NVR 豺企 譬襯 IP 豺企 覈 豺企 襦蠏 豺企 IP 豺企 豈 128豈/ 16 豈/ 32豈/ HD-SDI 豺企 麹 螳 朱 螳 () 螳 麹 讌 1920fps@1280x720 120fps@704x480 1920fps@352x240 ろ語 レ (Sustained Data I/O Rate) 560Mbps (4Mbps襦 32 麹) - 48Mbps (4Mbps襦 4 麹) リ概螳 螳 覿螳 覿螳 HD-SDI 8 5 4 牛蟯 螳 覿螳 螳 蟆 1豐/豈 企 (覈 蟆豈 蠍壱 螳) - 3-5覿(覲 DB 覯 ) Full channel monitor 蠍磯 覈 Camera Analog/HD- SDI 蟲覿 , Full れ螳 monitor 螳 企れ 企れ CMS 豺企 豢螳 覲 觜 豺企 豢螳 覲 觜 MBro -レレ 覦 牛蟯 ろ 蟲焔蟲 Made in Korea
  • 10. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr MBro-WVT (′蠍 / Video Transmitter ) Model mane MBro-WVT SD4-A MBro-WVT HD1-A Image Dimension 26826884 mm Weight 4kg Standard IEEE802.11a/n, IEEE802.3/3u, IEEE802.3at Radio Range MAX 3Km(LOS) (語瑚鍵 覲伎^蟇) Frequency 5.150 ~ 5.825 GHz Modulation OFDM, MCS0 ~MCS15 Channel 5GHz :36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, Sensitivity 5GHz@-73dBm ~ -89dBm Power Supply 12V(1A) Interface Sensor Input, Alarm Output, Audio Port, DC Output,RS-485 Security WPA, WPA2.0, AES and/or TKIP, Unicast Encryption: 802.1x Authentication, WEP Encryption, MAC Address Filtering, DHCP Client/Server, WDS (Wireless Distribution System) Supported Network DHCP Client/Server, WDS (Wireless Distribution System) Supported Management Administrator ID/PWD, Device Name, Station & AP Assoc Information, System Information, Telnet Server Support Web-based Configuration, Upgrade through HTTP/TFTP, Event Log (WEB Interface) Operating temperature -20属 ~ 70属C Video processing Advanced noise filter Video compression H.264/MJPEG/MPEG4 High profile Encoding bit rate Up to 12Mbps Resolution Up to 704 x 480p @ 30fps Up to 1920 x 1080p @ 30fps Made in Korea
  • 11. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr MBro-WVR (蠍 / Video Receiver) Model mane MBro-WVR-A Image Dimension 26826884 mm Weight 4kg Standard IEEE 802.11a/n, IEEE802.3 10/100Mbps Ethernet Radio Range MAX 5Km(LOS) Frequency 5.150 ~ 5.825 GHz Modulation DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK, OFDM Channel 802.11n(20Mhz):14.4/28.9/43.3/57.8/86.7/115.6/130.144.4Mpbs 802.11n(40MHz):30/60/90/120/180/240/270/300Mbps Sensitivity 5GHz@-73dBm ~ -79dBm Power Supply DC12V(2A) 802.3af PoE Interface Ethernet 10/100 Port, One Antenna Port(N-Type) Security WPA, WPA2.0, AES and/or TKIP, Encryption WEP Encryption, MAC Address Filtering Network DNS Server, DHCP Client/Server, WDS (Wireless Distribution System), Subnet, Gateway, WAN: IP, Subnet, Gateway, Up/Down TCP Throughtput Test, Ethernet Link Speed Control MTU, Management Administrator ID/PWD, Device Name, Station & AP Assoc Information, System Information, Telnet Server, , Web-based Configuration, Upgrade through HTTP/TFTP, Event Log (WEB Interface & Log Server), Time Configuration, Reboot, Factory Reset, Data Traffic Statistics Operating temperature -20属 ~ 70属C Made in Korea
  • 12. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.kr MBro-MVS (レレ / Video Storage ) Model mane MBro-KHMR-R1 MBro-KHMR-R2 MBro- KHMR-S/A MBro-KS2G MBro-KA8G Image Dimension 240 x 240 x 60 480 x 420 x 90 420 430 45 420 500 133 Weight 2kg 15kg 10kg 18 kg Channel 32 128 Compressing H.264, MPEG4, MJPEG Recording Resolution 19201080 Recording speed 30 Frame /channel Recording type Consecutive, Schedule, Event ,motion, manual Consecutive Event ,motion, Consecutive, Event ,motion, Replay type Calendar ,Event, Motion Sustained I/O speed 560Mbps per MVS chip Network 2 x 1,000 Mbps 2 x 1,000 Mbps HDD 1Slots (Max 4TB) 2 Slots (Max 8TB) 2 Slots (Max 8TB) 2 Slots (Max 8TB), Hot Swap 8 Slots (Max 32TB), Hot Swap Back-up Advanced Backup System RAID 0,1,5,10(option) Protocol MBro, LPX, TCP/IP, UDP, Multicast, DHCP, SMTP, HTTP, SNMP, RTP, RTSP View server Quad Core Power Supply 12V(3.5A) Power Consumption 24W 120W 80W 160W Video search speed Within 1~3sec ( unlimited capacity) Made in Korea
  • 13. 觚襦 覓伎 CCTV ろ www.kanaeng.co.krMade in Korea (譯)螳伎讌 Add:語 燕蟲 覓碁 5螳 9覯讌 覯曙磯讌碁宛襴 1006 Tel: 82-2-2671-2686 Fax: 82-2-2632-9776 Email: kanambro@naver.com