This document summarizes an iPad project at Longacres Primary school which introduced iPads to Grade R and Grade 1 classrooms. It faced initial technical challenges in setting up WiFi and iTunes as well as pedagogical challenges in teacher training and developing an integrated curriculum. Early challenges included adapting students to the iPad interface and basic apps in Grade R while Grade 1 focused on curriculum integration and digital literacy skills. The project aims to teach students 21st century skills like using iPad tools and web technologies to create their own content like ebooks, videos and music.
2. ï‚¡Started with no
previous iPad or
tablet experience
ï‚¡No technological
platform in place
when we started in
ï‚¡For 2013 iPads to
be used in the
Grade R and
Grade 1 class
3. ï‚¡ Technical issues
 Setting up a wifi network
 Managing multiple tablets
 Getting to grips with iTunes!
 The Apple SA App Store
ï‚¡ Pedagogical challenges
 Took the view that our pedagogical goals must be used to
inform the use of the technology
 Teacher training incl hands on training in using ipads and
various emerging technologies
 The establishment of a literature repository on Pinterest
 Embedded and Integrated use interwoven with the curriculum
(avoiding app driven content)
5. ï‚¡ The Grade Rs
 Introduction to iPads with the focus on:
 Adapting to the tablet/apple interface
 An emphasis on elementary apps
 Creation of basic skills sets such as using the camera, sound bites
ï‚¡ The Grade Ones
 Focus on integration into curriculum
 Creating Digital Literacies
 Educators use of ipad/apple tv to enhance teaching and presentation
of currciulum
 For eg youtube, google earth, images etc
ï‚¡ iPads provide an effective platform for children with
6. ï‚¡Digital Literacy is a vital
21st Century skill and
underlines our pedagogy
ï‚¡Kids are taught to utilise
the full spectrum of iPad
tools and web 2.0
technologies to produce
their own ebooklets,
videos, music etc.