School Science Club - Fingerprints
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Videos from The Crime Scene Investigator Network
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Longdendale High School (forensic ) science club
1. Longdendale High School
(Forensic ) Science Club
Forensic Science is any science used for the purposes of the
law, and therefore provides impartial scientific evidence for use
in the courts of law, e.g. in a criminal investigation and trial.
2. Gary Howard
Royal Military Police Forensic Investigator
Designed and built the first Fingerprint
Laboratory in the Caribbean
Trained the staff for the lab
Trained CSI Staff
Attended Crime Scenes involving murder / rape
/ crimes of national importance.
3. WorldSkills UK Forensic Science
155000 visitors over two years
Over 50 competitors over two
Gaining skills to help
Meeting professionals and
experts in the industry
Showcasing the provision of the
BTEC, University Students and
new entrants into the industry
5. Formation of Fingerprints
? A person's fingerprints are formed when they are a tiny developing baby in
their mother's womb. Pressure on the fingers from the baby touching, and
their surroundings (which are in fluid) create what are called "friction ridges",
the faint lines you see on your fingers and toes.
? Not one finger has the same detail as the next.
? Every person in the world has different fingerprints (more individual than DNA)