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                        A publication of the 2/138th FAR                                         January 18, 2013
                                                                                                   Volume 1, Issue 14

                          CPTs Corner                                      Biera Antelope Preserve
                  Weve made it through the holidays. I hope
                  that everyone enjoyed themselves, and that                in Africa is becoming a
                  you spent time talking with family. Even
                  amidst our work environment here, we must
                                                                                 real thing!
                                                                   Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Steve Tressler, 2-138th PAO
                  all remember that our families back home
                  have it just as tough as we do. The best way
to get through these trying times is to communicate often,
and listen. You have to make time to do this.
As we swiftly approach the halfway point of our tour, we
must continue to remain focused on the mission and not
allow complacency to set in. Ive talked with many of you
about the unique ways that you have to spend your time here,
and I encourage you again to take advantage of these so that
the days dont turn into Groundhog Day.
One of the best and most rewarding ways to use your free
time is to volunteer. There is a volunteer activity almost every
day, so get with your leadership about signing up. In addition
to helping make this a better place, you get to get outside of     DJIBOUTI - Task Force Longrifles of the Kentucky National Guard has continued to help
the wire and see new things. Echoing Chaplain Slaughter,           the US Army Civil Affairs Team in one of their main projects here in Djibouti, the Biera
                                                                   Antelope Preserve.
you will have a hard time feeling gloomy while helping others
out.                                                               DJIBOUTI  For the second time in as many months,
                                                                   Soldiers from Task Force Longrifles teamed up with the US
Stay safe and stay alert!
					~Capt. Aaron Vansickle                                        Armys Joint Civil Affairs Team #4482 to make a voyage to
                                                                   the Beira Antelope Preserve in southern Djibouti, Africa.
                         1SG Thoughts                              The previous trip focused on marking the boundaries of the
	                 Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the        preserve.
                  time in our deployment where, historically,
                                                                   This trip would make the preserve official by setting up a
                  complacency and mistakes set in and begin
                                                                   permanent bivouac site for any and all guests of the preserve
                  to affect the mission.
                                                                   in the future.
                  Our job as Soldiers, officers, and NCOs is to
                  step up, be our brothersand sisters keeper     The main goal for this bivouac site is to showcase how
and combat complacency and mitigate as many mistakes as            beautiful this area is and hopefully to generate some revenue
possible.                                                          for the village here as well said US Army Ranger Sgt. 1st
Change up routines, assignments, shifts etc. Make sure you         Class Eric Estes, a Woodinville, Wash. Native and civil
are taking advantage of some of the volunteer oppurtunities.       affairs team sergeant.
Those are excellent ways to relax and clear your head after
                                                                   When the Soldier-volunteers arrived they saw a lot of work
long days on the ECP, flightline or QRF.
                                                                   in front of them if this was to be an eco-friendly campsite.
Stress is a major contributor to complacency and mistakes.         The first mission was to clear all the rocks under and around
Make sure you are keeping an eye out for unneeded stressors        three main trees that would provide relief and protection
and monitoring the health and welfare of yourselves, your          from the hot African sun for future visitors.
Soldiers and your peers.
Being diligent, enforcing standards and SOPs, and looking           Part two of the mission was to use those rocks they cleared
out for one another will ensure that the Taskforce Longrifles      to set up a system of pathways that would direct visitors to
mission will be conducted successfully and without incident.       each of the three bivouac areas. Finally, the third mission was
                                                                   to clear out a large enough spot for twelve parking spaces for
			                                         ~1SG Sean Russell
                                                                                                           CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 > > >
BIERA ANTELOPE	                            CONTINUED FROM P. 1 > > >
                                                                                                Soldier to Soldier
visitors to park once they arrived.                                               	 Any Soldier interested in participating in a shout-
Mission accomplished. Within hours of arrival, the Soldier-                          out should stop by the Public Affairs office located
volunteers and the civil affairs team had made the bivouac                           in building 150, Monday through Friday from 1300-
site not only usable, but had it looking like it had been there                      1600. POC is Capt. Van Horn, ext. 4807.
all along.                                                                        	 Any Soldier interested in volunteering for Troops
                                                          We couldnt be            and Teachers on Tuesdays and Thursdays, contact
                                                          happier with the           1st Lt. Weiler in building 150 or ext. 5031.
                                                          efforts of these
                                                          Kentucky Soldiers.
                                                                                  	 The Chaplains Office will be collecting donations
                                                          They got here and          of 550 Cord from now until further notice. Any
                                                          went straight to           Soldiers interested in making donations can stop by
                                                          work; its been great      building 150 between 0900-1600.
                                                          to have the help!
                                                                                  	 5 on 5 basketball league sign ups began 8 Jan at the
                                                          said Estes.
                                                                                     gym, the games start on 4 Feb.
                                       An interesting note
DJIBOUTI - The bivouac site as seen from one of the is that
                                                  the Beira
mountaintops at the Beira Antelope Preserve in theAntelope
                                                   does not
                                                                                           Chaplain Reflections
Djiboutian mountains.
                                      climb down off the                                             Personal excellence is a worthy goal!
rocky mountain ledges to drink water. Its water comes solely                                         When you set a goal of excellence in all
from eating plants and grass high up in the mountainous                                              you do, you take responsibility for your
areas.                                                                                               actions, attitudes, and destinations.
                                                                                                     Without personal excellence it is too easy
Hopefully with the efforts of the Kentucky volunteers and
Estes and his team, future visitors will always have a place to                                      to blame poor performance on other
see the Beira Antelope.                                                                              people or circumstances. However, the
                                                                                  person who sets the goal of putting their personal best into
                                                                                  all they do will always stand out in the crowd.
                                                                                  Zig Ziglar, one of Americas leading motivational speakers,
                                                                                  passed away in 2012. Mr. Ziglar once shared the story of
                                                                                  a handicapped man who would sit in the subways of New
                                                                                  York with two cans: one can for money and the other
                                                                                  containing #2 wooden pencils. As people passed by they
                                                                                  would drop money in one can and take a pencil from the
                                                                                  other. One day a man zipping through the subway dropped
                                                                                  coins in the money can but did not take a pencil. Quick
                                                                                  as a flash the handicapped man, in his wheel chair, chased
                                                                                  down the gentlemen and said, Sir, you forgot your pencil.
DJIBOUTI - Before and after picture of campsite #1 at the Preserve.               The traveler responded, It was a donation. You can keep
                                                                                  the pencil. The handicapped man replied, Sir, I am not a
            Quotations to Live By...                                              beggar. I am a pencil salesman and you are my customer.
	 Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss                              This simple story calls us to ask two essential questions:
   events. Small minds discuss people.                                           1) What are my personal standards; and 2) What personal
	 I havent failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that wont                      excuses am I tolerating for my actions, attitudes, and
   work.                                                                         destinations? When the way gets hard and the day gets
	 To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be noth-                          long, many times it is our personal decisions about who
   ing.                                                                          we see ourselves to be that pulls us through the hard spots.
	 The real oppurtunity for success lies within the person                       So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all
   and not in the job.                                                           for the glory of God.                 ~Chaplain Mark East
	 You miss 100% of the shots you dont take.
                                                                                                                               Longrifles Weekly
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Longrifles Weekly

  • 1. LONGRIFLEs WEEKLY A publication of the 2/138th FAR January 18, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 14 CPTs Corner Biera Antelope Preserve Weve made it through the holidays. I hope that everyone enjoyed themselves, and that in Africa is becoming a you spent time talking with family. Even amidst our work environment here, we must real thing! Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Steve Tressler, 2-138th PAO all remember that our families back home have it just as tough as we do. The best way to get through these trying times is to communicate often, and listen. You have to make time to do this. As we swiftly approach the halfway point of our tour, we must continue to remain focused on the mission and not allow complacency to set in. Ive talked with many of you about the unique ways that you have to spend your time here, and I encourage you again to take advantage of these so that the days dont turn into Groundhog Day. One of the best and most rewarding ways to use your free time is to volunteer. There is a volunteer activity almost every day, so get with your leadership about signing up. In addition to helping make this a better place, you get to get outside of DJIBOUTI - Task Force Longrifles of the Kentucky National Guard has continued to help the wire and see new things. Echoing Chaplain Slaughter, the US Army Civil Affairs Team in one of their main projects here in Djibouti, the Biera Antelope Preserve. you will have a hard time feeling gloomy while helping others out. DJIBOUTI For the second time in as many months, Soldiers from Task Force Longrifles teamed up with the US Stay safe and stay alert! ~Capt. Aaron Vansickle Armys Joint Civil Affairs Team #4482 to make a voyage to the Beira Antelope Preserve in southern Djibouti, Africa. 1SG Thoughts The previous trip focused on marking the boundaries of the Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the preserve. time in our deployment where, historically, This trip would make the preserve official by setting up a complacency and mistakes set in and begin permanent bivouac site for any and all guests of the preserve to affect the mission. in the future. Our job as Soldiers, officers, and NCOs is to step up, be our brothersand sisters keeper The main goal for this bivouac site is to showcase how and combat complacency and mitigate as many mistakes as beautiful this area is and hopefully to generate some revenue possible. for the village here as well said US Army Ranger Sgt. 1st Change up routines, assignments, shifts etc. Make sure you Class Eric Estes, a Woodinville, Wash. Native and civil are taking advantage of some of the volunteer oppurtunities. affairs team sergeant. Those are excellent ways to relax and clear your head after When the Soldier-volunteers arrived they saw a lot of work long days on the ECP, flightline or QRF. in front of them if this was to be an eco-friendly campsite. Stress is a major contributor to complacency and mistakes. The first mission was to clear all the rocks under and around Make sure you are keeping an eye out for unneeded stressors three main trees that would provide relief and protection and monitoring the health and welfare of yourselves, your from the hot African sun for future visitors. Soldiers and your peers. Being diligent, enforcing standards and SOPs, and looking Part two of the mission was to use those rocks they cleared out for one another will ensure that the Taskforce Longrifles to set up a system of pathways that would direct visitors to mission will be conducted successfully and without incident. each of the three bivouac areas. Finally, the third mission was to clear out a large enough spot for twelve parking spaces for ~1SG Sean Russell CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 > > >
  • 2. BIERA ANTELOPE CONTINUED FROM P. 1 > > > Soldier to Soldier visitors to park once they arrived. Any Soldier interested in participating in a shout- Mission accomplished. Within hours of arrival, the Soldier- out should stop by the Public Affairs office located volunteers and the civil affairs team had made the bivouac in building 150, Monday through Friday from 1300- site not only usable, but had it looking like it had been there 1600. POC is Capt. Van Horn, ext. 4807. all along. Any Soldier interested in volunteering for Troops We couldnt be and Teachers on Tuesdays and Thursdays, contact happier with the 1st Lt. Weiler in building 150 or ext. 5031. efforts of these Kentucky Soldiers. The Chaplains Office will be collecting donations They got here and of 550 Cord from now until further notice. Any went straight to Soldiers interested in making donations can stop by work; its been great building 150 between 0900-1600. to have the help! 5 on 5 basketball league sign ups began 8 Jan at the said Estes. gym, the games start on 4 Feb. An interesting note DJIBOUTI - The bivouac site as seen from one of the is that the Beira mountaintops at the Beira Antelope Preserve in theAntelope does not Chaplain Reflections Djiboutian mountains. climb down off the Personal excellence is a worthy goal! rocky mountain ledges to drink water. Its water comes solely When you set a goal of excellence in all from eating plants and grass high up in the mountainous you do, you take responsibility for your areas. actions, attitudes, and destinations. Without personal excellence it is too easy Hopefully with the efforts of the Kentucky volunteers and Estes and his team, future visitors will always have a place to to blame poor performance on other see the Beira Antelope. people or circumstances. However, the person who sets the goal of putting their personal best into all they do will always stand out in the crowd. Zig Ziglar, one of Americas leading motivational speakers, passed away in 2012. Mr. Ziglar once shared the story of a handicapped man who would sit in the subways of New York with two cans: one can for money and the other containing #2 wooden pencils. As people passed by they would drop money in one can and take a pencil from the other. One day a man zipping through the subway dropped coins in the money can but did not take a pencil. Quick as a flash the handicapped man, in his wheel chair, chased down the gentlemen and said, Sir, you forgot your pencil. DJIBOUTI - Before and after picture of campsite #1 at the Preserve. The traveler responded, It was a donation. You can keep the pencil. The handicapped man replied, Sir, I am not a Quotations to Live By... beggar. I am a pencil salesman and you are my customer. Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss This simple story calls us to ask two essential questions: events. Small minds discuss people. 1) What are my personal standards; and 2) What personal I havent failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that wont excuses am I tolerating for my actions, attitudes, and work. destinations? When the way gets hard and the day gets To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be noth- long, many times it is our personal decisions about who ing. we see ourselves to be that pulls us through the hard spots. The real oppurtunity for success lies within the person So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all and not in the job. for the glory of God. ~Chaplain Mark East You miss 100% of the shots you dont take. Longrifles Weekly Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/TaskForceLongrifles Page 2