The document discusses whether ISO 9000 is worth revisiting given the 2000 revisions. It mentions the website "Learning with ISO 9000" and the author's work experience in print and web design companies. The author is trying to find ways of working consistently with quality ideas. The document also discusses hype around terms like "quality circles" and labels seen as phases rather than coexisting values. It quotes Victor Newma saying the idea of a learning organization is an analogy in productive tension with itself.
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1. Is ISO 9000 worth another look?
Hype for ‘Learning Company’
Knocking Copy for ‘Quality’
2000 revisions a good time
to look at ISO 9000
Aim to establish some connections
and continue discussion later
2. Website ‘Learning with ISO 9000’
Work in print company 91-98
ISO 9000 discontinued
93 Applied for MAML course
Currently Exetreme web design
Trying to nd ways of working consistent
with quality ideas
Network Publishing
Mid 80s DTP etc
Mid 90s Web
Now : Adobe at Seybold
3. Hype and Knocking Copy
‘Quality Circles, the search for
excellence and so on’ as part of the
‘litter of yesterday’s right answers’.
Labels seen as Phases, sequential
solutions to problems rather than
reecting values which co-exist.
Diagrams based on Burrell and Morgan
can show connections between the
different labels.