The document discusses different types of relationships and how to develop them. It states that relationships are based on trust, needs being met, love and affinity. It emphasizes looking at the substance of a relationship rather than focusing on labels. The key aspects of building relationships are showing care, understanding, respect, spending quality time together and ensuring reciprocation from both parties. Relationships take work and developing over time based on mutual liking, interest and trust between individuals.
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Looking inside the jar
1. Looking Inside the Jar
Resource for those with
Aspergers and low social skills
The Label Controversy
Too many people focus on the label and categorize relationships based on acquaintance, friend,
boyfriend, girlfriend, friends with benefits. They go into detail on the many different types of
relationships and trying to fit everyone into their mold. We all do relationships differently and see
things differently so it is important to respect each others comfort zones. We cannot fit people into
how we do relationships. There are many different types of friends and interpersonal relationships as
there are people, but we have to understand that not everyone wants relationships done that way. We
get so focused on categories, labels that we do not realize we are putting people in boxes and treating
them like mathematical equations. Everyone is different and unique and does relationships differently.
The reason we focus on labels, is because we are trying to conform people to labels, because we have
our own categories and the duties of each and expect people to line up with it. But that is not how
relationships work. For example, in a canned vegetable factory, the label doesnt come on the can, until
the right vegetables are in the can and the can is sealed good. Same with relationships, the label does
not come on, until you have developed a relationship with them. Its not until you develop a
relationship that you can call it whatever you want to. Too often, people tell others, were friends,
but they do not know the main details of the relationship to know, so thats why they get hung up on
these relationships. To look in the jar to know what the relationship is about, it is important to know
what the relationship is based on and the purpose of the relationship in your life. Usually with most
people, this comes naturally, but like me who has aspergers syndrome
Basis of Relationships
Relationships are based on trust and needs. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Too often, people look
at relationships with distorted lense. The Bible makes it very clear that Relationships are based on faith
which works through love (Galatians 5:6). Jesus said if anyone trusted in him for salvation from sin,
they will have eternal life (John 3:15-16). Everything is done by trust in God (Habakkuk 2:4). God
created relationships to be that way. We trust others in our lives for specific purposes. For example, we
trust the librarian to check out our books for us because she does that to help us read. We trust our
friends to be there for us and enjoy life with us, and we trust our family to support us. Now where
relationships differentiate is what they trust. Bonds form based on trust with a certain area. For
example, boyfriend/girlfriend relationships form because both people trust that each other will be a
good match for each other. Both people like each other and love each other personally. We are all
commanded to love everyone and to care for everyone, but when it comes to our friends and family, its
personal since its purely about each other. Its not just caring out of obligation, its caring because of the
person. Its spending time with them, having fun with them because of them, not because you go to
school with them. We are not always going to trust everyone with a personal relationship, but in life,
we will trust people enough to have conversations, to do business with them, to share issues with them.
A lot of aspies and people with poor social skills wonder why it is so difficult to talk to people and
build friendships with people, its because of a level of trust needs to be built. Relationships are
established on love and trust, and affinity will follow suit. Relationships can be based on anything, but
usually, the bedrock of any relationship is love and trust in some fashion (not always romantic love and
trust) and affinity comes when two people come together and form a personal bond. Thats what
separates a friend from anyone else.
2. Building Affinity, Love and Trust
Relationships are all about fulfilling our social needs and the best way to build trust with people is to
understand them, listen to them, and care for them. Too often, aspies tend to think on themselves so
they have serious trouble with empathy, but its not as hard as they make it out to be. Be there for them,
make them feel welcome. Humans basic needs are love, affection and belongingness. Make them feel
safe, be kind to them, be genuinely interested in them. Show them you care about them, and you like
them by showing affection and making connections with them. Be interested in what they are
interested in, respect their interests, goals and hobbies and show appreciate for them. There is a
difference in loving someone, and loving someone. Let me elaborate, when I say I love someone, I care
about them and want whats best for them, but when I say I love someone, I genuinely care about that
person, attach myself to that person, and serve that person. Personal relationships are nearly impossible
to describe because its a wonderful feeling. The ones I have are great because me and them talk, care
about each other and spend time with each other because of our love for each other. Its real because we
do not just do it out of obligation, we do it out of sincere love and affection for each other.
The best way to win peoples trust is to show them they belong by accepting them for who they are and
showing them you understand them and care about them. People attach themselves to other people that
they know will fill their needs of belongingness. Second, showing them you are interested in them
shows them affection and that attracts people. Thats why it is easy to make friends in chess club
because of similar interests. Show them you are into them by wanting to spend time with them, have
fun with them, etc. This is the prerequisite to having a close friendship with someone. Show them you
want to spend time with them if you are interested in them. Lastly, show them you love them by caring
about them and being there for them. Believe the best for them, push them forward in life. Show this
all throughout the relationship process. It is important to be a friend by showing others how much you
love them, like them, and trust them. You will not be everyones friend, but still, be cool, be a friend to
people and be relaxed. People like it when you are positive, happy and relaxed, so be cool for everyone
and love everyone. Now do not be creepy, take things one step at a time. Building trust takes time and
it is important that you let the relationship grow at its pace. Still, show love and interest for people. Its
easy to make friends by being on the receiving end, when they are doing it, but sometimes, it is
important if you do the inviting. That way, there is reciprocation.
For any personal relationship, from super casual friend to girlfriend, it is important to have affinity, or
having a liking for each other so a bond can form. It takes time, but show interest in someone by
showing them you like them and want to be with them in life. Without affinity, it is impossible to have
a personal relationship, because affinity holds the relationship together. If you do not love them, then
they will not like you, and the trust is demonished. Spend time with them, respect them. Show them
respect so they will know they are valued, accepted, loved. Do what Jesus would do, love others
unconditionally, show others they are valued, accepted and loved.
Go with the Flow
Before you label someone a friend, coworker, etc, make sure there is reciprocation on both sides. Im
not saying we should give and expect in return, but we should make sure the other person is being a
friend as well. Relationships take two people being similar to each other. Both people need to be doing
the same thing for a bond to work. You cannot have one person being a friend while the other person
only is being a coworker. Both hearts have to be in gear. In Nikolai Curtiss famous poem, Lawda-
Mod Erie, he says, her heart was small, my heart was grand to signify how much he liked this girl,
but she didnt like him back as much. Hearts need to be on the same page or you will be miserable.
Now we will like our friends more, but if they just want to be casual friends, then just be casual friends
with them. Love does not behave unseemly so we need to respect others boundaries when we are a
3. friend to them. Do not make them uncomfortable. If you walk into a group and people dont seem
interested, then respect their wishes. Its their loss. Make sure the other person is doing the same as you
are doing. Sometimes, people are nice to other people and are into others, but they are only being nice,
they arent interested in friendship with the other person. Friendship goes both ways. Now there are
other typologies of friends, such as a mentor, sponsor, helper, accountability partner, but its not a
reciprocated relationship. They care about you, but they do not want a friendship with you. Those are
great to have right now. Now family is stronger than friendship, as blood is thicker than water, and
they are there for you no matter what and blood relationships are permanent relationships that you can
never lose. Your personal relationship with them may change, you may not like them, but they are
there for you. Also, make sure if you have business and educational relationships that both will
reciprocate, or else, dont be their project partner. Do not trust people that will not do the job. Some of
my friends, I will never have as project partners. Some of my distant family, will never be my friends
as long as they remain distant. Just go with the flow and just talk to others. Relationship does not have
to be friends for people to love you, but only trust people with a friendship if they are willing to go. A
warning sign to look out for is if you are interested in them and they accept that, but they do not show
it back. It means they just are not looking for friendship. Do not mistake those for friendships. They
love you, but they just do not want a friendship. Relationships come and go so it is important to keep
up with the relationship. Some people who used to be strong friends may just be casual friends, or even
To be or not to be
.A friendship is a personal relationship based on mutual affection for each other and people have to
want that relationship with you for it to happen. Things may be ripe, but people have to want it.
Sometimes people just dont want a relationship with you right now and that is okay. Sometimes
people do not want to be coworkers, project partners. Even in friendship, sometimes, people do not
want to talk, they do not feel like hanging out and that is because they may be going through
something. Just give people space and let things flow. Do not be clingy, let your heart be a revolving
door. Just let relationships come in and come out. If they want to delete you, let them. Relationships
are based on free will so let them come as they go. I understand dealing with mass rejection is hard so
if people do not seem interested, then let them be. Do not let it cripple who you are. You cannot force a
relationship. Have this philosophy, as long as you care about me, love me, and like me, I will do the
same back with you. This is not being manipulative, just a way of respecting peoples boundaries. Not
everyone everyday will be fourth of July where everyone will celebrate. Friends will let you down, but
its during the rough times that the story of your relationship gets better. So just be yourself and serve
others. Just let the relationship be what it is. I have a friend who just considers me a friend because she
does not have a problem with me. When she sees me, she hugs me, she talks to me. Its weird I know
and it doesnt sit well with how I do relationships, but I allow it. A good philosophy to use is people
can be what they want with me, but I have my boundaries. Just be there to serve others, and love
others. Do not harass others and try to push things, if it is this way, it is and move on.
A new way of looking at things
Looking inside of the jar instead of the label helps us go about relationships better. Relationships are
not about labels, they are about needs being met. A lot of people tell me, we-re friends, but its what
the friendship is about that matters. So when looking for relationships, look for people that will meet
your needs of belongingness, affection and love. Look for the librarian that will check out your books
with a smile. Look for the doctor that will do the best work for you. Look for the job that will do you
the most good. Look for the friends that you can hang out with and spend time with. Look for the
group that you can feel connected. Look for the friends that you feel connected with. When going
4. about relationships, evaluate how they will be in your life. Let people be who they are and see from
there how they will be. Be friendly to others and others may open up to you and be friendly back. The
deeper the friendship, the more involved you will be with each other and the more complicated the
connection will be. But people can connect in different ways. So see how someone fits in your life and
go from there. Instead of seeing people as friends, acquaintances to see if they will match the job
description, just see if people will care about you, if people will love you, if people will understand
you, if people want to associate with you. See how that person is in your life and how that person is in
your life. Each type of relationship people come up with has a standard trust to it, so for example, if
someone said we were school friends, he trusted me as someone he talked to in school. If someone saw
me as a project partner for work, he or she saw me as an asset for a project partner.
Let me give you some pointers on what to look for in some types of relationship:
1. Coworker-Look for someone who will help you work to your potential.
2. Mentor-Look for someone who will help you be the best you can be, without the pressures of a
normal friendship.
3. Pastor-Look for someone that will help you succeed in life
4. Sponsor-Look for someone who can help me go through step study
5. Friend-Look for someone who will like you and love you and will spend time with you (connect &
6. Acquaintance-Look for someone who will be cool with you
7. Girlfriend/Wife-Look for someone who you truly like and love and want to spend the rest of your
days with. Someone that gets you and you can have fun with.
8. Best Friend/Close Friend-Look for someone that gets you and you can have so much fun with and
that you can share your problems with.
There are many different types of friends, which all of them are based on like, love and trust. There are
many different types of professional relationships, due to different needs being met. Not all of my
friendships are the same. But seeing things in the jar and not just the label helps change perspective.
Some people will say, well I see friendship different than you so I will not be with you, but I care
about you, but only choose friends that do care about you, want to spend time with you and be there
with you. Choose friends that you can spend time with, enjoy life with, etc. One person said, Nick, I
pray for you every night, I do love you, but I could not do anything for her because she did not want a
normal personal relationship with me, so she did not talk to me, spend time with me, etc. She wanted
to help me, but she could not do what was necessary for that to happen. She helped all her other
friends, and talked to them, but she didnt do that with me. If she did talk to me, and spend time with
me, then I could develop a close personal relationship with them. Make sure to set boundaries so the
relationships you have will be meaningful.
Best way to set boundaries to avoid collision with relational philosophies:
5. Only Talk to People if:
1. They respect you
2. They will talk to you back
3. They like you, are interested in you
Only be friends with people that:
1. Care about you
2. Respect you
3. like you, are interested in you
4. Will not back talk you behind your back
5. Want to spend time with you, associate with you
Only share problems and intimate details if:
1. This person is a friend, and
2. This person wants to do the same back.