Lookout when you get Microsoft 2007
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Lookout @ Microsoft 2007
1. Basic ICT Skills
Getting to know Microsoft Office 2007
Get up to speed with the
Office 2007 system
2. Basic ICT Skills
Getting to know Microsoft Office 2007
By the end of this e-torial, you will be able
Find your way around Office 2007
Use the Office ribbons tabs, groups
commands to complete tasks
Create your own command toolbar
This e-torial make use of the following
programmes or tools:
Vista Operating system
MS Office 2007 (or any of the other
MS Office 2007 programmes
3. 速
Basic ICT Skills : Microsoft Office 2007
What is new?
When you open a 2007 Microsoft
Office system program, youll see a lot
thats familiar. But youll also notice a
new look at the top of the window.
Menus and toolbars have been
replaced by the Ribbon, which
contains tabs that you click to get to
This presentation introduces you to the
Ribbon and other new ways to make
better documents, faster.
4. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
The Ribbon
Yes, theres a lot of
change to familiar
Microsoft Office
But its good change.
With the Ribbon, commands and other tools you need
are now exposed and more readily available.
5. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
What is on the ribbon?
The three parts of the
Ribbon are tabs,
groups, and
1 Tabs sit across the top of the Ribbon. Each one
represents core tasks you do in a given program.
2 Groups are sets of related commands. They remain on
display and readily available, giving you rich visual aids.
3 Commands are arranged in groups. A command can be
a button, a menu, or a box where you enter information.
6. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
What is on the ribbon?
How do you get
Begin with the first
In Word 2007, for example, thats the Home tab.
Its got the commands that people use most commonly
when they write documents: font formatting commands
(Font group), paragraph options (Paragraph group),
and text styles (Styles group).
7. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
How are commands organized?
Commands are
organized by how
theyre used.
Frequently used core commands no longer have to
share space with a range of remotely related commands
on a menu or toolbar.
Theyre the ones that get used, and so now theyre the
ones most prominently featured.
8. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
More commands, on command!
Commands you use
most are available on
the Ribbon all the
Others appear only
when you need them,
in response to an
action you take.
For example, the Picture Tools in Word appear on the
Ribbon when you insert a picture, and they go away
when youre done. The Ribbon responds to your action.
So dont worry if you dont see all the commands at all
times. Take the first steps, and what you need will
9. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
More options if you need them
Sometimes an arrow,
called the Dialog Box
Launcher, appears in
the lower-right corner
of a group.
This means more
options are available
for the group.
For example, to get to a less commonly used font option
in PowerPoint速 2007:
1 On the Home tab, click the arrow in the Font group.
2 The Font dialog box opens, with the full selection of font
10. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Preview before you select
Are you familiar with
the try-undo-try cycle?
You make a change,
its not what you want,
and so you undo and
keep trying until you
get what you had in
Animation: Right-click on the picture above, and click Play.
Now you can see a live preview of your choice before
you make a selection, which saves you time and gives
you better results.
11. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Preview before you select
Are you familiar with
the try-undo-try cycle?
You make a change,
its not what you want,
and so you undo and
keep trying until you
get what you had in
Now you can see a live preview of your choice before
you make a selection, which saves you time and gives
you better results.
12. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Put commands on your own toolbar
Do you often use
commands that arent
as quickly available as
youd like?
You can easily add
them to the Quick
Access Toolbar.
Animation: Right-click on the picture above, and click Play.
Located above the Ribbon when you first start your
Microsoft Office program, the Quick Access Toolbar
puts commands where theyre always visible and near
at hand.
13. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Put commands on your own toolbar
Do you often use
commands that arent
as quickly available as
youd like?
You can easily add
them to the Quick
Access Toolbar.
Located above the Ribbon when you first start your
Microsoft Office program, the Quick Access Toolbar
puts commands where theyre always visible and near
at hand.
14. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Working with different screen resolutions
Everything described
so far applies if your
screen is set to high
resolution and the
program window is
If not, things look
How? Like this:
Low resolution: If your screen is set to a low
resolution, a few groups on the Ribbon will display the
group name only, not the commands in the group.
Click the arrow on the group button to display the
15. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Working with different screen resolutions
Everything described
so far applies if your
screen is set to high
resolution and the
program window is
If not, things look
How? Like this:
Screen not maximized: Some groups will display
only the group names.
Tablet PCs: On those with smaller screens, the
Ribbon adjusts to show smaller versions of tabs and
16. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
p Add a bulleted list in Word.
p Apply heading styles in Word.
p Insert a picture into a Word document.
p Format text in Word using the Mini toolbar.
p Add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar in
Excel速, and then delete one.
Online practice (requires Word 2007 and Excel 2007, part of the 2007
pMicrosoftmore Excel options.
Find Office system)
Suggestions for practice
17. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Practice Activities:
Online practice
(Requires Word 2007 and Excel 2007,
part of the 2007 Microsoft Office system)
18. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Assessment: Question 1
The Paste, Cut, and Copy
commands appear where on the
Ribbon? (Pick one answer.)
1. On the last tab.
2. On the first tab.
3. On the Quick Access Toolbar.
19. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Assessment: Question 2
You move from a computer with a
high screen resolution to one with a
low resolution. You dont see the
commands in one group. What do
you do? (Pick one answer.)
Click the View tab.
Click the View toolbar.
Click the arrow on the group button.
20. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Assessment: Answer
On the first tab.
These commands are used frequently, so they logically appear on the
first tab of the Ribbon. Of course, you can add them to the Quick Access
Toolbar if you want.
21. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Assessment: Answer
Click the arrow on the group button.
If commands are not displayed, either because of screen resolution or
because the program window isnt maximized, you can display
commands in a group by clicking the arrow on the group button.
22. 速
Basic ICT Skills: Microsoft Office 2007
Assessment: Answer
This tutorial was adapted by maggiev for
the Department of Education for use by
subject advisors, teachers and learners
Original Microsoft Office 2007 tutorial
templates can be found at:
All e-turials can be found on the
Thutong portal:
Editor's Notes
#3: This e-torial will introduce you to the Ribbon in the new Office 2007 suite. You will need to have Microsoft Office 2007 installed on your computer.
#4: Notes: Microsoft Office programs described in this training presentation include Microsoft Office Word 2007, Office Excel 速 2007, Office PowerPoint 速 2007, Office Access 2007, and Office Outlook 速 2007. The Ribbon was developed in response to what Office userspossibly youhave asked for: programs that are simpler to use, with commands that are easier to find. The Ribbon may be new, but with a little time and exposure youll find that it works for you, not against you.
#5: Instead of having 30 or so undisplayed toolbars, and commands buried on menus or in dialog boxes, you now have one control center that brings the essentials together and makes them very visual. And once you learn how to use the Ribbon in one program (the picture here shows Word 2007), youll find it easy to use in other programs too.
#7: Youll find the same organization in other 2007 Office system programs, with the first tab including commands for the most key type of work. The primary tab in Excel, PowerPoint, and Access is also the Home tab. In Outlook, when you create a message, its the Message tab.
#8: Take the Paste command, for example. Its one of the most frequently used commands. Why not give it maximum exposure in the window, along with its related commands, Cut and Copy ? In Word and Excel, these commands all appear on the Home tab. Less frequently used commands are less prominent on the Ribbon. For example, most people use Paste Special less often than they use Paste . So to access Paste Special , you first click the arrow on Paste .
#9: If you dont have a picture in your Word document, the commands to work with a picture arent necessary. But after you insert a picture in Word, the Picture Tools appear along with the Format tab that contains the commands you need to work with the picture. When youre through working with the picture, Picture Tools go away. If you want to work on the picture again, just click it, and the tab appears again with all the commands you need.
#10: In PowerPoint, the example described here, the Font group on the Home tab contains all the commands that are used the most to make font changes: commands to change the font face and font size, and to make the font bold, italic, or underlined. Clicking the Dialog Box Launcher gets you to all the other, less commonly used options such as superscript.
#11: Try-undo-try. You select a font, font color, or style, or make changes to a picture. But the option you select turns out not to be what you want, so you undo and try again, and perhaps again, until you finally get what you have in mind. To use live preview, rest the mouse pointer on an option. Your document changes to show you what that option would look like, before you actually make a selection. After you see the preview of what you want, then you click the option to make your selection. Click Play to watch the process of seeing how different underline styles will look before selecting one. [ Note to trainer: To play the animation when viewing the slide show, right-click the animation, and then click Play . After playing the file once, you may have to click Rewind (after right-clicking) and then click Play . If you have problems viewing the animation, see the notes for the last slide in this presentation about playing an Adobe Flash animation. If you still have problems viewing the animation, the slide that follows this one is a duplicate slide with static art. Delete either the current slide or the next slide before showing the presentation.]
#12: Try-undo-try. You select a font, font color, or style, or make changes to a picture. But the option you select turns out not to be what you want, so you undo and try again, and perhaps again, until you finally get what you have in mind. To use live preview, rest the mouse pointer on an option. As the picture shows, your document changes to show you what that option would look like, before you actually make a selection. After you see the preview of what you want, then you click the option to make your selection. [ Note to trainer: This slide is identical to the preceding slide except that it has static art instead of an animation. Use this slide if you have problems viewing the animation. Delete either the current slide or the preceding slide before showing the presentation.]
#13: For example, if you use Track Changes in Word or Excel every day to turn on revision marks, and you dont want to have to click the Review tab to access that command each time, you can add Track Changes to the Quick Access Toolbar. To do that, right-click Track Changes on the Review tab, and then click Add to Quick Access Toolbar . To delete a button, right-click it, and then click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar . Click Play to see both these processes in action. [ Note to trainer: To play the animation when viewing the slide show, right-click the animation, and then click Play . After playing the file once, you may have to click Rewind (after right-clicking) and then click Play . If you have problems viewing the animation, see the notes for the last slide in this presentation about playing an Adobe Flash animation. If you still have problems viewing the animation, the slide that follows this one is a duplicate slide with static art. Delete either the current slide or the next slide before showing the presentation.]
#14: For example, if you use Track Changes in Word or Excel every day to turn on revision marks, and you dont want to have to click the Review tab to access that command each time, you can add Track Changes to the Quick Access Toolbar. To do that, right-click Track Changes on the Review tab, and then click Add to Quick Access Toolbar . To delete a button, right-click it, and then click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar . [ Note to trainer: This slide is identical to the preceding slide except that it has static art instead of an animation. Use this slide if you have problems viewing the animation. Delete either the current slide or the preceding slide before showing the presentation.]
#15: More on low resolution: For example, in Word, with a higher resolution you will see all the commands in the Show/Hide group on the View tab. But with 800 by 600 resolution, you will see the Show/Hide button only, not the commands in the group. In that case, you click the arrow on the Show/Hide button to display the commands in the group. Generally, the groups that display only the group name at a lower resolution are those with less frequently used commands.
#16: More on smaller windows: At any resolution, there is a window size at which some groups will display only the group name. So if youre working in a program window that isnt maximized, you may need to click the arrow on the group button to display the commands. More on Tablet PCs : If you have a Tablet PC with a larger monitor, the Ribbon adjusts to show you larger versions of the tabs and groups.
#17: [ Note to trainer : With Word 2007 or Excel 2007 installed on your computer, you can click the link in the slide to go to an online practice. In the practice, you can work through each of these tasks in Word or Excel, with instructions to guide you. Important : If you dont have Word 2007 or Excel 2007, you wont be able to access the practice instructions.]
#18: [ Note to trainer : With Word 2007 or Excel 2007 installed on your computer, you can click the link in the slide to go to an online practice. In the practice, you can work through each of these tasks in Word or Excel, with instructions to guide you. Important : If you dont have Word 2007 or Excel 2007, you wont be able to access the practice instructions.]