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Jack vs. Ralph Boys vs. nature  Fire vs. island Piggy vs. Jack Conflict... Piggy vs. boys
Jack vs. Piggy  Jack disrespects Piggy, as he thinks he has a higher status than him. Right from the start jack reveals a deep dislike for Piggy. Jack neglects everything that Piggy has to say as he thinks its all nonsense.  Jack never lets Piggy have a say in anything because of his physical features.  Jack breaks Piggys glasses.  During the very first meeting when Piggy is asking the boys for their names Jack says, "Shut up fatty you talk too much." But when the fire is allowed to go out and they miss the possible chance of getting rescued Piggy says to Jack, "You didn't ought to have let that fire out, You said you'd keep the smoke going...." And Jack punches him in the stomach. Perhaps Piggy was right when he later told Ralph that Jack hated Ralph but he knew that Ralph would hit him back so he vented his anger on Piggy, who couldn't fight back. How do  each of these  factors lead to  conflict between  Piggy and Jack?
Jack vs. Ralph Jack tries to humiliate Ralph about not being able to hunt so he could be leader. Eventually Jack grew tired of Ralph being in charge.   He let the barbarism inside of him transform him into a savage-like creature and he went o a rampage, destroying the makeshift civilisation the boys worked so hard to create. There relationship starts to breakdown and jack starts to dislike the way Ralph is leading, this is because Ralph wishes for escape and jack only wishes to hunt. (the rules! Shouted Ralph youre breaking the rules!....Who cares?)   They both will fight for the right to power.  How do  each of these  factors lead to  conflict between  Jack and Ralph?
Jack vs. society The barbaric quality that arises in jack throughout the book is really a rebellion against society.   But how? He grew tired of taking orders from Ralph and participating in the democratic system that they had. This state of anarchy must have existed inside of him before the encounter on the island began, but his experience seemed to bring it out on him. Bollocks to the rules! (Jack Beast from Water) His own personal instinct. How do  each of these  factors lead to  conflict between  Jack and the society?
Boys vs. beastie  The beastie symbolizes the devil, and is a manifestation of all the evil inside the boys.  As the boys grew further and further away from civilisation, their desire to kill the beastie grew.  They went from being scared at first, to wanting to murder the beast at any cost.  How do  each of these  factors lead to  conflict between  the boys and the beastie?
Boys vs. nature  The boys went hunting many times to try to keep themselves alive.  At first, Jack was afraid to kill the pig. Towards the end, jacks warrior identity brutally murdered the pig and hung his head on a stick. The boys destructive attitude towards the island. Their misuse of property. Setting the island on fire.  How do  each of these  factors lead to  conflict between  the boys and nature?
Boys vs. Piggy Piggy represents the weak who are often victimized.  The boys tortured him because he was fat and wore glasses. His torture can also be considered a lack of understanding, because the boys had likely never met anyone with problems like his.  This can be seen in the boys lack of understanding of asthma. Piggys vulnerability.  Never give Piggy a chance. How do  each of these  factors lead to  conflict between  the boys and Piggy?
Civilisation vs.  savagery T he conflict between the human impulse towards savagery and the rules of civilization which are designed to contain and minimize it.  The conflict is dramatized by the clash between Ralph and Jack, who respectively represent civilization and savagery.  T he differing ideologies are expressed by each boy's distinct attitudes towards authority.  While Ralph uses his authority to establish rules, protect the good of the group, and enforce the moral and ethical codes of the English society the boys were raised in, Jack is interested in gaining power over the other boys to gratify his most primal impulses.   Jack's hunger for power suggests that savagery does not resemble anarchy so much as a totalitarian system of exploitation and illicit power.  Which will take over?
Individualism vs. Community One of the key concerns of  Lord of the Flies  is the role of the individual in society.  Many of the problems on the island-the extinguishing of the signal fire, the lack of shelters, the mass abandonment of Ralph's camp, and the murder of Piggy-stem from the boys' implicit commitment to a principle of self-interest over the principle of community. hat is, the boys would rather fulfill their individual desires than cooperate as a society. which would require that each one act for the good of the group.  Accordingly, the principles of individualism and community are symbolized by Jack and Ralph, respectively. Jack wants to "have fun" on the island and satisfy his bloodlust, while Ralph wants to secure the group's rescue, a goal they can achieve only by cooperating.   Yet, while Ralph's vision is the most reasonable, it requires work and sacrifice on the part of the other boys, so they quickly shirk their societal duties in favor of fulfilling their individual desires. The shelters do not get built because the boys would rather play; the signal fire is extinguished when Jack's hunters fail to tend to it on schedule.  Which will take you to your final destination?
Questions 1.How does Jack build the conflict between him and Piggy? 2.How does leadership create conflict between Ralph and Jack? 3.What types of conflict are there in the novel? 4.What conflict does the island have with the boys? 5.How is the conflict between the fire and the island?

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Lord of the Flies- Conflict (Pupil's work)

  • 1. Jack vs. Ralph Boys vs. nature Fire vs. island Piggy vs. Jack Conflict... Piggy vs. boys
  • 2. Jack vs. Piggy Jack disrespects Piggy, as he thinks he has a higher status than him. Right from the start jack reveals a deep dislike for Piggy. Jack neglects everything that Piggy has to say as he thinks its all nonsense. Jack never lets Piggy have a say in anything because of his physical features. Jack breaks Piggys glasses. During the very first meeting when Piggy is asking the boys for their names Jack says, "Shut up fatty you talk too much." But when the fire is allowed to go out and they miss the possible chance of getting rescued Piggy says to Jack, "You didn't ought to have let that fire out, You said you'd keep the smoke going...." And Jack punches him in the stomach. Perhaps Piggy was right when he later told Ralph that Jack hated Ralph but he knew that Ralph would hit him back so he vented his anger on Piggy, who couldn't fight back. How do each of these factors lead to conflict between Piggy and Jack?
  • 3. Jack vs. Ralph Jack tries to humiliate Ralph about not being able to hunt so he could be leader. Eventually Jack grew tired of Ralph being in charge. He let the barbarism inside of him transform him into a savage-like creature and he went o a rampage, destroying the makeshift civilisation the boys worked so hard to create. There relationship starts to breakdown and jack starts to dislike the way Ralph is leading, this is because Ralph wishes for escape and jack only wishes to hunt. (the rules! Shouted Ralph youre breaking the rules!....Who cares?) They both will fight for the right to power. How do each of these factors lead to conflict between Jack and Ralph?
  • 4. Jack vs. society The barbaric quality that arises in jack throughout the book is really a rebellion against society. But how? He grew tired of taking orders from Ralph and participating in the democratic system that they had. This state of anarchy must have existed inside of him before the encounter on the island began, but his experience seemed to bring it out on him. Bollocks to the rules! (Jack Beast from Water) His own personal instinct. How do each of these factors lead to conflict between Jack and the society?
  • 5. Boys vs. beastie The beastie symbolizes the devil, and is a manifestation of all the evil inside the boys. As the boys grew further and further away from civilisation, their desire to kill the beastie grew. They went from being scared at first, to wanting to murder the beast at any cost. How do each of these factors lead to conflict between the boys and the beastie?
  • 6. Boys vs. nature The boys went hunting many times to try to keep themselves alive. At first, Jack was afraid to kill the pig. Towards the end, jacks warrior identity brutally murdered the pig and hung his head on a stick. The boys destructive attitude towards the island. Their misuse of property. Setting the island on fire. How do each of these factors lead to conflict between the boys and nature?
  • 7. Boys vs. Piggy Piggy represents the weak who are often victimized. The boys tortured him because he was fat and wore glasses. His torture can also be considered a lack of understanding, because the boys had likely never met anyone with problems like his. This can be seen in the boys lack of understanding of asthma. Piggys vulnerability. Never give Piggy a chance. How do each of these factors lead to conflict between the boys and Piggy?
  • 8. Civilisation vs. savagery T he conflict between the human impulse towards savagery and the rules of civilization which are designed to contain and minimize it. The conflict is dramatized by the clash between Ralph and Jack, who respectively represent civilization and savagery. T he differing ideologies are expressed by each boy's distinct attitudes towards authority. While Ralph uses his authority to establish rules, protect the good of the group, and enforce the moral and ethical codes of the English society the boys were raised in, Jack is interested in gaining power over the other boys to gratify his most primal impulses. Jack's hunger for power suggests that savagery does not resemble anarchy so much as a totalitarian system of exploitation and illicit power. Which will take over?
  • 9. Individualism vs. Community One of the key concerns of Lord of the Flies is the role of the individual in society. Many of the problems on the island-the extinguishing of the signal fire, the lack of shelters, the mass abandonment of Ralph's camp, and the murder of Piggy-stem from the boys' implicit commitment to a principle of self-interest over the principle of community. hat is, the boys would rather fulfill their individual desires than cooperate as a society. which would require that each one act for the good of the group. Accordingly, the principles of individualism and community are symbolized by Jack and Ralph, respectively. Jack wants to "have fun" on the island and satisfy his bloodlust, while Ralph wants to secure the group's rescue, a goal they can achieve only by cooperating. Yet, while Ralph's vision is the most reasonable, it requires work and sacrifice on the part of the other boys, so they quickly shirk their societal duties in favor of fulfilling their individual desires. The shelters do not get built because the boys would rather play; the signal fire is extinguished when Jack's hunters fail to tend to it on schedule. Which will take you to your final destination?
  • 10. Questions 1.How does Jack build the conflict between him and Piggy? 2.How does leadership create conflict between Ralph and Jack? 3.What types of conflict are there in the novel? 4.What conflict does the island have with the boys? 5.How is the conflict between the fire and the island?