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Elementos de la gramática
Help to clasify: which particular thing
we are refering to
articles: a/
an, zero
articles: the
my, his/her,
your, their,our,
Help to identify: how much of a
substance we are talking about
Numbers: e.g. two,
ten, hundred
Quantifiers: many,
much, some
Idefinitive articles: a/an
use a before a consonant sound
e.g. a book, a house
use an when the word following
begins whit a vowel sound
e.g. an umbrella, an architect
a/an is used only in front of a
singular countable
Classification: a/an to means
an example of that class
• General estatemente with a/an often take the
form of definitions:
e.g. a cat is a domestic animal
• Clasification by means of descriptive labels: the
work they do, where they come from, etc.
e.g. he’s a frenchman/an american
• Things, animals, etc. Can also be classified with
e.g. it’s a (kind of/sort of/type of) bottle-opener
• The uses of a/an to refer to a certain person:
a/an can be used before titles (Mr, Mrs, Miss,
e.g. A Mrs. Tadley is waiting to see you.
Quantity: the use of a/an to
means “only one”
• The use of a/an with reference to
quantity: the most common use of
a/an is in the sense of “only one”
e.g. I’d like an apple (only one)
when we express this in the plural,
we use some or any
e.g. I’d like some apples
• The use of a/an when something is
mentioned for the first time: the
speakear assumes the listener does
not know what is referred to:
e.g. I looked up and saw a plane
• The difference between a/an and
one: we use one when we are
e.g. It was one coffee we ordered, not
One is often used with: day, morning, etc.
In story-telling:
e.g. one day , many years later.
Whole numbers: a (or one) hundred, thousand
Fractions: a (or one) quarter, third, half
Money: a (or one) pound/dollar, etc.
Weight/measure: a (or one) pound/kilo, foot/metre
• The use of a/an with reference to
measurement: if we want to emphasize
“each” we use per intead of a/an
e.g. price in relation to weight: 80p a/per kilo
e.g. distance in relation to speed: 40km an/per hour
• The use of a/an after what and such:
a/an is used with countables nouns
after what in exclamation :
e.g. what a surprise!/ What a
insteresting story!
• a/an is used after such when we wish
to emphasize degree
e.g. that child is such a pest!/my boss is such a
What a lot is used for exclamations:
e.g. what a lot of flowers! What a lot of
• The use of a/an with pairs of nouns:
a/an is used before the first noun of a
e.g. take a hat and coat with you.
• Except when are not considered to be a
natural pair:
e.g. take a raincoat and a camera
• The use of a/an with reference to
e.g. I’ve got a headache/a cold
Idefinitive articles: zero
The omission of the article; that article use
depends of the context. We use zero article
before three types of nouns:
• Plural countable nouns
e.g. (0)Girls do better than (0)boys at
• Uncountable nouns (always singular)
e.g. (0)butter makes you fat
• Proper nouns
e.g. (0)John lives in (0)London
Use zero article
• To talk about school subject, such as
geography, history, etc.
e.g. if you want to study physics, you
have to be good at maths
• To refer to days, month or parts of the
e.g. School begings in september
• With continent, countries, lakes,
mountains, etc.(in singular)
e.g. lake Geneva borders France and
• With at home, at school, in hospital, in
prison, in bed, when we speak in
e.g. David isn’t at school today. He’s in
bed at home.
• With such… for emphasis with prural
or uncountables nouns
e.g. this is such wonderful ice cream
Definite articles: the
Basic uses of “the”
When using the, we must always bear in
mind two basic facts:
1. The normally has a definite reference
(e.g. the reason or thing referred to is
assumed to be known to speaker or
2. The can combine with singular
countable, plural countable, and
uncountable nouns (which are always
Use definite article
• With things or people already mentioned
e.g. first, I take a test tube. Then into the test
tube I pour 50 cc of water.
• When a noun is made definite by details
following it.
e.g. that man outside was the man that the
police were looking for.
• When we definitely know what is being
talked about.
e.g. Are you going to the post office? Can you
get me some stamps? Pass me the salt, please
• With nationality adjectives that refer to all the people of that
nationality, e.g. chinese, japanese, french, spanish, british, swiss.
e.g. the French drink a lot of wine.
e.g. the Swiss are famous for their banks.
• With plural nationality nouns in same way, e.g. russian, americans,
poles, greeks, turks.
e.g. the russian and the poles are used to cold weather.
• With a singular noun to describe a class of things.
e.g. the car has taken over our cities.
• With the names of shops and places with a general reference.
e.g. Anna’s at the cinema/the supermarket/in the garden/in the
mountains/at the beach etc
• With some familiar objects when we think of them as the only one.
e.g. one moment the sun was shining in the sky. The moon seemed to rise
out the sea.
• With the names of oceans
e.g. they crossed the pacific in a small boat.
A pronoum is a word that can be
used in place of a noun or a noun
phrase, as the word itself tell us:
pro-noun. We do not normally put a
noun after a pronoun except in a
special combination such as you
students she-bear, etc.
• pronoun: form
I, you, he, she, it, one, we,
you, they
Me, you, him, her, it, one,
us, them
Mine, yours, his, hers, it,
ours, yours, theirs
My, your, his, her, its,
one’s, our, your, their
Myself, yorself, himself, herself, itself, oneself,
ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Some, any, no, every complete with (one, body,
Quantifiers: are words of phrases like few,
little, plenity (of), which often modify
nouns and show how many things or how
much of something we are talking about.
Quantifiers + noun combinations
Quantifiers + countable nouns
e.g. not many books
Any number more than one, both, a couple
of, dozens, hundred of, (a) few, fewer, the
fewest, the mayority of, (not) many, a
minority of, a number of several.
e.g. we have fewer students specializing in
maths than in english
 Quantifiers + uncountable noun
e.g. not much sugar
A (small) amount of, a bit of, a drop of (liquid), a great
good deal of, (a) little less, the least, (not) much.
e.g. I’d like a bit of bread with this cheese
 quantifiers + plural countable noun
e.g. a lot of books, Or:
quatifiers + singular uncountable noun
e.g. a lot of sugar
Some (of the), any (of the), all (the), hardly, any,
enough, half of, the half the, a lot of, lots of, more,
most, most of the, no none of the, the other, part of
the, plenity of the, rest of the
e.g. there aren’t any cars on the road at the moment
e.g. the isn’t any traffic on the road at the moment
 Quantifiers + singular countable noun
e.g. each book
All (of) the, another, any (of the), each,
either, every, half (of), the most of, the
neither, no, none of the, one the only
the other some (of the) the whole (of
e.g. it’s each/every man for himself in
this business

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Los Elementos de la gramática inglesa.ppt

  • 1. Elementos de la gramática inglesa Articles
  • 2. Determiners Help to clasify: which particular thing we are refering to Infinitive articles: a/ an, zero Definitive articles: the Demostratives: this/that, these/those. Possesives: my, his/her, your, their,our, (‘s)
  • 3. Help to identify: how much of a substance we are talking about Numbers: e.g. two, ten, hundred Quantifiers: many, much, some
  • 4. Idefinitive articles: a/an use a before a consonant sound e.g. a book, a house use an when the word following begins whit a vowel sound e.g. an umbrella, an architect a/an is used only in front of a singular countable
  • 5. Classification: a/an to means an example of that class • General estatemente with a/an often take the form of definitions: e.g. a cat is a domestic animal • Clasification by means of descriptive labels: the work they do, where they come from, etc. e.g. he’s a frenchman/an american • Things, animals, etc. Can also be classified with a/an e.g. it’s a (kind of/sort of/type of) bottle-opener • The uses of a/an to refer to a certain person: a/an can be used before titles (Mr, Mrs, Miss, etc) e.g. A Mrs. Tadley is waiting to see you.
  • 6. Quantity: the use of a/an to means “only one” • The use of a/an with reference to quantity: the most common use of a/an is in the sense of “only one” e.g. I’d like an apple (only one) when we express this in the plural, we use some or any e.g. I’d like some apples
  • 7. • The use of a/an when something is mentioned for the first time: the speakear assumes the listener does not know what is referred to: e.g. I looked up and saw a plane • The difference between a/an and one: we use one when we are counting e.g. It was one coffee we ordered, not two
  • 8. One is often used with: day, morning, etc. In story-telling: e.g. one day , many years later. Whole numbers: a (or one) hundred, thousand Fractions: a (or one) quarter, third, half Money: a (or one) pound/dollar, etc. Weight/measure: a (or one) pound/kilo, foot/metre
  • 9. • The use of a/an with reference to measurement: if we want to emphasize “each” we use per intead of a/an e.g. price in relation to weight: 80p a/per kilo e.g. distance in relation to speed: 40km an/per hour
  • 10. • The use of a/an after what and such: a/an is used with countables nouns after what in exclamation : e.g. what a surprise!/ What a insteresting story! • a/an is used after such when we wish to emphasize degree e.g. that child is such a pest!/my boss is such a idiot! What a lot is used for exclamations: e.g. what a lot of flowers! What a lot of trouble!
  • 11. • The use of a/an with pairs of nouns: a/an is used before the first noun of a pair: e.g. take a hat and coat with you. • Except when are not considered to be a natural pair: e.g. take a raincoat and a camera • The use of a/an with reference to illnesses/conditions e.g. I’ve got a headache/a cold
  • 12. Idefinitive articles: zero The omission of the article; that article use depends of the context. We use zero article before three types of nouns: • Plural countable nouns e.g. (0)Girls do better than (0)boys at school • Uncountable nouns (always singular) e.g. (0)butter makes you fat • Proper nouns e.g. (0)John lives in (0)London
  • 13. Use zero article • To talk about school subject, such as geography, history, etc. e.g. if you want to study physics, you have to be good at maths • To refer to days, month or parts of the day e.g. School begings in september • With continent, countries, lakes, mountains, etc.(in singular) e.g. lake Geneva borders France and Switzerland
  • 14. • With at home, at school, in hospital, in prison, in bed, when we speak in general e.g. David isn’t at school today. He’s in bed at home. • With such… for emphasis with prural or uncountables nouns e.g. this is such wonderful ice cream
  • 15. Definite articles: the Basic uses of “the” When using the, we must always bear in mind two basic facts: 1. The normally has a definite reference (e.g. the reason or thing referred to is assumed to be known to speaker or reader). 2. The can combine with singular countable, plural countable, and uncountable nouns (which are always singular).
  • 16. Use definite article • With things or people already mentioned e.g. first, I take a test tube. Then into the test tube I pour 50 cc of water. • When a noun is made definite by details following it. e.g. that man outside was the man that the police were looking for. • When we definitely know what is being talked about. e.g. Are you going to the post office? Can you get me some stamps? Pass me the salt, please
  • 17. • With nationality adjectives that refer to all the people of that nationality, e.g. chinese, japanese, french, spanish, british, swiss. e.g. the French drink a lot of wine. e.g. the Swiss are famous for their banks. • With plural nationality nouns in same way, e.g. russian, americans, poles, greeks, turks. e.g. the russian and the poles are used to cold weather. • With a singular noun to describe a class of things. e.g. the car has taken over our cities. • With the names of shops and places with a general reference. e.g. Anna’s at the cinema/the supermarket/in the garden/in the mountains/at the beach etc • With some familiar objects when we think of them as the only one. e.g. one moment the sun was shining in the sky. The moon seemed to rise out the sea. • With the names of oceans e.g. they crossed the pacific in a small boat.
  • 18. Pronouns A pronoum is a word that can be used in place of a noun or a noun phrase, as the word itself tell us: pro-noun. We do not normally put a noun after a pronoun except in a special combination such as you students she-bear, etc.
  • 19. • pronoun: form subject object personal posessives reflexive indefinite pronouns adjectives I, you, he, she, it, one, we, you, they Me, you, him, her, it, one, us, them Mine, yours, his, hers, it, ours, yours, theirs My, your, his, her, its, one’s, our, your, their Myself, yorself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves Some, any, no, every complete with (one, body, thing)
  • 20. Quantity Quantifiers: are words of phrases like few, little, plenity (of), which often modify nouns and show how many things or how much of something we are talking about. Quantifiers + noun combinations Quantifiers + countable nouns e.g. not many books Any number more than one, both, a couple of, dozens, hundred of, (a) few, fewer, the fewest, the mayority of, (not) many, a minority of, a number of several. e.g. we have fewer students specializing in maths than in english
  • 21.  Quantifiers + uncountable noun e.g. not much sugar A (small) amount of, a bit of, a drop of (liquid), a great good deal of, (a) little less, the least, (not) much. e.g. I’d like a bit of bread with this cheese  quantifiers + plural countable noun e.g. a lot of books, Or: quatifiers + singular uncountable noun e.g. a lot of sugar Some (of the), any (of the), all (the), hardly, any, enough, half of, the half the, a lot of, lots of, more, most, most of the, no none of the, the other, part of the, plenity of the, rest of the e.g. there aren’t any cars on the road at the moment e.g. the isn’t any traffic on the road at the moment
  • 22.  Quantifiers + singular countable noun e.g. each book All (of) the, another, any (of the), each, either, every, half (of), the most of, the neither, no, none of the, one the only the other some (of the) the whole (of the) e.g. it’s each/every man for himself in this business