This document contains two tables that calculate energy charges and probable revenue loss per unit of electricity generation for various successful bidders in India. The first table shows the GCV, royalty rates, taxes, and total coal costs to determine the energy charge in INR/kWh for each bidder. The second table calculates the premium paid, non-recoverable expenses including royalty and finance charges, and total non-recoverable expenses per unit of electricity generated to determine the probable revenue loss for each bidder. The source for both tables is PwC.
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Loss of Revenue for the Successful Bidder (Regulated Sector)
1. Probable Energy Charge Calculation of Successful Bidders
@14% CEC & SED
Other Taxes &
Total Coal Cost for
Energy Charge Energy Charge
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)=(3)+(4)+(5)+(6) {(2)/(1)}*(7)/1000
kcal/kg kcal/kWh INR/tonne INR/tonne INR/tonne INR/tonne INR/tonne INR/kWh
3500 2250 100* 85** 210 100 495 0.32
Sarisatolli : CESC
3500 2250 460 85 210 100 855 0.55
Talabira-I : GMR
Chhattisgarh 3500 2250 474 85 210 100 869 0.56
Tokisud North : Essar
Power 3500 2250 1110 155.4*** 210 100 1575.4 1.01
Trans Damodar : Durgapur
Projects 3500 2250 940 131.6 210 100 1381.6 0.89
Amelia (North) :
Jayprakash PVL 3500 2250 712 99.68 210 100 1121.68 0.72
Jitpur : Adani Power Ltd
3500 2250 302 85 210 100 697 0.45
Mandakini : Mandakini
Exploration and Mining
Ltd 3500 2250 650 91 210 100 1051 0.68
Ganeshpur : GMR
Chhattisgarh Energy Ltd 3500 2250 704 98.56 210 100 1112.56 0.72
Utkal-C : Monnet Power
Company Ltd 3500 2250 770 107.8 210 100 1187.8 0.76
*For the negative bids
** For all negative bids less than INR 610/tonne
*** For all negative bids INR 610/tonne, ROM to be calculated at 14%
Source: PWC
2. Probable Revenue Loss Per Unit of Electricity Generation Calculation of Successful Bidders
Premium Paid
ROM + Finance
Total Non-
recoverable Expenses
Total Non-recoverable
(1) (2)=(1)-100 (3) (4)=(2)+(3) (5)=(4)/1666.67
INR/tonne INR/tonne INR/tonne INR/tonne INR/kWh
Sarisatolli : CESC
460 360 467 827 0.50
Talabira-I : GMR Chhattisgarh 474 374 463 837 0.50
Tokisud North : Essar Power
1110 1010 587 1597 0.96
Trans Damodar : Durgapur Projects
940 840 624 1464 0.88
Amelia (North) : Jayprakash PVL
712 612 1061 1673 1.00
Jitpur : Adani Power Ltd
302 202 884 1086 0.65
Mandakini : Mandakini Exploration
and Mining Ltd 650 550 600 1150 0.69
Ganeshpur : GMR Chhattisgarh
Energy Ltd 704 604 490 1094 0.66
Utkal-C : Monnet Power Company
Ltd 770 670 562 1232 0.74
*Charges for FY 201617/first year of operation
** Assuming 600 g per unit of electricity
Source: PWC