This is an edited version of the presentation that I gave at STM innovations #ukinno on December the 4th, 2013. It covers the Resources Identification Initiative and highlights some of the partners that are using the scrazzl product API to power research product discovery on their websites.
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1. Lost In Translation
when machines
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This presentation was designed to be delivered live. To
help you understand the content I have added these
International Association of
Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers
The Voice of Academic and Professional Publishing
2. The Economist published a piece last month on the
reproducibility crisis. The article was wide ranging in scope
and explored a number of themes thought to contribute to
the lack of experimental reproducibility
3. Referenced in the Economist piece was interesting work by
Melissa Haendal et al., which speci鍖cally examined the
relative identi鍖ability of material resources in a relevant
sample of biomedical literature
4. Resource
This study reported that less than 50% of mentioned
resources were uniquely identi鍖able by humans. The
gradual recognition of this identi鍖ability problem as a
signi鍖cant contributor to poor reproducibility has given
rise to the Resource Identi鍖cation Initiative (#RII)
5. 1. Unique Identi鍖er
A central aim of the RII is to develop a standard
identi鍖cation nomenclature for all experimental resources
(Commercial and Non-commercial)
6. 2. Editor Awareness
≒ Drive adoption
≒ Better XML standards
≒ Content machine friendly
Publishers have a signi鍖cant role to play in these e鍖orts. By
simply improving and enforcing material and method
author guidelines the relative identi鍖ability of
experimental resources could be dramatically improved
7. 3. Distribution
As a company scrazzl/CompareNetworks are supporting
the e鍖orts of the RII. Our business goals are to have third
parties like scholarly publishers use our product data in
their web applications
8. Quartzy
This type of collaboration allows our partners to avoid the
costs of managing their own product databases while
growing ancillary revenues by using our product URLs.
9. JoVE
JoVE and Quartzy are both using our product API to power
product discovery on their websites. This saves them data
management costs and allows them to grow ancillary
revenue through syndication
10. Biocompare
Our focus on product analysis in research content allows
us to make the content of publishers we work with more
discoverable. The Citation Feed service is used by product
vendors to manage citations on their websites
11. Interested In
≒ Discussion about best practice in
material and method sections.
≒ Users of product information APIs.
Please join the e鍖orts to improve resource reporting by
Data mining access to material and the
joining the RII. You can learn more about our APIs and
other ways that we work
method sections. with publishers by going to