This social story discusses why people yell and what a child can do if they are bothered by loud noises. It explains that people yell when they are angry, excited, or want to be heard from far away. The story emphasizes that even though noises may be loud, the child is safe. It provides suggestions for what the child can do, such as asking people to be quiet, leaving to find a quiet place, or asking if someone is okay. Throughout, it repeats that loud noises cannot hurt and that the child is safe.
2. Why do people yell?Because they are angryBecause they are excited and having funBecause they want someone far away to hear them.
3. What can I do?I can say please be quietI can leave and find a quiet placeI can ask are you ok?
4. People yell when they are angryAngry words may make me scared. They are loud but I am safeLoud noises cant hurt me, I am safeI can say Please be quiet
5. People are Loud when they are excitedChildren are loud when they are on the playground. It is loud but I am safe.I can say please be quietI can walk to a quieter place
6. People are loud when they want someone to hear themPeople shout so that their friends can hear themChildren shout when they cant find their momI can say please be quietI can ask are you ok
7. People are loud when they are happyPeople at a concert will clap and cheerPeople at a party will clap and cheerThese are happy loud noises