Un libro un concello percorrendo a provincia da Coru?aBibliotecadicoruna
Mostra bibliogr¨¢fica e selecci¨®n dun libro por concello do total dos 93 concellos da Provincia da Coru?a que se encontran dispo?ibles na Biblioteca da Deputaci¨®n da Coru?a
The document discusses how the human body cannot survive in deep oceans due to effects of increased pressure and lack of oxygen. Specifically, it discusses how increased pressure and decreased oxygen levels affect the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems, leading the brain to shut down and organs to cease functioning. It also mentions the normal conditions the human body requires to function and necessary scuba equipment to survive underwater.
Introduccion Al Movimiento Del Software LibreIsrael Zu?iga
El documento introduce el Movimiento del Software Libre y GNU/Linux. Resume que Richard Stallman cre¨® el Proyecto GNU en 1983 para desarrollar un sistema operativo compatible con Unix que respetara las libertades de los usuarios. M¨¢s tarde, Linus Torvalds desarroll¨® el n¨²cleo Linux y ambos proyectos se unieron para formar los sistemas operativos GNU/Linux. El documento tambi¨¦n explica brevemente las cuatro libertades del software libre seg¨²n la Free Software Foundation.
The story is about a rolling object that is missing a piece and is sad. It sets off to find its missing piece, singing a song along the way. It encounters various challenges like heat, rain, snow but continues searching. It finds many pieces but none are the right fit. Eventually it meets a piece that fits perfectly and is happy, but then realizes there is a reason for its imperfection. It decides to continue without a piece and sings a different song.
The study found that leading health care sites have opportunities to improve the online user experience for researching and obtaining Medicare supplemental insurance quotes. Blue Cross Blue Shield had the highest overall satisfaction rates and usability scores, while all sites had room for improvement. Specifically, over 40% of users reported frustrations with the research task across all sites, mainly due to confusing terminology and lengthy processes. Similarly, over 55% reported issues with the quote task, especially with locating rate information and understanding coverage options. The study provided recommendations to enhance the online experience.
Un libro un concello percorrendo a provincia da Coru?aBibliotecadicoruna
Mostra bibliogr¨¢fica e selecci¨®n dun libro por concello do total dos 93 concellos da Provincia da Coru?a que se encontran dispo?ibles na Biblioteca da Deputaci¨®n da Coru?a
The document discusses how the human body cannot survive in deep oceans due to effects of increased pressure and lack of oxygen. Specifically, it discusses how increased pressure and decreased oxygen levels affect the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems, leading the brain to shut down and organs to cease functioning. It also mentions the normal conditions the human body requires to function and necessary scuba equipment to survive underwater.
Introduccion Al Movimiento Del Software LibreIsrael Zu?iga
El documento introduce el Movimiento del Software Libre y GNU/Linux. Resume que Richard Stallman cre¨® el Proyecto GNU en 1983 para desarrollar un sistema operativo compatible con Unix que respetara las libertades de los usuarios. M¨¢s tarde, Linus Torvalds desarroll¨® el n¨²cleo Linux y ambos proyectos se unieron para formar los sistemas operativos GNU/Linux. El documento tambi¨¦n explica brevemente las cuatro libertades del software libre seg¨²n la Free Software Foundation.
The story is about a rolling object that is missing a piece and is sad. It sets off to find its missing piece, singing a song along the way. It encounters various challenges like heat, rain, snow but continues searching. It finds many pieces but none are the right fit. Eventually it meets a piece that fits perfectly and is happy, but then realizes there is a reason for its imperfection. It decides to continue without a piece and sings a different song.
The study found that leading health care sites have opportunities to improve the online user experience for researching and obtaining Medicare supplemental insurance quotes. Blue Cross Blue Shield had the highest overall satisfaction rates and usability scores, while all sites had room for improvement. Specifically, over 40% of users reported frustrations with the research task across all sites, mainly due to confusing terminology and lengthy processes. Similarly, over 55% reported issues with the quote task, especially with locating rate information and understanding coverage options. The study provided recommendations to enhance the online experience.
This document provides an overview of key concepts for developing applications on the Azure platform, including:
- Keeping applications simple and avoiding unnecessary complexity (KISS principle)
- Using a loosely coupled architecture with message-based communication like Starbucks' order queue system
- Serializing objects when passing messages to increase scalability
- Implementing logging and tracing for troubleshooting
- Using GUIDs, idempotent operations, and local storage appropriately in the cloud environment
- Taking advantage of Azure development tools like the Development Fabric and Storage Explorer.
Ping pong is a sport that is easy to learn but difficult to master. It involves using forehand and backhand techniques with accuracy, angle, spin and speed to return balls in singles or doubles matches. Players must follow safety and etiquette rules, serve low and with control and spin, and aim to win games to 11 by a margin of 2 points.
Games involving kicking a ball have been played for centuries worldwide, with modern soccer rules developing in 19th century England from earlier variations. The first official rules were published in 1863 by the Football Association, founding international and regional governing bodies. A standard soccer match consists of two 45-minute halves, with the objective being to score more goals than the opposing team within the time period using mainly the feet, legs and head while following guidelines around equipment, player numbers and prohibited actions.
The document discusses proposals for developing healthcare information sharing infrastructure and solutions across multiple healthcare providers in New Jersey. It proposes a partnership between Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and other hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and healthcare organizations to create a healthcare information exchange. It describes two potential models for this exchange and the key components, including physician and patient portals, clinical data repositories, standards-based integration, and a universal patient transfer form. The goal is to improve care coordination, access to patient information, and health outcomes across the healthcare system.
Outsourcing to India Publication IJAS 2010Debopriyo Roy
This document discusses outsourcing technical writing projects to India. It provides background on India emerging as a top outsourcing destination for its skilled, English-speaking workforce. While Indians have strong English skills, most technical writers there receive on-the-job training rather than formal education in technical writing. The quality of outsourced technical writing projects from India is debated, as cultural and educational differences could impact the work. The document aims to analyze this issue from various perspectives.
The document discusses quality management system audits and their purpose. It outlines six common causes of quality problems and different types of audits, including internal, external, system, process, and product audits. It also discusses the depth and scope of audits. The document presents a model of a quality management system as a chain of tasks involving four key elements - the person, item(s), equipment, and information for each task. It provides criteria for evaluating each of these four elements to help ensure products and services meet customer requirements.
An interpreter serves as the communication link between a patient and medical staff by translating conversations, but their role is complex. Interpreters may be untrained individuals like family or coworkers. Effective communication is difficult as interpreters must bridge differences in education, culture, language, and taboo medical topics between patients and staff. Overcoming barriers requires interpreters to fully translate discussions while advocating for patients and educating staff on unfamiliar cultural practices.
CONCELLOS: Cee, Corcubi¨®n, Dumbr¨ªa, Fisterra e Mux¨ªa.
Fisterra ocupa a parte sur da Costa da Morte, no extremo occidental da provincia de A Coru?a.
Os aspectos naturais m¨¢is sobresa¨ªntes son xeomorfol¨®xicos (derivados da acci¨®n do mar e a composici¨®n das rochas) e ambientais, derivados da situaci¨®n noroccidental, que marca o l¨ªmite de distribuci¨®n e asentamento dalgunhas especies end¨¦micas ou singulares.
CONCELLOS: Ames, Boqueix¨®n, Bri¨®n, Santiago de Compostela, Teo, Val do Dubra e Vedra
A comarca de Santiago est¨¢ situada no centro-sur da provincia de A Coru?a. ? unha ¨¢rea que incl¨²e outras comarcas con entidade propia como A Ulla, parte de Ama¨ªa ou o Val do Dubra.
O territorio pres¨¦ntase cunha gran diversidade de formas debido ¨¢ confluencia de factores t¨¦ct¨®nicos, como a gran falla que o rompe de norte a sur, e da erosi¨®n dos numerosos r¨ªos que a atravesan que forman parte das concas do Tambre, ao norte, e do Ulla, ao sur.
Os espazos naturais est¨¢n asociados aos r¨ªos. Conta ademais cunha grande riqueza bot¨¢nica en parques e xard¨ªns, tanto p¨²blicos como privados.
CONCELLOS: Amoeiro, Barbad¨¢s, Coles, Esgos, Nogueira de Ramu¨ªn, Ourense, O Pereiro de Aguiar, A Peroxa, San Cibrao das Vi?as, To¨¦n, Vilamar¨ªn e Taboadela.
2. Com. Aut¨®noma: Galicia Provincia : Lugo Comarca: mari?a central Superficie: 63 Km2 Poblaci¨®n: 2620 h. (INE 2007) Densidad: 41,59 h/Km2 Xentilicio: laurentino
3. Limita ao norte co concello de Foz , ao sur co de Riotorto , leste cos de Trabada e Barreiros e ao oeste Mondo?edo , distando 10 Km en li?a recta da costa cant¨¢brica. O seu clima destaca por la suavidade t¨¦rmica e pola humidade ambiental. ? un municipio que ha sufrido o azote migratorio .
5. Agricultura : m¨¢is das quintas partes das terras ad¨ªcase a terras de cultivo que ¨¦ de tipo minifundista. Ten moita fama as fabas de Lourenz¨¢ Gander¨ªa : auge creciente fundamentalmente de gando bovino e porcino. Madeira : ¨¦ fundamental e xenera moitos postos de traballo. Pedra : existen diversas canteiras e empresas .
6. Seg¨²n a tradici¨®n o nome de Lourenz¨¢ deriva dos nomes dos fillos do Conde Santo, Lourenzo e Ana. Pois este municipio est¨¢ vinculado a este se?or, Osorio Guti¨¦rrez A primeira documentaci¨®n hist¨®rica d¨® concello data do ano 947. O escudo do concello data da ¨¦poca medieval e aparecen unha ponte da Pedra e unha coroa de motivo her¨¢ldico.
7. Santa Mar¨ªa de Lourenz¨¢ : Nel asentase a s¨²a capitalidade Vilanova, centro comercial o de servizos. Est¨¢ o mosteiro de San Salvador e o espacio natural chamado A Cazolga . San Xurxo de Lourenz¨¢ : antigo castro e igrexa templaria. San Tom¨¦ de Lourenz¨¢ : dentro dela destaca o Pazo de Tovar. Santo Adrao de Lourenz¨¢ : na s¨²a igrexa ten un fermoso retablo b¨¢rroco da Inmaculada. Tam¨¦n ten o mirador de A Veli?a .
9. MOSTEIRO DE SAN S?LVADOR O DE LOURENZ? ? o monumento m¨¢is importante do concello e foi declarado monumento hist¨®rico-art¨ªstico no 1974 . Foi un mosteiro beneditino.
10. IGREXA DE SANTA MAR?A. Se fixo como ensaio da fachada do obradoiro. Ten 3 naves con pranta de cruz l¨¢tina .Nel tam¨¦n destaca o museo de arte sacra .
11. MUSEO DE ARTE SACRA. Tituaridade eclesi¨¢stica creado no 1964. Alberga unha importante colecci¨®n de pinturas en t¨¢boa e ricas pezas escult¨®ricas destacando o relicario barroco e o sepulcro do Conde Santo.
12. IGREXA DE SAN XURXO: Constru¨ªda no s¨¦culo XVIII en forma de cruz latina sobre un antigo castro de orixe templaria . Destaca un retablo maior neocl¨¢sico
13. IGREXA DE SAN TOM? Data do s¨¦culo XVI . Destaca un retablo maior de estilo renacentista
14. IGREXA DE SANTA ADRAO. Data do s¨¦culo XVI. Destaca un retablo maior do s¨¦culo XVII, de estilo renacentista e sobre todo unha fermos¨ªsima cruz procesional de estilo g¨®tico
15. PAZO DE TOVAR: Mansi¨®n se?orial fortificada de estilo g¨®tico isabelino , constru¨ªdo no ano 1530 por Don Antonio de Tovar. Consta de d¨²as torres cadradas e non foi en ning¨²n momento abandonada
16. PONTE DA CAZOLGA : ?rguese sobre o lombo do r¨ªo Masma. Constru¨ªda en pedra de cadeirado, no ano 1796, polos monxes benedictinos e empregouse para transportar materiais para constru¨ªr o mosteiro de san Salvador
17. PONTE DA PEDRA : Situada sobre o r¨ªo Baos . por esta ponte pasa o cami?o de Santiago.
18. FESTAS DO CONCELLO A festa do Conde Santo son as festas patronais do concello o ¨²ltimo s¨¢bado de Agosto en honor de Osorio Guti¨¦rrez, m¨¢is co?ecido polo Conde Santo , fundador do mosteiro de San Salvador con d¨²as tradici¨®ns: 1- os pasarr¨²as dos Cocos e os xigantes. 2- A visita ao Santo sepulcro do Conde Santo o domingo despois da misa .A lenda di que metendo un dedo polo burato na parte baixa do sepulcro se tocas os osos do Conde Santo veras cumprido o teu desex o.
19. FESTA DA FABA ? unha festa gastron¨®mica que se celebra a primeira fin de semana de Outubro. Foi declarada de inter¨¦s tur¨ªstico galego no 2001. O concello creo o Centro de Interpretaci¨®n Da Faba para informar sobre esta leguminosa. FEIRAS E MERCADOS Cel¨¦branse o 9 e 28 de cada mes .