The document describes an entrepreneur who is a hard worker with big dreams of starting a company to help many people. However, she has faced many challenges working alone and struggling to manage all of her projects efficiently. Her goal is to find a way to work more efficiently and utilize her skills and ideas better to help expand her business and make her dream a reality.
I designed this poster because the 'empathy poster by Stanford' did not work for me. Looking for more of this?
The document describes an empathy map created for a 22-year-old industrial engineering student near graduation. The student was interviewed to understand his perspective. The empathy map shows that the student feels disappointed that his skills are not being recognized, as he deserves a better job. He thinks grades alone are not enough for success and that personal relationships are important. The student's main problem is needing a promotion at his current job to match his strong belief in his own talents and skills.
What can we do to be more creative? What exercises will help us to achieve that? What can we learn with children?
That's the questions I try to answer through out this presentation.
How to Think as a Designer - Creative ThinkingRafiq Elmansy
In this presentation, we will explore the holistic role of designers inside organization and how creative thinking contribute the business success. Three types of creative thinking tools are discussed; the brainstorming, problem solving, and evaluation.
This presentation walks through the creative tools and provide examples for each tool and its characteristics.
After going through several rounds of transition, e.g. lean management and agile engineering, design thinking and business model innovation, customer-centered innovation is the gist of it: be it feasibility and efficiency, desirability on the end user side or economic viability, SAP's development cycles revolves around our customers. The talk also outlines different innovation strategies and examples.
Design Week Portland - The Art of the BrainstormeROI
How do you solve the problem of brainstorms? While they can be enlightening and build momentum, they can also bog down a team and create friction.
In this talk we identify key weaknesses in brainstorming, and provide solutions and new techniques to help get the most out of your team.
Microsoft Office 2010 erleichtert die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Benutzern und die Navigation in umfangreichen Dokumenten. SkyDrive bietet auch kostenlose Office-Webanwendungen, sodass Sie Word-, Excel- und PowerPoint-Dokumente online bearbeiten k旦nnen.
Customer Centered Product Development MVPs, Functional Prototypes and Agile...Paul Heirendt
2017 ProductCamp St Louis
Session ID#:36 Customer Centered Product Development MVPs, functional prototypes and Agile development
Description: Too many companies develop and launch products only to find less than favorable market response.
Involving customers and customer feedback can dramatically improve your results but it is harder than it sounds.
We will explore some best practices around customer centered product development
Session Format: Ask the Expert
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Paul Heirendt. A former Fortune 120 executive with decades of experience in Product Development, M&A, Sales & Marketing and Startup success Paul is on Twitter as @pheirendt.
Is there a silver bullet guaranteed to extend the product lifecycle? In our latest "Briefly explained" series we share the most successful product development strategy used by incumbents to continually grow through incremental innovation.
Roy McBurney talks about what he sees to be the evolution of User centered design into Customer centered and beyond into Human centered design. He explains how customer centered design principles may be broken down into a series of simple steps and suggests a framework that Product Managers may use in approaching a reformation project within their organisation.
User Experience (UX) can be confusing, unless you are a practitioner. This introductory presentation defines user experience, shows you how to do it, how to evaluate web sites for their user experience and names the components of user experience.
Value First / Customer First Product Development and MarketingPaul Heirendt
2017 ProductCamp St Louis
Session ID#:32 Value first / Customer first product development and marketing
Description: Agile development and Lean Startup principles applied to Product Development, Positioning, Branding and Marketing.
A group discussion sparked by real world case stories
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Paul Heirendt. A serial entrepreneur since leaving an executive position with a Fortune 120 company in 1994 Paul is on Twitter as @pheirendt.
This document outlines the consumer decision making process, which includes problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, decision, and post-decision evaluation. It discusses three types of problem solving variations - extended, routine, and limited problem solving. It also covers internal and external information search, evaluative criteria, decision rules, and factors that influence the decision making process like situational influences and low effort heuristics.
Este documento discute como gerar ideias criativas e como a criatividade 辿 ensinada. A criatividade 辿 natural em crian巽as pequenas, mas tende a diminuir medida que envelhecemos devido a press探es sociais para sermos conformistas. No entanto, existem t辿cnicas como brainstorming que podem ser ensinadas para estimular o pensamento criativo e lateral.
The team at GV (Google Ventures) has graciously published a fabulous book, "Sprint," in which Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz comprehensively explain their Design Sprint Methodology. It's a five-day process that spans from Monday to Friday. Design Sprint Events or Activities are respectively Understand-Diverge-Decide-Prototype-Validate. This presentation focuses on Event 1, which is "Understand."
In this presentation, the visual tool of the Design Sprint (DS) Map is used to summarize "Understand" tasks as a visual checklist. In addition, the DS Map is used to present a worksheet that is used to visually collect, organize, select, and test (C.O.S.T.) ideas during a Design Sprint. Included in the presentation are three case studies that illustrate how the "Understand" activity is used on Day (Event) 1 of the 5-Day Sprint.
Parts Without a Whole? The Current State of Design Thinking Practice in Org...Jan Schmiedgen
A presentation I gave in November 2015 at the "Warsaw Design Thinking Week" in Poland: It introduces our study of the same title and also gives some information beyond that.
Putting the Experience in Digital Customer ExperienceCognizant
As the digital revolution has gained momentum, it has become widely understood that the digital customer experience is the key to engage with, delight and monetize customers in the modern world. However, only a miniscule number of companies believe their customers current digital experience qualifies as excellent, our primary research reveals.
10 videos on our near Future - What's the impact on your business? (by @nickd...Board of Innovation
The document provides an overview of 10 videos on future technologies and visions. It encourages the viewer to consider how each technology could impact their industry and how they could make money in the near future. It also describes the Board of Innovation's approach to structured innovation workshops focusing on analyzing trends, designing new business models, and creating "innovation blockbusters".
Womenomic Luxury, Cognitive Technology, New Wave Boomer Beautyjust a few items from our Future 100 list of whats next in the year ahead.
Its a wide-ranging compilation that reflects developments surfacing across sectors including technology, retail, food and beverage, travel, sustainability and luxury. The list also includes new types of goods or businesses, new behaviors and ideas with the potential to ladder up to bigger trends.
Where to find better ideas? +10 categories to explore with examplesBoard of Innovation
This document provides tips for finding creative ideas as a team. It suggests getting inspiration from problems users face, observing how people workaround frustrations, exploring your company's existing unused assets, tracking trends, researching history and old ideas, observing extreme users, and browsing sources randomly for Eureka moments. The overall message is that being open to diverse sources of information can trigger novel ideas.
Microsoft Office 2010 erleichtert die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Benutzern und die Navigation in umfangreichen Dokumenten. SkyDrive bietet auch kostenlose Office-Webanwendungen, sodass Sie Word-, Excel- und PowerPoint-Dokumente online bearbeiten k旦nnen.
Customer Centered Product Development MVPs, Functional Prototypes and Agile...Paul Heirendt
2017 ProductCamp St Louis
Session ID#:36 Customer Centered Product Development MVPs, functional prototypes and Agile development
Description: Too many companies develop and launch products only to find less than favorable market response.
Involving customers and customer feedback can dramatically improve your results but it is harder than it sounds.
We will explore some best practices around customer centered product development
Session Format: Ask the Expert
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Paul Heirendt. A former Fortune 120 executive with decades of experience in Product Development, M&A, Sales & Marketing and Startup success Paul is on Twitter as @pheirendt.
Is there a silver bullet guaranteed to extend the product lifecycle? In our latest "Briefly explained" series we share the most successful product development strategy used by incumbents to continually grow through incremental innovation.
Roy McBurney talks about what he sees to be the evolution of User centered design into Customer centered and beyond into Human centered design. He explains how customer centered design principles may be broken down into a series of simple steps and suggests a framework that Product Managers may use in approaching a reformation project within their organisation.
User Experience (UX) can be confusing, unless you are a practitioner. This introductory presentation defines user experience, shows you how to do it, how to evaluate web sites for their user experience and names the components of user experience.
Value First / Customer First Product Development and MarketingPaul Heirendt
2017 ProductCamp St Louis
Session ID#:32 Value first / Customer first product development and marketing
Description: Agile development and Lean Startup principles applied to Product Development, Positioning, Branding and Marketing.
A group discussion sparked by real world case stories
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Paul Heirendt. A serial entrepreneur since leaving an executive position with a Fortune 120 company in 1994 Paul is on Twitter as @pheirendt.
This document outlines the consumer decision making process, which includes problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, decision, and post-decision evaluation. It discusses three types of problem solving variations - extended, routine, and limited problem solving. It also covers internal and external information search, evaluative criteria, decision rules, and factors that influence the decision making process like situational influences and low effort heuristics.
Este documento discute como gerar ideias criativas e como a criatividade 辿 ensinada. A criatividade 辿 natural em crian巽as pequenas, mas tende a diminuir medida que envelhecemos devido a press探es sociais para sermos conformistas. No entanto, existem t辿cnicas como brainstorming que podem ser ensinadas para estimular o pensamento criativo e lateral.
The team at GV (Google Ventures) has graciously published a fabulous book, "Sprint," in which Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz comprehensively explain their Design Sprint Methodology. It's a five-day process that spans from Monday to Friday. Design Sprint Events or Activities are respectively Understand-Diverge-Decide-Prototype-Validate. This presentation focuses on Event 1, which is "Understand."
In this presentation, the visual tool of the Design Sprint (DS) Map is used to summarize "Understand" tasks as a visual checklist. In addition, the DS Map is used to present a worksheet that is used to visually collect, organize, select, and test (C.O.S.T.) ideas during a Design Sprint. Included in the presentation are three case studies that illustrate how the "Understand" activity is used on Day (Event) 1 of the 5-Day Sprint.
Parts Without a Whole? The Current State of Design Thinking Practice in Org...Jan Schmiedgen
A presentation I gave in November 2015 at the "Warsaw Design Thinking Week" in Poland: It introduces our study of the same title and also gives some information beyond that.
Putting the Experience in Digital Customer ExperienceCognizant
As the digital revolution has gained momentum, it has become widely understood that the digital customer experience is the key to engage with, delight and monetize customers in the modern world. However, only a miniscule number of companies believe their customers current digital experience qualifies as excellent, our primary research reveals.
10 videos on our near Future - What's the impact on your business? (by @nickd...Board of Innovation
The document provides an overview of 10 videos on future technologies and visions. It encourages the viewer to consider how each technology could impact their industry and how they could make money in the near future. It also describes the Board of Innovation's approach to structured innovation workshops focusing on analyzing trends, designing new business models, and creating "innovation blockbusters".
Womenomic Luxury, Cognitive Technology, New Wave Boomer Beautyjust a few items from our Future 100 list of whats next in the year ahead.
Its a wide-ranging compilation that reflects developments surfacing across sectors including technology, retail, food and beverage, travel, sustainability and luxury. The list also includes new types of goods or businesses, new behaviors and ideas with the potential to ladder up to bigger trends.
Where to find better ideas? +10 categories to explore with examplesBoard of Innovation
This document provides tips for finding creative ideas as a team. It suggests getting inspiration from problems users face, observing how people workaround frustrations, exploring your company's existing unused assets, tracking trends, researching history and old ideas, observing extreme users, and browsing sources randomly for Eureka moments. The overall message is that being open to diverse sources of information can trigger novel ideas.