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Laura Lyn Snuffin
Contact Info
(609) 707-8950
2331 Almira Avenue, Atco, New Jersey
GOALS: As a Registered Nurse I would utilize my chemistry background with my experience in the Medical
Surgical Unit and Cardiothoracic Recovery Unit to work in the ICU, particularly Cardiac.
Rutgers University,New Jersey
School of Nursing
Accelerated BSN
CumulativeGPA: 3.75
Rowan University,New Jersey
Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
Physics Minor
CumulativeGPA: 3.03
Science GPA: 3.35
Camden County College
Associate of Science
CumulativeGPA: 3.39
Medical Surgical I Kennedy University Hospital Washington Township,NJ. Unit: MS3, Preceptor  Rose
McGonigle MSN, RN. (October  December 2013) Participated in Medication
Administration,PatientBedside Care, Patient-Nurse Relationship,etc.
Mental Health Kennedy University Hospital Cherry Hill,NJ. Unit: West Pavilion, Preceptor  Michael Ajayi,
DNP, MSN, APN, RN. (January  April 2014) Psych assessments,PatientCommunication and
Interaction,Participated and Organized Group Activities/Sessions.
Med Surg II Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ. Unit: 10 South ProgressiveCareand Intermediate
Care, Preceptor  Margaret Avallone MSN, RN, CCRN. (January  April 2014) CLAUTI,
CLAPSI, Trach Care, Suctioning,Med Management, Blood products, Wound & Skin Care,
Patient Isolation Precautions, IVTherapy,Ostomy Care, TPN, Blood Glucose, Frequent
Patient Assessments,VS.
Med Surg III Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, NJ. Unit: CC2 Cardiac ICU,Preceptor - Mary
Bozzo MSN, RN, CCRN. (May  July 2014) - Patient Care, Ventilator Management, VS, EKG
Monitoring,SWAN & Aline, DrawSpecimens from lines, Frequent Assessments &
Documentation, Med Management, Drip maintenance & adjustments based on patient
response& VS, Pain Management, Safety Precautions, Interaction with varyinglevels of
healthcareprofessionals regardingpatientplan of care. Assistin settingup new hearts to
the floor.Prep pt rooms. Patient overall satisfaction.
Pediatrics Capital Health Medical Center, Hopewell, NJ. Unit: Pediatrics Med Surg. Preceptor - Mary
E. Straffe, Specializes in Pediatric Nursing(NursePractitioner) Med Administration,
Patient plan of careand satisfaction.Relationship buildingwith patient and family.
Obstetrics Virtua Hospital,Voorhees, NJ. Unit: Pre-partum, Ante-partum, Post-Partum, & NICU.
Preceptor - Jennifer M. Travis,APN, Specializes in Nursing.(May  July 2014)
CAPSTONE Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, NJ. Unit: CC2/CTR ICU, Preceptor - Mary
Bozzo MSN, RN, CCRN. (September  December 2014) Continued from Clinical Med Surg
III. PatientCare, Ventilator Management, VS, EKG Monitoring,SWAN & Aline, Draw
Specimens & Line Maintenance, Frequent Assessments & Shift Documentation SOARIAN,
Med Management & Administration,Drip maintenance& adjustments based on patient
response& VS, Pain Management, Safety Precautions,Interaction with varyinglevels of
healthcareprofessionals regardingpatientplan of care (Medical,Rehab, PT, OT, etc.).
Assistin settingup new hearts to the floor. Prep pt rooms. Patient overall satisfaction.
 RegisteredNurse Med/SurgTelemetry April 15 to Present - at Virtua University Hospital Responsiblefor
assessing,diagnosing,planning,implementing,and evaluatingpatientcare through outcome identification and
evidence-based practice.Coordinates patient careand communicates and collaborates extensively with the other
members of the healthcareteam, patients and/or patient's family or significantother(s).Maintains and
demonstrates high standards of professional ethics. Administers,monitors and documents therapeutic
interventions and regimes. Effectively manages change. Delegates and monitors carerendered by other members
of nursingdepartment and healthcareteam. Demonstrates standard precautions and patientsafety principles in
practice.Identifies and participates in theperformance improvement activities.
 PatientSafety AssistantJan 15 to April 15 - atKennedy University Hospital Providedirectobservation of
assigned patients under the direction of the RN to providea safeand comfortable environment. Performs unit-
based assignments as needed.
 Front Desk Associate/ DebtCollectorNov 14  Jan 15 - atLA Fitness  Responsibilities included registering
members, entering InsuranceInformation, ResolvingPatientElectronic Fund Transfers,answeringphones,
 Real Estate Assessor/PhotographerContract Nov - Dec 14 - Aijon  Assessed & Photographed homes
throughout the South Jersey area for a third party real estate investment agency. Uploaded photos and
assessments to real estate iPhone App.
 Medical ReceptionistTemp Oct-Dec 12 - at Orthopaedic & Sports Specialist Responsibilities included
registeringpatients, entering InsuranceInformation,accessingNavinetfor physician referralsand Insurance
authorization/eligibility. FrontDesk responsibilities,answeringphones,schedulingappointments, check in/out,
collectco-pay.Familiar with Alteer, Navinet, and SJRA access.Required to sitin for IME Exams with regard to
vehicular and workmans compensation accidents.
 Pharmacy Technician June 07  Jan 09 - ShopRite of Medford. Supply Management, Organization,Integrity,
Reporting Skills,Attention to Detail,Dependability,Creatinga Safe, Effective Environment, Quality Focus,Supply
Management, AnalyzingInformation , InformingOthers. Familiar with HIPAA.
 Polyvel,Inc May 11  Sept 12 - Research/Development - Application AppropriateAdditives,Sourcing/Pricing,
Regulatory Letters, MSDSs, TDSs, Quality AssurancesMethods & Reports. Developed Respiratory Programand IH
Programs based on OSHA Standards & cGMP for Lab and PlantPersonnel.Developed workingrelationship with
Rowan University to utilizeInstrumentation for QA, Reverse Engineering, and R&D.
 Research Assistant Jan 10  Jan 11 - InorganicCatalysisReactionsEMIN+
and "Electrochemical
Reduction of Carbon Dioxidein Designed Ionic Liquids  GreenhouseGasFixation and Conversion."
Published in the Journal of Electrochemical Society with Dr. Louis Whaley and Dr. Lei Yu, Chemistry & Biochemistry.
Sigma Thete Tau Honor Society New member
StudentAmbassador, Rutgers University Stratford  Participatingin Community Outreach and University
Events  Cherry Hill Food & Outreach Council,Childrens Toy Drive, etc.
StudentGovernmentPresident,RutgersUniversity Stratford  Participated in Ronald McDonald Activity
Nights, FundraisingBakeSales,CoordinatingSGAMonthly Meetings and Student Events, Town Hall Meetings , Toy
Drives,and Food Drives.
 American Red Cross  CPR/AED Certified and regular Blood Donor.
 American Heart Association BLS/AED Certified
 Culturally Competent NursingCare: A Cornerstone of NursingCare, (i) DeliveringCulturally Competent
NursingCare. Completed 8/21/2013.

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  • 1. Laura Lyn Snuffin Contact Info Laura.Snuffin@rutgers.edu (609) 707-8950 2331 Almira Avenue, Atco, New Jersey 08004 GOALS: As a Registered Nurse I would utilize my chemistry background with my experience in the Medical Surgical Unit and Cardiothoracic Recovery Unit to work in the ICU, particularly Cardiac. EDUCATION Rutgers University,New Jersey School of Nursing Accelerated BSN CumulativeGPA: 3.75 Rowan University,New Jersey Bachelor of Science, Chemistry Physics Minor CumulativeGPA: 3.03 Science GPA: 3.35 Camden County College Associate of Science Pre-Pharmacy CumulativeGPA: 3.39 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Medical Surgical I Kennedy University Hospital Washington Township,NJ. Unit: MS3, Preceptor Rose McGonigle MSN, RN. (October December 2013) Participated in Medication Administration,PatientBedside Care, Patient-Nurse Relationship,etc. Mental Health Kennedy University Hospital Cherry Hill,NJ. Unit: West Pavilion, Preceptor Michael Ajayi, DNP, MSN, APN, RN. (January April 2014) Psych assessments,PatientCommunication and Interaction,Participated and Organized Group Activities/Sessions. Med Surg II Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ. Unit: 10 South ProgressiveCareand Intermediate Care, Preceptor Margaret Avallone MSN, RN, CCRN. (January April 2014) CLAUTI, CLAPSI, Trach Care, Suctioning,Med Management, Blood products, Wound & Skin Care, Patient Isolation Precautions, IVTherapy,Ostomy Care, TPN, Blood Glucose, Frequent Patient Assessments,VS. Med Surg III Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, NJ. Unit: CC2 Cardiac ICU,Preceptor - Mary Bozzo MSN, RN, CCRN. (May July 2014) - Patient Care, Ventilator Management, VS, EKG Monitoring,SWAN & Aline, DrawSpecimens from lines, Frequent Assessments & Documentation, Med Management, Drip maintenance & adjustments based on patient response& VS, Pain Management, Safety Precautions, Interaction with varyinglevels of healthcareprofessionals regardingpatientplan of care. Assistin settingup new hearts to the floor.Prep pt rooms. Patient overall satisfaction. Pediatrics Capital Health Medical Center, Hopewell, NJ. Unit: Pediatrics Med Surg. Preceptor - Mary E. Straffe, Specializes in Pediatric Nursing(NursePractitioner) Med Administration, Patient plan of careand satisfaction.Relationship buildingwith patient and family. Obstetrics Virtua Hospital,Voorhees, NJ. Unit: Pre-partum, Ante-partum, Post-Partum, & NICU. Preceptor - Jennifer M. Travis,APN, Specializes in Nursing.(May July 2014) CAPSTONE Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, NJ. Unit: CC2/CTR ICU, Preceptor - Mary Bozzo MSN, RN, CCRN. (September December 2014) Continued from Clinical Med Surg III. PatientCare, Ventilator Management, VS, EKG Monitoring,SWAN & Aline, Draw Specimens & Line Maintenance, Frequent Assessments & Shift Documentation SOARIAN, Med Management & Administration,Drip maintenance& adjustments based on patient response& VS, Pain Management, Safety Precautions,Interaction with varyinglevels of healthcareprofessionals regardingpatientplan of care (Medical,Rehab, PT, OT, etc.). Assistin settingup new hearts to the floor. Prep pt rooms. Patient overall satisfaction. RELATED EXPERIENCE RegisteredNurse Med/SurgTelemetry April 15 to Present - at Virtua University Hospital Responsiblefor assessing,diagnosing,planning,implementing,and evaluatingpatientcare through outcome identification and evidence-based practice.Coordinates patient careand communicates and collaborates extensively with the other members of the healthcareteam, patients and/or patient's family or significantother(s).Maintains and
  • 2. demonstrates high standards of professional ethics. Administers,monitors and documents therapeutic interventions and regimes. Effectively manages change. Delegates and monitors carerendered by other members of nursingdepartment and healthcareteam. Demonstrates standard precautions and patientsafety principles in practice.Identifies and participates in theperformance improvement activities. PatientSafety AssistantJan 15 to April 15 - atKennedy University Hospital Providedirectobservation of assigned patients under the direction of the RN to providea safeand comfortable environment. Performs unit- based assignments as needed. Front Desk Associate/ DebtCollectorNov 14 Jan 15 - atLA Fitness Responsibilities included registering members, entering InsuranceInformation, ResolvingPatientElectronic Fund Transfers,answeringphones, schedulingappointments. Real Estate Assessor/PhotographerContract Nov - Dec 14 - Aijon Assessed & Photographed homes throughout the South Jersey area for a third party real estate investment agency. Uploaded photos and assessments to real estate iPhone App. Medical ReceptionistTemp Oct-Dec 12 - at Orthopaedic & Sports Specialist Responsibilities included registeringpatients, entering InsuranceInformation,accessingNavinetfor physician referralsand Insurance authorization/eligibility. FrontDesk responsibilities,answeringphones,schedulingappointments, check in/out, collectco-pay.Familiar with Alteer, Navinet, and SJRA access.Required to sitin for IME Exams with regard to vehicular and workmans compensation accidents. Pharmacy Technician June 07 Jan 09 - ShopRite of Medford. Supply Management, Organization,Integrity, Reporting Skills,Attention to Detail,Dependability,Creatinga Safe, Effective Environment, Quality Focus,Supply Management, AnalyzingInformation , InformingOthers. Familiar with HIPAA. Polyvel,Inc May 11 Sept 12 - Research/Development - Application AppropriateAdditives,Sourcing/Pricing, Regulatory Letters, MSDSs, TDSs, Quality AssurancesMethods & Reports. Developed Respiratory Programand IH Programs based on OSHA Standards & cGMP for Lab and PlantPersonnel.Developed workingrelationship with Rowan University to utilizeInstrumentation for QA, Reverse Engineering, and R&D. Research Assistant Jan 10 Jan 11 - InorganicCatalysisReactionsEMIN+ BF3Cl- and "Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxidein Designed Ionic Liquids GreenhouseGasFixation and Conversion." Published in the Journal of Electrochemical Society with Dr. Louis Whaley and Dr. Lei Yu, Chemistry & Biochemistry. ACTIVITIES Sigma Thete Tau Honor Society New member StudentAmbassador, Rutgers University Stratford Participatingin Community Outreach and University Events Cherry Hill Food & Outreach Council,Childrens Toy Drive, etc. StudentGovernmentPresident,RutgersUniversity Stratford Participated in Ronald McDonald Activity Nights, FundraisingBakeSales,CoordinatingSGAMonthly Meetings and Student Events, Town Hall Meetings , Toy Drives,and Food Drives. CERTIFICATIONS American Red Cross CPR/AED Certified and regular Blood Donor. American Heart Association BLS/AED Certified Culturally Competent NursingCare: A Cornerstone of NursingCare, (i) DeliveringCulturally Competent NursingCare. Completed 8/21/2013. THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ MY RESUME!