BASE Storage の申し込みから、ownCloudのセットアップを行います。最後に、ownCloudの拡張ストレージに Amazon S3 や、さくら BASE Storage を認識させます。
Masahito Zembutsu Feb 19, 2013
第14回さくらの夕べ Lightning Talk
The vesper of SAKURA #14 LT at Shinjuku, Tokyo
BT Financial Monthly Market Chart - May 2010BT Financial
BT Financial Monthly Markets Chart: May 2010. An overview of movements in global financial markets. Prepared by BT Wrap for the adviser market. Includes review of global share markets as well as Australian share market, dominant currencies, interest rates and both short and long term asset classes.
BASE Storage の申し込みから、ownCloudのセットアップを行います。最後に、ownCloudの拡張ストレージに Amazon S3 や、さくら BASE Storage を認識させます。
Masahito Zembutsu Feb 19, 2013
第14回さくらの夕べ Lightning Talk
The vesper of SAKURA #14 LT at Shinjuku, Tokyo
BT Financial Monthly Market Chart - May 2010BT Financial
BT Financial Monthly Markets Chart: May 2010. An overview of movements in global financial markets. Prepared by BT Wrap for the adviser market. Includes review of global share markets as well as Australian share market, dominant currencies, interest rates and both short and long term asset classes.
BT Financial Monthly Market Chart - December 2009BT Financial
BT Financial Monthly Markets Chart: December 2009. An overview of movements in global financial markets.
Prepared by BT Wrap for the adviser market. Includes review of global share markets as well as Australian share market, dominant currencies, interest rates and both short and long term asset classes.
This document introduces Keiichi Hashimoto, a core member of the Japan Windows Azure User Group (JAZUG) who works with Azure and Silverlight. It provides Hashimoto's contact information and mentions that JAZUG enjoys technology, contact, and business through Windows Azure. The document invites those interested in Azure to join JAZUG's online community or participate in their online and offline activities like voting, blogging, discussions, workshops, case studies, and parties.
BT Financial Monthly Market Chart - June 2010BT Financial
BT Financial Monthly Markets Chart: June2010. An overview of movements in global financial markets. Prepared by BT Wrap for the adviser market. Includes review of global share markets as well as Australian share market, dominant currencies, interest rates and both short and long term asset classes.
BT Financial Monthly Market Chart - October 2009BT Financial
The BT Financial Monthly Markets Chart for October 2009. An overview of movements in global financial markets. Prepared by BT Wrap for the adviser market. Includes review of global share markets as well as the Australian share market, dominant currencies, interest rates and both short and long term asset classes.
This whitepaper explains and unlocks the power of proximity marketing and ibeacon use cases across a wide range of industries. Curated and prepared by award winning digital marketing strategist, keynote speaker and futurist to the travel industry, Stephenie Rodriguez. Rodriguez is the CEO of Mighty Media Group based in Australia.
【de:code 2020】 Azure Red hat OpenShift (ARO) によるシステムアーキテクチャ構築の実践日本マイクロソフト株式会社
コンテナをベースとしたプラットフォーム上でのシステム構築において、システムアーキテクチャの設計、構築、運用を効率的に行うために、Kubernetes をラップしてデプロイや運用機能の付加機能をもつ OpenShift を利用することにしました。インフラ運用負荷を軽減する観点から、マイクロソフトのマネージドサービスである Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) を使ってみました。本プラットフォームにおいて、エンタープライズレベルのシステムを稼働させるのに必要になる開発?運用を含めた全体アーキテクチャの概要、選定したソリューションや実現案を紹介します。