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Roseline Antai
               Chris Fox
        Udo Kruchswitz
University of Essex, UK.
? Problems  in retrieval systems
? Latent Semantic Analysis
? Clustering
? Experiment
? Results
? Evaluation
? Conclusion
? Information retrieval systems which use
 traditional search approaches are plagued by
 issues like:
 ?   Noise
 ?   Polysemy
 ?   Synonymy
 ?   Leading to reduced accuracy in retrieved
? What   is Synonymy?
 ?   Simply :- the semantic relation that holds
     between two words that can (in a given context)
     express the same meaning.
 ?   Arises from the diversity which exist in the words
     people use to define or express the same object
     or concept.
 ?   Less than 20% of the instances in which two
     people use the same major keyword for a certain
     object (Deerwester et al ,1990).
 ?   Example :- ¡°Automobiles¡± , ¡°cars¡±, ¡°vehicles¡±.
?What    is polysemy?
 ?   Simply:- the ambiguity of an individual word or
     phrase that can be used (in different contexts) to
     express two or more different meanings.
 ?   A condition in which words have more than one
     unique meaning (Deerwester,1990).
 ?   Example:- the word ¡°bank¡±.
?   A statistical information retrieval
    technique, designed to reduce the problems of
    polysemy and synonymy in information retrieval
    (Hong, 2000).

?   A technique used for automatic indexing and
    retrieval, which takes advantage of the semantic
    structure in correlating terms with
    documents, to improve the retrieval of
    documents of relevance to a certain query .
    ?   Designed to solve the problems encountered in
        keyword matching systems.
                                    (Deerwester et al, 1990).
? Defined also as a method used for comparing
 texts, through the use of a vector-based
 representation, learned from the body of the
 documents. Used to create vector-based
 representations of texts claimed to capture
 the semantic content of such texts (Weimer-
 Hastings, 1999).
? Improves upon the traditional Vector space
? Is concerned with dimension reduction
? Identified as the major strength of LSA, defined
  by Dumais et al (1988) as a technique bearing a
  close resemblance to eigenvector decomposition
  and factor analysis, which takes a large matrix
  say, ?X?, which is the association matrix of terms
  to documents, and then decomposes this matrix
  into a set of orthogonal factors, usually in the
  range of 50-150 factors, which can yield an
  approximate of the original matrix if linearly
? SVD creates a semantic space from the
 original matrix, decomposes it into the left
 and right singular vector matrices, and a
 diagonal matrix of singlular values.
 ?   The semantic space is made up of a term by
     concept space, which is the left singular vector
     matrix, the concept by document space, which is
     the right singular vector matrix, and the third
     matrix, the concept by concept space, which is
     the diagonal matrix.
                        Paulsen and Ramampiaro (2009)
?X   ¡ÖX^ =USVT
 ?   S ¨C diagonal matrix of Singular values.
 ?   U- Term by concept space matrix.
 ?   V- Document by concept space matrix.
? Probabilistic   Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA)
  ?   An approach to automated document indexing
      based on the statistical latent class model for
      factor analysis for count data (Hofman,1999).
  ?   More solid statistical foundation
  ?   Defines proper generative data model
? Latent    Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
  ?   Generative probabilistic model
  ?   Documents represented as random mixtures over
      latent topics.
? Grouping together objects based their similarity to
      each other.
    ? A process of splitting a set of objects into a set of
      structured sub-classes , bearing a strong similarity to
      each other, such that they can be safely treated as a
      group. These sub-classes are referred to as clusters
      (Zaiane, 1999).
?   Document clustering :- A procedure used to
    divide documents based on a certain
    criterion, like topics, with the expectation that
    the clustering process should recognize these
    topics, and subsequently place the documents in
    the categories to which they belong (Csorba and
    Vajk, 2006).
? System   architecture
? Document     collection
  ?    comprising 118 documents from four topic areas
      ; deontics, semantics, evolutionary computing
      and imperatives.
  ?   Converted from all formats to text files
  ?   Split into two equal parts; 59 documents
      (training set) and 59 documents (test set).
? jLSIlibrary used for latent sematic analysis.
? Stop words removed.
? Clustering   (Using CLUTO)
 ?   CLUTO ; a clustering toolkit consisting of a suite
     of clustering algorithms (partitional and
     agglomerative, hierarchical and non-
 ?   Used for clustering both high and low
     dimensional datasets and analyszing features of
     derived clusters(Karypis, 2003).
 ?   Uses two standalone programs ¨C vcluster and
? Baseline
 ?   Clustering of the test set and training set using
     CLUTO only, without carrying out LSA.
? Optimal    dimensionality
 ?   The concept of the existence of an optimal
     dimensionality for a document collection of a
     certain size investigated.
 ?   Dimensions used ranged from 2 to 50 dimensions
? Baseline   result (CLUTO only):

   Cluster      Precision   Recall   F-Measure
   0            0.89        0.85     0.87
   1            0.86        1.0      0.92
   2            0.83        0.63     0.72
   3            0.64        0.82     0.72
?   The results from clustering with LSA at different
    dimensions (training set)
                   DIM   CLUSTER   P      R      F-MEAS
                   2     0         0.0    0.0    0.00
                         1         0.38   0.38   0.38
                         2         0.75   0.75   0.75
                         3         0.48   0.83   0.61
                   5     0         0.71   1.0    0.83
                         1         0.89   0.8    0.84
                         2         0.69   0.82   0.75
                         3         0.81   0.56   0.67
                   10    0         0.92   1.0    0.96
                         1         0.41   0.82   0.55
                         2         0.88   0.75   0.81
                         3         0.57   0.25   0.35
                   20    0         0.89   0.73   0.80
                         1         0.77   0.63   0.69
                         2         0.67   0.4    0.50
                         3         0.44   0.92   0.59
                   30    0         1.0    1.0    1.00
                         1         0.45   0.82   0.58
                         2         0.77   0.5    0.61
                         3         0.29   0.25   0.27
                   40    0         0.47   0.5    0.48
                         1         0.57   0.67   0.62
                         2         0.6    0.3    0.40
                         3         0.28   0.45   0.34
                   50    0         0.21   0.27   0.24
                         1         0.4    0.38   0.39
                         2         0.5    0.3    0.38
                         3         0.5    0.75   0.60
Cluster   Precision   Recall   F-Measure
0         0.5         0.4      0.8
1         0.75        0.6      0.67
2         0.31        0.33     0.32
3         0.50        0.25     0.33
0.5                                                   Baseline
0.4                                                   LSA
      Cluster 0   Cluster 1   Cluster 2   Cluster 3
?   Purity and Entropy
    ? Entropy is concerned with the distribution of the
      different classes of documents within each cluster.
    ? Purity looks at the extent to which a particular
      cluster contains documents which are mainly from
      one class
                                 (Zhao and Karypis,2003).
    ? Low entropy and high purity values indicate a good
      clustering solution.
?   Precision, Recall and F-measure

?   Isim
    ?   Displays the average similarity between the objects
        of each cluster.
Baseline clustering results without LSA

Cid    Size   Isim     Sem   Imp     Deo   Evo
0      19     +0.169   1     17      1     0
1      14     +0.159   0     1       1     12
2      12     +0.146   1     1       10    0
3      14     +0.136   9     1       4     0
? Clustering
           results from the test set at 5
   Cid   Size   Isim    Sem   Imp   Deo   Evo
   0     25     0.820   6     10    9     0
   1     12     0.627   0     2     1     9
   2     16     0.771   3     7     5     1
   3     6      0.615   3     1     0     2
Cluster 0

Feature     Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4   Col 5

%           20.5    9.8     3.2     2.3     2.0

Cluster 1

Feature     Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4   Col 5

%           9.2     6.4     4.0     3.8     3.3

Cluster 2

Feature     Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4   Col 5

%           8.9     8.1     6.7     6.1     4.5

Cluster 3

Feature     Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4   Col 5

%           9.1     3.4     3.2     2.5     2.4
Cluster 0

Feature     Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4   Col 5

%           34.0    32.3    20.7    7.6     5.4

Cluster 1

Feature     Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4   Col 5

%           49.2    26.9    15.1    5.7     3.1

Cluster 2

Feature     Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4   Col 5

%           47.5    27.9    22.7    1.2     0.7

Cluster 3

Feature     Col 1   Col 2   Col 3   Col 4   Col 5

%           45.5    41.9    6.4     4.2     2.0
? Repeat   the experiment
 ?   On a larger corpus
 ?   On a corpus with more similar topics
? The  aim of this work was to cluster a
  document set into their respective topic
? To investigate how LSA will perform in
  clustering, in comparison to a ready made
  clustering software.
? LSA gave results which were comparable with
  the results from CLUTO.
? The  clusters obtained using LSA had higher
  Isim values, in comparison to the baseline,
  indicating that the internal cluster similarity
  is higher when LSA is used.
? The descriptive features produced when LSA
  is used give a higher percentage of within
  cluster similarity that a feature can explain,
  than when LSA is not used
? It would be very ambitious to conclude that
  LSA does give better results, given the size of
  the data set, but LSA did give a
  commendable performance.
? Csorba,K. and Vajk, I. (2006). Double Clustering in
  Latent Semantic Indexing. In Proceedings of
  SIAM, 4th Slovakan-Hungarian Joint Symposium on
  Applied Machine Intelligence, Herlany, Slovakia.
? Deerwester, S., Dumais,S.T., Furnas,G., Landauer,T.,
   Harshman,R. (1990). Indexing by Latent Semantic
  Analysis.Journal of the American Society for
  Information Science. Volume 41, issue 6, p.391-407.
? Dumais,S.T., Furnas, G.W., Landauer,T.K., Deerwest
  er, S., Harshman, R. (1988). Using Latent Semantic
  Analysis to improve access to textual information.In
  proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human
  factors in computing systems, p.281-
  285, Washington D.C, United States.
? Hofmann,T   (1999). Probabilistic latent
  semantic indexing. In Proceedings of the
  22nd annual international ACM SIGIR
  conference on Research and development in
  information retrieval (SIGIR '99). ACM, New
  York, NY, USA, 50-57.
? Hong,J.(2000). Overview of Latent Semantic
  Indexing. Available [online] at :
  ges/overview_LSI.pdf . Last accessed on 30th
  September, 2010.
? Karypis,G.,(2003). CLUTO* A Clustering
  toolkit.Release 2.1.1. Technical Report: #02-
  017.Department of Computer
  Science, University of Minneapolis.
? Paulsen  J.R. and Ramampiaro, H. (2009).
  Combining latent semantic indexing and
  clustering to retrieve and cluster biomedical
  information: A 2-step
  approach, NorskInformatikonferanse
  (NIK), 2009.
? Wiemer-Hastings, P.(1999). Latent Semantic
  Analysis.In proceedings of the sixteenth
  International Joint conference on artificial
  intelligence. Volume 16, Number 2, p. 932-
? Zaiane, O. (1999). Principles of Knowledge
  Discovery in databases, chapter 8: Data
  Clustering, lecturing slides for CmPUT
  690, University of Alberta. Available
  /cmput690/slides/chapter 8/.
? Zhao, Y and Karypis G. (2001). Criterion
  Functions for Document Clustering:
  Experiments and Analysis. Technical Report
  #01-40, Department of Computer
  Science, University of Minneapolis.

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Ltc completed slides

  • 1. Roseline Antai Chris Fox Udo Kruchswitz University of Essex, UK.
  • 2. ? Problems in retrieval systems ? Latent Semantic Analysis ? Clustering ? Experiment ? Results ? Evaluation ? Conclusion
  • 3. ? Information retrieval systems which use traditional search approaches are plagued by issues like: ? Noise ? Polysemy ? Synonymy ? Leading to reduced accuracy in retrieved documents
  • 4. ? What is Synonymy? ? Simply :- the semantic relation that holds between two words that can (in a given context) express the same meaning. ? Arises from the diversity which exist in the words people use to define or express the same object or concept. ? Less than 20% of the instances in which two people use the same major keyword for a certain object (Deerwester et al ,1990). ? Example :- ¡°Automobiles¡± , ¡°cars¡±, ¡°vehicles¡±.
  • 5. ?What is polysemy? ? Simply:- the ambiguity of an individual word or phrase that can be used (in different contexts) to express two or more different meanings. ? A condition in which words have more than one unique meaning (Deerwester,1990). ? Example:- the word ¡°bank¡±.
  • 6. ? A statistical information retrieval technique, designed to reduce the problems of polysemy and synonymy in information retrieval (Hong, 2000). ? A technique used for automatic indexing and retrieval, which takes advantage of the semantic structure in correlating terms with documents, to improve the retrieval of documents of relevance to a certain query . ? Designed to solve the problems encountered in keyword matching systems. (Deerwester et al, 1990).
  • 7. ? Defined also as a method used for comparing texts, through the use of a vector-based representation, learned from the body of the documents. Used to create vector-based representations of texts claimed to capture the semantic content of such texts (Weimer- Hastings, 1999).
  • 8. ? Improves upon the traditional Vector space model. ? Is concerned with dimension reduction ? Identified as the major strength of LSA, defined by Dumais et al (1988) as a technique bearing a close resemblance to eigenvector decomposition and factor analysis, which takes a large matrix say, ?X?, which is the association matrix of terms to documents, and then decomposes this matrix into a set of orthogonal factors, usually in the range of 50-150 factors, which can yield an approximate of the original matrix if linearly combined.
  • 9. ? SVD creates a semantic space from the original matrix, decomposes it into the left and right singular vector matrices, and a diagonal matrix of singlular values. ? The semantic space is made up of a term by concept space, which is the left singular vector matrix, the concept by document space, which is the right singular vector matrix, and the third matrix, the concept by concept space, which is the diagonal matrix. Paulsen and Ramampiaro (2009)
  • 10. ?X ¡ÖX^ =USVT ? S ¨C diagonal matrix of Singular values. ? U- Term by concept space matrix. ? V- Document by concept space matrix.
  • 11. ? Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) ? An approach to automated document indexing based on the statistical latent class model for factor analysis for count data (Hofman,1999). ? More solid statistical foundation ? Defines proper generative data model ? Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) ? Generative probabilistic model ? Documents represented as random mixtures over latent topics.
  • 12. ? Grouping together objects based their similarity to each other. ? A process of splitting a set of objects into a set of structured sub-classes , bearing a strong similarity to each other, such that they can be safely treated as a group. These sub-classes are referred to as clusters (Zaiane, 1999). ? Document clustering :- A procedure used to divide documents based on a certain criterion, like topics, with the expectation that the clustering process should recognize these topics, and subsequently place the documents in the categories to which they belong (Csorba and Vajk, 2006).
  • 13. ? System architecture
  • 14. ? Document collection ? comprising 118 documents from four topic areas ; deontics, semantics, evolutionary computing and imperatives. ? Converted from all formats to text files ? Split into two equal parts; 59 documents (training set) and 59 documents (test set). ? jLSIlibrary used for latent sematic analysis. ? Stop words removed.
  • 15. ? Clustering (Using CLUTO) ? CLUTO ; a clustering toolkit consisting of a suite of clustering algorithms (partitional and agglomerative, hierarchical and non- hierarchical). ? Used for clustering both high and low dimensional datasets and analyszing features of derived clusters(Karypis, 2003). ? Uses two standalone programs ¨C vcluster and scluster.
  • 16. ? Baseline ? Clustering of the test set and training set using CLUTO only, without carrying out LSA. ? Optimal dimensionality ? The concept of the existence of an optimal dimensionality for a document collection of a certain size investigated. ? Dimensions used ranged from 2 to 50 dimensions
  • 17. ? Baseline result (CLUTO only): Cluster Precision Recall F-Measure 0 0.89 0.85 0.87 1 0.86 1.0 0.92 2 0.83 0.63 0.72 3 0.64 0.82 0.72
  • 18. ? The results from clustering with LSA at different dimensions (training set) DIM CLUSTER P R F-MEAS 2 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 1 0.38 0.38 0.38 2 0.75 0.75 0.75 3 0.48 0.83 0.61 5 0 0.71 1.0 0.83 1 0.89 0.8 0.84 2 0.69 0.82 0.75 3 0.81 0.56 0.67 10 0 0.92 1.0 0.96 1 0.41 0.82 0.55 2 0.88 0.75 0.81 3 0.57 0.25 0.35 20 0 0.89 0.73 0.80 1 0.77 0.63 0.69 2 0.67 0.4 0.50 3 0.44 0.92 0.59 30 0 1.0 1.0 1.00 1 0.45 0.82 0.58 2 0.77 0.5 0.61 3 0.29 0.25 0.27 40 0 0.47 0.5 0.48 1 0.57 0.67 0.62 2 0.6 0.3 0.40 3 0.28 0.45 0.34 50 0 0.21 0.27 0.24 1 0.4 0.38 0.39 2 0.5 0.3 0.38 3 0.5 0.75 0.60
  • 19. Cluster Precision Recall F-Measure 0 0.5 0.4 0.8 1 0.75 0.6 0.67 2 0.31 0.33 0.32 3 0.50 0.25 0.33
  • 20. 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Baseline 0.4 LSA 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Cluster 0 Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
  • 21. ? Purity and Entropy ? Entropy is concerned with the distribution of the different classes of documents within each cluster. ? Purity looks at the extent to which a particular cluster contains documents which are mainly from one class (Zhao and Karypis,2003). ? Low entropy and high purity values indicate a good clustering solution. ? Precision, Recall and F-measure ? Isim ? Displays the average similarity between the objects of each cluster.
  • 22. Baseline clustering results without LSA Cid Size Isim Sem Imp Deo Evo 0 19 +0.169 1 17 1 0 1 14 +0.159 0 1 1 12 2 12 +0.146 1 1 10 0 3 14 +0.136 9 1 4 0
  • 23. ? Clustering results from the test set at 5 dimensions Cid Size Isim Sem Imp Deo Evo 0 25 0.820 6 10 9 0 1 12 0.627 0 2 1 9 2 16 0.771 3 7 5 1 3 6 0.615 3 1 0 2
  • 24. Cluster 0 Feature Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 % 20.5 9.8 3.2 2.3 2.0 Cluster 1 Feature Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 % 9.2 6.4 4.0 3.8 3.3 Cluster 2 Feature Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 % 8.9 8.1 6.7 6.1 4.5 Cluster 3 Feature Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 % 9.1 3.4 3.2 2.5 2.4
  • 25. Cluster 0 Feature Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 % 34.0 32.3 20.7 7.6 5.4 Cluster 1 Feature Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 % 49.2 26.9 15.1 5.7 3.1 Cluster 2 Feature Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 % 47.5 27.9 22.7 1.2 0.7 Cluster 3 Feature Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 % 45.5 41.9 6.4 4.2 2.0
  • 26. ? Repeat the experiment ? On a larger corpus ? On a corpus with more similar topics
  • 27. ? The aim of this work was to cluster a document set into their respective topic areas. ? To investigate how LSA will perform in clustering, in comparison to a ready made clustering software. ? LSA gave results which were comparable with the results from CLUTO.
  • 28. ? The clusters obtained using LSA had higher Isim values, in comparison to the baseline, indicating that the internal cluster similarity is higher when LSA is used. ? The descriptive features produced when LSA is used give a higher percentage of within cluster similarity that a feature can explain, than when LSA is not used ? It would be very ambitious to conclude that LSA does give better results, given the size of the data set, but LSA did give a commendable performance.
  • 29. ? Csorba,K. and Vajk, I. (2006). Double Clustering in Latent Semantic Indexing. In Proceedings of SIAM, 4th Slovakan-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, Herlany, Slovakia. ? Deerwester, S., Dumais,S.T., Furnas,G., Landauer,T., Harshman,R. (1990). Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis.Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Volume 41, issue 6, p.391-407. ? Dumais,S.T., Furnas, G.W., Landauer,T.K., Deerwest er, S., Harshman, R. (1988). Using Latent Semantic Analysis to improve access to textual information.In proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems, p.281- 285, Washington D.C, United States.
  • 30. ? Hofmann,T (1999). Probabilistic latent semantic indexing. In Proceedings of the 22nd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR '99). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 50-57. ? Hong,J.(2000). Overview of Latent Semantic Indexing. Available [online] at : http://www.contentanalyst.com/images/ima ges/overview_LSI.pdf . Last accessed on 30th September, 2010. ? Karypis,G.,(2003). CLUTO* A Clustering toolkit.Release 2.1.1. Technical Report: #02- 017.Department of Computer Science, University of Minneapolis.
  • 31. ? Paulsen J.R. and Ramampiaro, H. (2009). Combining latent semantic indexing and clustering to retrieve and cluster biomedical information: A 2-step approach, NorskInformatikonferanse (NIK), 2009. ? Wiemer-Hastings, P.(1999). Latent Semantic Analysis.In proceedings of the sixteenth International Joint conference on artificial intelligence. Volume 16, Number 2, p. 932- 941.
  • 32. ? Zaiane, O. (1999). Principles of Knowledge Discovery in databases, chapter 8: Data Clustering, lecturing slides for CmPUT 690, University of Alberta. Available [online]at: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~zaiane/courses /cmput690/slides/chapter 8/. ? Zhao, Y and Karypis G. (2001). Criterion Functions for Document Clustering: Experiments and Analysis. Technical Report #01-40, Department of Computer Science, University of Minneapolis.