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Many moonsago I had the wonderful opportunitytovisitthe EasternCape asan aspirant
missionary. If Isay manymoons,I mean,itwas still calledCiskei andTranskei. If youare younger
than 20 youmightnot knowwhatI am talkingaboutnow. Dont despair;todaywe call itEastern
We were about6 people travellinginareal VWKombi. The DavidKramertype. The firstrow seat
was convenientlyturnedtoface the back seat. Three of my fellow studentswere sitting onthe back
benchand I wasthe one sittingonthe facingbackwardbench. Apparentlythe othersgotcarsickif
theysat there. Soalone,all bymyself Iwasfacingthe back window. The other2 people whereour
Whilstenjoyingthe newview onthings(facingbackwards),twothingshappenedtome.
I realisedthatIdo not share the same excitementasmyfellow studentsaboutthe roadahead. They
couldsee whatI couldnt.
Secondly,there firstviewof the landscape andmine wascompletelydifferent.
That journeybetweenOvistanandCoffee Bay, made me thinkaboutlife. Itmade me thinkabout
Have you everhadthe joy of ridinga motorbike? If yes,youprobablyalsohadthe opportunitytobe
liftedona motorbike,like insomeone else ride andyouholdonfordear life sittingbehindthe rider.
Nowif you are youngenoughand willingtotake me on,I beg you,no,I challenge you: Letsomeone
whoyou trustride the bike,andgive youa lift. Nothingchallengingaboutthatyouwill say. Now let
him/herdoitwhile youare facingbackward. That meansyou andthe drivermustsitback-to-back
on the motorbike,while he/she isdrivingandyoucannotsee the road ahead.
There isa certainexcitement if youcansee whatiscoming,because itallowsyoutoadjust,to enjoy
and sometimestoevenappreciate.
Whenyoulose thisabilitytosee whatiscoming,like ridingbackwardsona motorbike,yourealise
that the funand excitementissuddenlyoverwhelming.
It made me think,that sometimeswe mustadoptthisattitude inlife aswell. We know whatisour
destinationorgoal forsome at least. But thenwe keeponfocusingonwhatis coming. We keepon
lookingatwhat can go wrong. Like youwouldwhen drivingacar or watchingthe road ahead.
I appreciate myDad forthisabilityof him. He can drive the car and still enjoythe view. Forme,itis
I mustfocus onthe road. I mustkeepmyeye onthe marker.
Wouldntitbe nice if we can setthe GPS for ourdestinationandsitbackand enjoythe ride?
Look at the surroundingsandnotour circumstances;
lookat the mountains,andnotthe obstacles;
see the sunset andnot our glimmeringhope fadingaway?
Lookingthroughthe back windowof your life,mayhelpyouappreciate yourdestinationmore. Your
back windowdoesntonlyrepresentyourfailuresorpastbad memories,itisalsoareminder.It
I alwayswonderedwherePerdekopgotitsname from. There isnothinghorse like drivingpast
Perdekoponthe Standertonroad. That isuntil we visitedVrede one day, andwe usedthe Vrede
road. Okay,maybe nota cleardapple-greyhorse orevenaLippazanerforthatmatter,but far more
horse than fromthe Standertonside.
The pointis,if you change the angle youare lookingatsomething,youwill be surprisedatthe
differentperspectiveyouwill endupwith.
My Kombi triptaughtme to see thingsthat none of myfellow studentswasable tosee. They
enjoyedexcitementandfearforwhat maycome,I experiencedsatisfaction. Why,because we have
beenthere,we made it,we succeededandwe movedpastit. Whetherthe experience wasgoodor
bad,whetheritwasbumpyor not, we have made it. It wasalreadyinthe past.
You see,satisfactionbydefaultisasecondaryemotion;youcannotexperience satisfaction,if you
haventhadthe experience.
To live a satisfiedlive,dontchange yourlife,change yourview!
Thisarticle waswrittenbyWillemHsselmannfrom:

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LTTBW Part 1

  • 1. LifethroughtheBackWindow Many moonsago I had the wonderful opportunitytovisitthe EasternCape asan aspirant missionary. If Isay manymoons,I mean,itwas still calledCiskei andTranskei. If youare younger than 20 youmightnot knowwhatI am talkingaboutnow. Dont despair;todaywe call itEastern Cape. We were about6 people travellinginareal VWKombi. The DavidKramertype. The firstrow seat was convenientlyturnedtoface the back seat. Three of my fellow studentswere sitting onthe back benchand I wasthe one sittingonthe facingbackwardbench. Apparentlythe othersgotcarsickif theysat there. Soalone,all bymyself Iwasfacingthe back window. The other2 people whereour caretakers. Whilstenjoyingthe newview onthings(facingbackwards),twothingshappenedtome. I realisedthatIdo not share the same excitementasmyfellow studentsaboutthe roadahead. They couldsee whatI couldnt. Secondly,there firstviewof the landscape andmine wascompletelydifferent. That journeybetweenOvistanandCoffee Bay, made me thinkaboutlife. Itmade me thinkabout uncertaintyandespeciallyaboutvision. Have you everhadthe joy of ridinga motorbike? If yes,youprobablyalsohadthe opportunitytobe liftedona motorbike,like insomeone else ride andyouholdonfordear life sittingbehindthe rider. Nowif you are youngenoughand willingtotake me on,I beg you,no,I challenge you: Letsomeone whoyou trustride the bike,andgive youa lift. Nothingchallengingaboutthatyouwill say. Now let him/herdoitwhile youare facingbackward. That meansyou andthe drivermustsitback-to-back on the motorbike,while he/she isdrivingandyoucannotsee the road ahead. There isa certainexcitement if youcansee whatiscoming,because itallowsyoutoadjust,to enjoy and sometimestoevenappreciate. Whenyoulose thisabilitytosee whatiscoming,like ridingbackwardsona motorbike,yourealise that the funand excitementissuddenlyoverwhelming. It made me think,that sometimeswe mustadoptthisattitude inlife aswell. We know whatisour destinationorgoal forsome at least. But thenwe keeponfocusingonwhatis coming. We keepon lookingatwhat can go wrong. Like youwouldwhen drivingacar or watchingthe road ahead. I appreciate myDad forthisabilityof him. He can drive the car and still enjoythe view. Forme,itis I mustfocus onthe road. I mustkeepmyeye onthe marker. Wouldntitbe nice if we can setthe GPS for ourdestinationandsitbackand enjoythe ride? Look at the surroundingsandnotour circumstances; lookat the mountains,andnotthe obstacles; see the sunset andnot our glimmeringhope fadingaway?
  • 2. Lookingthroughthe back windowof your life,mayhelpyouappreciate yourdestinationmore. Your back windowdoesntonlyrepresentyourfailuresorpastbad memories,itisalsoareminder.It especiallyrepresentsyouovercomingobstacles,youclimbingmountainousterrainandsurvivingit. I alwayswonderedwherePerdekopgotitsname from. There isnothinghorse like drivingpast Perdekoponthe Standertonroad. That isuntil we visitedVrede one day, andwe usedthe Vrede road. Okay,maybe nota cleardapple-greyhorse orevenaLippazanerforthatmatter,but far more horse than fromthe Standertonside. The pointis,if you change the angle youare lookingatsomething,youwill be surprisedatthe differentperspectiveyouwill endupwith. My Kombi triptaughtme to see thingsthat none of myfellow studentswasable tosee. They enjoyedexcitementandfearforwhat maycome,I experiencedsatisfaction. Why,because we have beenthere,we made it,we succeededandwe movedpastit. Whetherthe experience wasgoodor bad,whetheritwasbumpyor not, we have made it. It wasalreadyinthe past. You see,satisfactionbydefaultisasecondaryemotion;youcannotexperience satisfaction,if you haventhadthe experience. To live a satisfiedlive,dontchange yourlife,change yourview! Thisarticle waswrittenbyWillemHsselmannfrom: