The document outlines the Common Admission Process (CAP) for MBA programs in Maharashtra, which involves 4 rounds of centralized seat allocation based on student preferences and merit. Students submit option forms indicating their college preferences and are allotted seats accordingly. The document provides details on the CAP timelines, procedures, cut-offs from previous years, and documents required for admission.
The document outlines the Common Admission Process (CAP) for MBA programs in Maharashtra, which involves 4 rounds of centralized seat allocation based on student preferences and merit. Students submit option forms indicating their college preferences and are allotted seats accordingly. The document provides details on the CAP timelines, procedures, cut-offs from previous years, and documents required for admission.
This document provides instructions for creating a beaded bandana. The instructions include cutting the bandana in half diagonally, folding down the top edge three times and pressing it, marking and cutting strips up the sides for beads, and adding unglued beads to the strips to allow for placement adjustments before fusing the folds and gluing the beads. The result is an artsy, customized beaded bandana.
The document discusses key aspects of the Gilded Age including the Bessemer Process which enabled faster steel production fueling manufacturing and transportation growth. Social Darwinism influenced cut-throat business practices and led to increasing inequality. Robber barons engaged in corrupt practices to monopolize industries like steel, oil, and railroads. Some robber barons later engaged in philanthropy through charitable donations.
This short document appears to be testing integration between different platforms and services. It contains text, an image, and an Excel table but provides no other context or explanation. The purpose seems to have been to check if Tokbox, a video communication service, can connect or share content with 狠狠撸share, an online presentation and document sharing website.
This document outlines the standard structure and format for scientific research papers, including an introduction, procedures, data/results, discussion, and references sections. It provides guidelines for each section, such as stating hypotheses, using past tense and passive voice, and properly citing sources to avoid plagiarism. The objectives are to learn this format for science projects and papers at the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts.
Brazil is located in South America and has a population of 190 million people, most of whom speak Portuguese. It offers many fun activities for visitors like beaches, sports, swimming, and snorkeling in the hot weather. Important things to bring include appropriate clothes, a camera to capture the beautiful scenery, and insect repellent if visiting the Amazon region. Some top attractions are the beaches, natural areas with activities, and the lively Carnival in Rio de Janeiro known for dancing and music. However, visitors should avoid the dangerous Favelas and use sunscreen and repellent for safety.
The document summarizes search engines in 2005 compared to 1998, noting the major players in 2005 with billions in annual revenues conducting over 400 million daily searches of indexes with 5-8 billion pages. In 1998, Infoseek was a major player but had a much smaller index of 60 million pages and competed as a portal rather than focusing solely on search. Underlying trends included exponential growth of index sizes, uncertainty around reported size metrics, and a shift toward online advertising. New developments included image, product, local, and personalized search capabilities as well as contextual search and desktop search tools.
The narrator awakens on Myst Island with no memory. They explore various strange locations and ages, finding clues in red and blue books. By solving puzzles, the narrator retrieves pages from each age for the men in the books, Sirrus and Achenar. Sirrus promises a reward for the last red page, while Achenar warns against it and offers a reward for the last blue page instead. The narrator must now decide whether to trust Sirrus or Achenar.
The document discusses a demonstration of a new reporting tool called the Serensoft Reporting Gizmo. It was created to address the challenge of reporting on form data stored in XML fields in the Open Source Portfolio (OSP). The tool parses the XML data and makes it accessible through SQL queries, allowing off-the-shelf reporting applications to generate reports. Examples are shown of reports created in Cognos Impromptu. Feedback is sought from attendees on important issues to address like security, the SQL schema design, and administrative interface improvements.
The document lists the top 3 salespeople in terms of gross sales for an outsourcing company. Ana Cláudia Picaró Jones ranked first with 802 gigas in sales, David César Gouveia Ramos was second with 663 gigas, and Jo?o Manuel Sim?es Novais came in third with 445 gigas. The rankings and sales figures are from July 29, 2009 for an outsourcing company's gross sales.
The document provides a preliminary analysis of the communication ecology of the 2009 Iran election protests, known as the "Green Wave." It examines how protesters quickly established organic tactical responses like using web proxies to circumvent government censorship and continue sharing information. Protesters set up "proxy stations" with instructions on securely exchanging proxy addresses. Through coordination on Twitter and individual websites, protesters streamlined this "Protest by Proxy" tactic to consistently update people about needed proxies and directly link Iranians to supporter-generated proxies. The document analyzes how repetition of practical information, rather than sensationalism, helped sustain the "smart mob" of protesters as their priorities shifted to updates on prisoners rather than initial events.
The document provides a summary of Jeremy Cohen's experience as a copywriter, including his previous employers like The Titan Agency and Grey Atlanta where he worked on accounts such as Pearl River Resort and Georgia Aquarium, as well as his education at The Creative Circus and University of Texas at Austin. It also notes why a potential employer would want to hire him, highlighting his strong work ethic, passion for advertising, and ability to generate amazing ideas.
This document discusses the author's reliance on their personal car for transportation and how this creates an unsustainable "footprint problem". The author notes that using a personal car relies on fossil fuels, requires significant resources to support automobile infrastructure, and uses a large amount of energy to transport just one person. The author analyzes their car usage as a "design problem" that could potentially be solved by creating more sustainable vehicles or transportation methods. However, the author acknowledges that a massive redesign of both technologies and infrastructure would be needed to make transportation truly sustainable.
Los estudiantes de las instituciones educativas del distrito de Santa realizaron tesis en el a?o 2009. El documento presenta información sobre los proyectos de investigación desarrollados por los estudiantes de dichas instituciones ese a?o.
My inspiration from reading *C++ Primer*, *Effective C++*, *More Effective C++*, *The C++ Standard Library* and some experience from coding.
* Debug
* C++ Syntax
* Habit && Optimization
* Trick
* Trap
* Reference
This document discusses load balancing with LVS (Linux Virtual Server) and troubleshooting TCP/IP issues. It includes log output showing LVS routing requests to backends, configuration for routing with IPVSADM and Nginx, and recommendations for disabling LRO/GRO features and adjusting TCP settings to address retransmission issues. Commands like tcpdump, netstat, and ethtool are referenced for analyzing network traffic and interface settings.
This document provides 40 shortcuts for Xcode 6.x. Some of the most commonly used shortcuts include Command + N to create new files, Command + O to open files, Command + Click to go to definitions, Command + F to find in files, Command + B to build projects, and Command + R to build and run projects. The document encourages practicing these shortcuts to improve efficiency when coding in Xcode.
1. What web caching means and includes
2. Why use caching
3. File caching
4. Share caching
5. Local caching
6. Memcached and its usage
7. TTServer and KTServer
8. Redis VS SSDB
9. CDN cachings
10. Twemproxy
11. Programming skills and tips
1. Introduction to Lua and it's features
2. OpenResty: full-fledged web application server
3. Installation and "Hello World"
4. Nonblocking
5. Reconstruction of infov
6. Configuration skills
7. Table and JSON output problem
8. DNS and Hosts parser
9. More features
1. What does millions visits means?
2. How to know the problem? Tools?
3. Steps for emergency repair
4. The real problem is “Socket”
5. Profiling with XHProf
6. Cachings and twemproxy
7. Summarize of skills
1. Comment: the UGC system
2. Pages/Channels that use the comment system
3. The architecture
4. The APIs and Entries
5. MongoDB and ObjectId
6. Comments "Gailou"
7. Indexes of the big tables
1. A brief introduction of Git (SVN, CVCS, DVCS etc.)
2. Git/TortoiseGit/msysgit installations
3. A complete guide of Git operations
4. The Branches and HEAD
5. Remote and local repository
6. Rebase and submodules etc.
7. Some Skills and Experience
PHP Coding Standard and 50+ Programming SkillsHo Kim
1. How and Why to write good code?
2. Coding standard based on ZendFramework and real world practise.
3. PHP programming skills from daily coding.
4. Some security tips
5. Some optimization tips
23. 二维数组二维数组
mt = {}mt = {}
for i = 1, N dofor i = 1, N do
mt[i] = {} --mt[i] = {} -- 注意要先定义注意要先定义
for j = 1, M dofor j = 1, M do
mt[i][j] = i * jmt[i][j] = i * j
24. 复制复制 TableTable
LuaLua 的的 tabletable 复制都是引用赋值复制都是引用赋值
即新增一个对即新增一个对 tabletable 的引用的引用
local a = {}local a = {}
local b = a -- alocal b = a -- a 和和 bb 都引用同一个都引用同一个 tabletable
25. 比较比较 TableTable
LuaLua 通过“引用”对通过“引用”对 tabletable 、、 userdatauserdata 和 函数 等和 函数 等
local a, b = {1}, {1}local a, b = {1}, {1}
a == b -- falsea == b -- false
30. 模块定义模块定义
module(...)module(...) 相当于做了以下的事情:相当于做了以下的事情:
local modname = ... --local modname = ... -- 当前模块名当前模块名
local M = {} --local M = {} -- 定义模块定义模块
_G[modname] = M --_G[modname] = M -- 把模块加到全局变量中把模块加到全局变量中
package.loaded[modname] = M --package.loaded[modname] = M -- 模块已加载成功模块已加载成功
setmetatable(M, {__index = _G}) --setmetatable(M, {__index = _G}) -- 模块可以直接访问所有模块可以直接访问所有
全局变量,相当于全局变量,相当于 module(..., package.seeall)module(..., package.seeall)
setfenv(1, M) --setfenv(1, M) -- 保证在模块内定义和调用的函数都以模块保证在模块内定义和调用的函数都以模块
31. 模块加载模块加载
模块加载(模块加载( requirerequire )原理:)原理:
function require(name)function require(name)
if not package.loaded[name] thenif not package.loaded[name] then
local loader = findloader(name)local loader = findloader(name)
if loader == nil thenif loader == nil then
error("unable to load module " .. name)error("unable to load module " .. name)
package.load[name] = truepackage.load[name] = true
local res = loader(name)local res = loader(name)
if res ~= nil thenif res ~= nil then
package.loaded[name] = respackage.loaded[name] = res
return package.loaded[name]return package.loaded[name]
32. 访问模块外的变量访问模块外的变量
11 )) setmetatable(M, {__index = _G}) --setmetatable(M, {__index = _G}) -- 模块可直接访问全局变量模块可直接访问全局变量
22 )) local _G = _G --local _G = _G -- 可通过可通过 的方式来调用全局的的方式来调用全局的 abcabc 变量变量
33 )按需加载,例如:)按需加载,例如:
local math = math --local math = math -- 在模块顶部显示的调用在模块顶部显示的调用
(如果是使用(如果是使用 lua5.1lua5.1 的的 modulemodule 函数来创建模块的话函数来创建模块的话
34. 尽量使用尽量使用 localslocals
for i = 1, 1000000 dofor i = 1, 1000000 do
local x = math.sin(i)local x = math.sin(i)
---- 下面这个快下面这个快 30%30% 左右左右 ::
local sin = math.sinlocal sin = math.sin
for i = 1, 1000000 dofor i = 1, 1000000 do
local x = sin(i)local x = sin(i)
39. 字符串缓冲字符串缓冲
字符串连接可以使用字符串连接可以使用 tabletable 作为缓冲,然后用作为缓冲,然后用 concatconcat 来连接来连接
local s = '';local s = '';
for line in io.lines() dofor line in io.lines() do
s = s .. line .. “n” --s = s .. line .. “n” -- 创建一个新字符串创建一个新字符串 ss ,内存移动,内存移动 ss 这么大这么大
---- 下面这个要快十倍,特别是大文件下面这个要快十倍,特别是大文件
local t = {}local t = {}
for line in io.lines() dofor line in io.lines() do
t[#t + 1] = linet[#t + 1] = line
t[#t + 1] = ''t[#t + 1] = ''
s = table.concat(t, "n")s = table.concat(t, "n")
40. 高效输出高效输出
print(a, b, c)print(a, b, c) 比比 print(a..b..c)print(a..b..c) 更高效更高效
io.write(a, b, c)io.write(a, b, c) 比比 io.write(a..b..c)io.write(a..b..c) 更高效更高效
lualua 还有很多这样的例子,原则是尽量避免创建字符串中间变量还有很多这样的例子,原则是尽量避免创建字符串中间变量
41. 一次性定义一次性定义
---- 定义一个对象并初始化定义一个对象并初始化
a = {}; a.x = 10; a.y = 20a = {}; a.x = 10; a.y = 20
---- 用一次性定义,快用一次性定义,快 60%60%
a = { x = 10, y = 20 }a = { x = 10, y = 20 }
42. TableTable 重用重用
local t = {}local t = {}
for i = 1970, 2000 dofor i = 1970, 2000 do
t[i] = os.time({year = i, month = 6, day = 14})t[i] = os.time({year = i, month = 6, day = 14})
---- 下面的快下面的快 50%50% ,内存也使用更少,内存也使用更少
local t = {}local t = {}
local aux = {year = nil, month = 6, day = 14}local aux = {year = nil, month = 6, day = 14}
for i = 1970, 2000 dofor i = 1970, 2000 do
aux.year = iaux.year = i
t[i] = os.time(aux)t[i] = os.time(aux)