LuckyOliver is an online stock photo marketplace launched in 2006 that allows photographers to sell their images using a micro payments model where images start at 1 token which is equal to $1. The site saw 2000-3000 new images uploaded per day from a dedicated community of photographers. It provided a competitive advantage through its midstock model that merged microstock and macrostock, allowing photographers to price their own images higher. The platform managed photos by providing sizes, prices and easy uploading while also using technology to match images for relevant search results.
9. Basics LuckyOliver is based on micro payments Tokens are 1 dollar (Discounts with volume) Images start at 1 token, go up to 50 tokens. Sideshow images are priced by photographer
10. Quiet start Launched June 2006- no alpha, beta just a simple upload tool. People and education are the foundation of LuckyOliver
11. Story 2000-3000 images a day from a dedicated community with a vested interest in LuckyOlivers success. 10% of visitors stay 30 mins
12. Team- Key Members Bryan Zmijewski 70 start-ups, Photobucket, Zazzle, ClickTracks Kevin McGibben International Business Amy Hooker PR maven ZURB- UI Experthost- Hosting 14 Bouncers
13. Competitive advantage Midstock, new model (Sideshow) Platform for monetizing existing content Photo page sign-up and purchase Best related images on web Excellent brand-Carnival theme Community, Intangibles, Features
14. Midstock Images priced by photographer Merges microstock with macrostock. Higher margins Quality of imagery increases over time
15. Platform Sizes, prices, and manages photos. Easy upload system Uses IPTC API for search and content matching
16. Photo page sign-up and purchase Uses token concept, but enables a one-off purchase feel. Easy to download image
17. Best related images on web Pivot point, helps to find images quickly New search features to be released mid June.
18. Excellent Brand No logo Strong community Excellent images Simple features
19. Community Volume + Soul = Happy Buyers and Photogs Odditorium- custom built forum based on sticky words. Comments- excellent feedback and ideas Newsletter 30% read, Blog, BallyHoos