Joseph and Mary traveled to register for a census. Mary was engaged to Joseph and expecting a child. They went to register for the census while Mary was pregnant with Jesus.
This document discusses child labor, including its definition, causes, statistics, prevalence in India, and relevant regulations. It notes that 246 million children aged 5-17 are involved in child labor, with 171 million engaged in hazardous work. In India specifically, there are an estimated 10 million bonded child laborers in domestic work and 55 million in other industries. The key regulation is the 1986 Prohibition of Child Labor Act, which bans employment of children in hazardous occupations. The conclusion calls for individual and government action to curb this social issue.
Romans 12 10 one another in love power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document discusses showing love and devotion to one another. It encourages honoring and preferring one another, giving precedence to each other with brotherly affection. Members are asked to be kindly affectioned towards one another with brotherly love.
Romans 3 25 the sins committed before hand unpunished power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
God presented Christ as a sacrifice through his blood to demonstrate his justice and righteousness. This was because in the past, God had chosen not to punish sins. By sacrificing Christ, God displayed his righteousness through forgiving both past and present sins for those who have faith.
Matthew 6 14 your heavenly father will also forgive power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document contains multiple versions of Matthew 6:14 from different translations of the Bible. The verse discusses how if people forgive others for sins committed against them, their heavenly Father will forgive them in return. It encourages forgiveness as a way to receive forgiveness from God. The document also includes welcome messages and announcements related to a church gathering or presentation on this biblical passage.
2 peter 1 5 make every effort to add power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document discusses adding goodness and knowledge to one's faith according to 2 Peter 1:5. It encourages making every effort to develop virtue and intelligence through exercising faith and virtue. It emphasizes giving diligence to adding faith, virtue, and knowledge according to the verse. The document contains the scripture reference, welcome message, and announcements about customizing the presentation.
2 corinthians 9 7 god loves a cheerful giver power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Each person should freely decide how much to give to their church or charity, without feeling forced or reluctant. God appreciates generous donors who give cheerfully, not those who give grudgingly or because they feel they must. The key Bible verse referenced is 2 Corinthians 9:7, which states that God loves a cheerful giver.
1 corinthians 8 9 a stumbling block to the weak power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document discusses how Christians should be careful not to let their freedoms or rights cause others with weaker faith to stumble into sin. It cites 1 Corinthians 8:9 and provides three translations of the verse, all conveying the message that while Christians have freedom and rights, they should not exercise them in a way that hinders others in their faith journey. The document also contains headings for announcements and a goodbye, suggesting it is a presentation for a church gathering.
Song of solomon 1 7 you rest your sheep at midday power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document appears to be a presentation slide welcoming people to an event and quoting a passage from the Song of Solomon 1:7. The passage is a dialogue where a woman asks her lover where he pastures his flock and rests at midday, and why she should wander like a veiled woman beside other men's flocks.
Ruth 4 1 so he went over and sat power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Boaz sat at the town gate and saw the family guardian that he had mentioned walk by. Boaz invited the man to sit with him, and the man accepted the invitation and sat down to talk with Boaz.
Obadiah 1 7 your bread will set a trap power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Those who were allies and friends of Edom will betray them, forcing them to the border and overpowering them. Even those who Edom shared food with will set traps for them without them realizing it. Edom lacks understanding of their situation and the deception of those close to them.
Micah 7 5 put no confidence in a friend power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document warns against putting confidence in friends or neighbors, and to be careful of what you say even around intimate partners. It quotes Micah 7:5 multiple times, cautioning not to trust those close to you and to guard what you say around even those in your inner circle.
Judges 7 14 the whole camp into his hands power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Gideon and his small army of men were able to defeat the entire camp of the Midianites with God's help. When one of Gideon's men came upon a dreaming Midianite soldier, the Midianite revealed that he had dreamed that Gideon had been given victory over the whole Midianite army by God.
Jude 1 17 our lord jesus christ foretold power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
But the document reminds believers to remember the predictions made by the apostles of Jesus Christ as foretold in Jude 1:17. It references this verse multiple times to emphasize the importance of recalling the words of the apostles and what they foretold about Jesus. The document ends by wishing blessings upon the reader.
Job 19 21 the hand of god has struck me power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Job laments to his friends that God has struck him down, asking them to take pity on him for the hand of God has touched him. The document contains the biblical verse Job 19:21 repeated several times, with Job asking his friends to pity him for God having struck him, as well as titles for a welcome and announcements slide.
Job 16 21 he pleads with god power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Job pleads with God to have an advocate plead on behalf of humans to God, as one person would plead for a friend to another person. Job wishes for someone who could maintain a person's case with God, similar to how a person would plead for a neighbor. He hopes for an intermediary to plead for humans to God.
Job 12 4 i have become a laughing stock power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Job has become a laughingstock to his friends despite calling on God, who answered him. As a righteous and blameless man, Job finds it unjust that his friends now mock him instead of providing comfort during his suffering. He remains faithful to God even though his friends scorn him for the difficulties he faces.
Exodus 33 11 his young aide joshua son power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Moses would speak with God face to face in the tent, as one speaks with a friend. When Moses left the tent to return to the camp, his aide Joshua, the son of Nun, remained inside the tent as a young man. Joshua did not depart from the tent like the others had.
Esther 5 10 haman restrained himself and went home power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Haman restrained himself from harming Mordecai after being insulted by him and instead went home. There, he called together his friends and wife Zeresh to tell them about the insult from Mordecai and his promotion by the king, which made him the most powerful man next to the king.
Acts 19 31 the officials of the province friends power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Certain provincial officials in Asia who were friends of Paul sent him a message, begging him not to go to the theater, as they were warning him that it would be risky to venture there. The officials were concerned for Paul's safety and advised him against going to an area that could endanger him.
2 kings 10 11 so jehu killed everyone in jezreel power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Jehu killed everyone remaining from the house of Ahab in Jezreel, including all of Ahab's chief men, close friends, and priests, leaving no survivors from Ahab's lineage or inner circle.
2 corinthians 12 19 dear friends is for your strengthening power point church...PowerPoint_Sermons
This document welcomes people to a gathering and references 2 Corinthians 12:19. It discusses how the speaker has not been defending or excusing themselves, but rather speaking to build others up spiritually. The purpose of everything mentioned is for strengthening and edifying the beloved listeners. It concludes with announcing the start and inviting a title for the presentation.
1 thessalonians 4 10 you do love all the brothers power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document discusses 1 Thessalonians 4:10 and encourages Christians to love fellow brothers and sisters more and more. It notes that the Thessalonians already love other believers throughout Macedonia, but urges them to increase in showing love to one another even more. The passage encourages Christians to continue strengthening their love and care for other members of the faith community.
Psalms 32 6 the mighty waters will not reach power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document contains multiple verses from Psalms 32:6 with slight variations in translation. The verses suggest that the faithful should pray to God when He can be found and that even when mighty waters or great floods come, they will not reach the righteous person who prays. The document also contains greetings welcoming the reader and wishing them God's blessings.
Numbers 14 19 they left egypt until now power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Moses asks God to forgive the sins of the Israelites according to His abundant love and mercy, just as He had forgiven them since they left Egypt. The passage references Numbers 14:19 and asks God to pardon the iniquity of His people in light of His great compassion and forgiveness shown to them from Egypt until now. It provides the context of Moses' plea to God to continue overlooking the sins of the Israelites.
Matthew 18 35 you forgive a brother or sister power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
God will not forgive us if we do not forgive others. According to Matthew 18:35, if we do not freely forgive our brothers and sisters from our heart for their offenses, then our heavenly Father will not forgive us either. We must forgive others fully from our hearts in order to receive forgiveness from God.
Matthew 9 6 get up take your mat power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document references a passage from Matthew 9:6 where Jesus tells a paralyzed man "Get up, take your mat and go home" to demonstrate his authority to forgive sins. It then repeats the verse in different translations and includes slides welcoming people and listing announcements, though the content of the announcements is not included.
Luke 5 24 i tell you get up take power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Jesus tells a paralyzed man to get up, take his mat, and go home to demonstrate his power and authority on earth to forgive sins. When Jesus says this, the paralyzed man is healed and obeys Jesus' command, showing that the Son of Man has the power to forgive sins through his authority on earth. Jesus performs this miracle to prove he has the ability and right to forgive people's sins.
Job 7 21 you will search for me power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document contains four versions of Job 7:21 from different translations of the Bible. In the passage, Job questions why God will not forgive his sins and transgressions, stating that soon he will lie down in the dust and God will search for him but he will no longer be found. The document ends by wishing the reader God's blessing.
Ruth 4 1 so he went over and sat power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Boaz sat at the town gate and saw the family guardian that he had mentioned walk by. Boaz invited the man to sit with him, and the man accepted the invitation and sat down to talk with Boaz.
Obadiah 1 7 your bread will set a trap power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Those who were allies and friends of Edom will betray them, forcing them to the border and overpowering them. Even those who Edom shared food with will set traps for them without them realizing it. Edom lacks understanding of their situation and the deception of those close to them.
Micah 7 5 put no confidence in a friend power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document warns against putting confidence in friends or neighbors, and to be careful of what you say even around intimate partners. It quotes Micah 7:5 multiple times, cautioning not to trust those close to you and to guard what you say around even those in your inner circle.
Judges 7 14 the whole camp into his hands power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Gideon and his small army of men were able to defeat the entire camp of the Midianites with God's help. When one of Gideon's men came upon a dreaming Midianite soldier, the Midianite revealed that he had dreamed that Gideon had been given victory over the whole Midianite army by God.
Jude 1 17 our lord jesus christ foretold power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
But the document reminds believers to remember the predictions made by the apostles of Jesus Christ as foretold in Jude 1:17. It references this verse multiple times to emphasize the importance of recalling the words of the apostles and what they foretold about Jesus. The document ends by wishing blessings upon the reader.
Job 19 21 the hand of god has struck me power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Job laments to his friends that God has struck him down, asking them to take pity on him for the hand of God has touched him. The document contains the biblical verse Job 19:21 repeated several times, with Job asking his friends to pity him for God having struck him, as well as titles for a welcome and announcements slide.
Job 16 21 he pleads with god power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Job pleads with God to have an advocate plead on behalf of humans to God, as one person would plead for a friend to another person. Job wishes for someone who could maintain a person's case with God, similar to how a person would plead for a neighbor. He hopes for an intermediary to plead for humans to God.
Job 12 4 i have become a laughing stock power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Job has become a laughingstock to his friends despite calling on God, who answered him. As a righteous and blameless man, Job finds it unjust that his friends now mock him instead of providing comfort during his suffering. He remains faithful to God even though his friends scorn him for the difficulties he faces.
Exodus 33 11 his young aide joshua son power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Moses would speak with God face to face in the tent, as one speaks with a friend. When Moses left the tent to return to the camp, his aide Joshua, the son of Nun, remained inside the tent as a young man. Joshua did not depart from the tent like the others had.
Esther 5 10 haman restrained himself and went home power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Haman restrained himself from harming Mordecai after being insulted by him and instead went home. There, he called together his friends and wife Zeresh to tell them about the insult from Mordecai and his promotion by the king, which made him the most powerful man next to the king.
Acts 19 31 the officials of the province friends power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Certain provincial officials in Asia who were friends of Paul sent him a message, begging him not to go to the theater, as they were warning him that it would be risky to venture there. The officials were concerned for Paul's safety and advised him against going to an area that could endanger him.
2 kings 10 11 so jehu killed everyone in jezreel power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Jehu killed everyone remaining from the house of Ahab in Jezreel, including all of Ahab's chief men, close friends, and priests, leaving no survivors from Ahab's lineage or inner circle.
2 corinthians 12 19 dear friends is for your strengthening power point church...PowerPoint_Sermons
This document welcomes people to a gathering and references 2 Corinthians 12:19. It discusses how the speaker has not been defending or excusing themselves, but rather speaking to build others up spiritually. The purpose of everything mentioned is for strengthening and edifying the beloved listeners. It concludes with announcing the start and inviting a title for the presentation.
1 thessalonians 4 10 you do love all the brothers power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document discusses 1 Thessalonians 4:10 and encourages Christians to love fellow brothers and sisters more and more. It notes that the Thessalonians already love other believers throughout Macedonia, but urges them to increase in showing love to one another even more. The passage encourages Christians to continue strengthening their love and care for other members of the faith community.
Psalms 32 6 the mighty waters will not reach power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document contains multiple verses from Psalms 32:6 with slight variations in translation. The verses suggest that the faithful should pray to God when He can be found and that even when mighty waters or great floods come, they will not reach the righteous person who prays. The document also contains greetings welcoming the reader and wishing them God's blessings.
Numbers 14 19 they left egypt until now power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Moses asks God to forgive the sins of the Israelites according to His abundant love and mercy, just as He had forgiven them since they left Egypt. The passage references Numbers 14:19 and asks God to pardon the iniquity of His people in light of His great compassion and forgiveness shown to them from Egypt until now. It provides the context of Moses' plea to God to continue overlooking the sins of the Israelites.
Matthew 18 35 you forgive a brother or sister power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
God will not forgive us if we do not forgive others. According to Matthew 18:35, if we do not freely forgive our brothers and sisters from our heart for their offenses, then our heavenly Father will not forgive us either. We must forgive others fully from our hearts in order to receive forgiveness from God.
Matthew 9 6 get up take your mat power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document references a passage from Matthew 9:6 where Jesus tells a paralyzed man "Get up, take your mat and go home" to demonstrate his authority to forgive sins. It then repeats the verse in different translations and includes slides welcoming people and listing announcements, though the content of the announcements is not included.
Luke 5 24 i tell you get up take power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
Jesus tells a paralyzed man to get up, take his mat, and go home to demonstrate his power and authority on earth to forgive sins. When Jesus says this, the paralyzed man is healed and obeys Jesus' command, showing that the Son of Man has the power to forgive sins through his authority on earth. Jesus performs this miracle to prove he has the ability and right to forgive people's sins.
Job 7 21 you will search for me power point church sermonPowerPoint_Sermons
The document contains four versions of Job 7:21 from different translations of the Bible. In the passage, Job questions why God will not forgive his sins and transgressions, stating that soon he will lie down in the dust and God will search for him but he will no longer be found. The document ends by wishing the reader God's blessing.
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