This document summarizes the portfolio of an Android developer including links to 3 Android apps and their GitHub repositories. It provides descriptions of a Music Player Widget app that plays random MP3 files, a Fyber Challenge reference app for social and on-demand services, and links to RemoteMeeting and GameDuck video conferencing and gameplay streaming apps respectively in the Google Play Store. Details about the apps' features and code samples for communication with servers are also included to illustrate the developer's technical skills and open source projects.
2. ?
delivery service, shopping or O2O service App on Android, please refer to my open-source
project and you cam make awesome those App very easily. If you want to learn more
technical knowledge of Web-Communication, which is related Web APIs, please visit my
BEatery open-source project and BEatery APIs:
Fyber Challenge
BEatery App
RemoteMeeting App
You can get more details you need. Also you can know the way how to communicate with
Server. if you want to get this technical knowledge, please visit here below:
RemoteMeeting is a FREE video conferencing and online collaboration application. Meet
online quickly and easily even on mobile with RemoteMeeting. It supports 3G/LTE/WiFi
connection in any network with up to 4 users in the same meeting.
GameDuck App
GameDuck is a game social media for video generations who want to stream and share their
gameplay video easily and intuitively.?