The 2012 Summer Olympic Games will be held in London, England from July 27 to August 12, 2012. The Games will feature 26 sports across 38 disciplines. For the first time, women's boxing will be included in the program with 40 athletes competing across five weight classes. The official mascots for the 2012 Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games were unveiled on May 19, 2010, marking only the second time the Olympics and Paralympics mascots were unveiled at the same time. Around 10,500 athletes from over 200 National Olympic Committees are expected to participate in the Games.
3. T 212S m O m prog m e
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3 disciplines.
T 212Pra m Gm prog m e
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4. T 212O m a Pra m Gm w use am of newv existing a historic fa
he 0 ly pic nd a ly pic a es ill ixture enues, nd cilities, a tem ryfa
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them in w know loca such a Hde Prk a H G rds Pra S e of the newfa
ell- n tions s y a nd orse ua a de. om cilities w be reused in their O m form
ill ly pic ,
w others w be resized or reloca
hile ill ted
5. T officia m scots for the 212S m O m a Pra m Gm w unv on 19My210 this m rks the second tim
he l a 0 um er ly pic nd a ly pic a es ere eiled a 0; a e
( fter Vncouv tha both O m a Pra m m scots w unv a the sa e tim W a Mndev a a a depicting
a a er) t ly pic nd a ly pic a ere eiled t m e. enlock nd a ille re nim tions
tw drops of steel from asteelw in B T a na ed Wn ck, a the S
o orks olton. hey re m e lo fter hropshire tow of M W w held a
n uch enlock, hich
forerunner of the current O m Gm a M d ville a S Mndev av g in B ha shire w aforerunner to
ly pic a es, nd an e , fter toke a ille, illae ucking m here
the Pra m Gm w first held. T w M el M o w the storyconcept to the m scots, a a a a ws produced it
a ly pic a es ere he riter icha orpurg rote a nd n nim tion a
is intended tha this w form pa of a ong series concerning the m scots in the run- to the Gm in 212 T o stories hae been
t ill rt n oing a up a es 0. w v
crea a the m scots: O O A a , the storyof howW a Mndev ca e to be, a A entures O A a , w
ted bout a ut f Rinbow enlock nd a ille m nd dv n Rinbow hich
fea the children from O O A a m the m scots a try out m nydifferent O m a Pra m sports.
tures ut f Rinbow eeting a nd ing a ly pic nd a ly pic
6. A from 24Ntiona O m C m ( Os) a expected to pa te. T N nds A O m C m w ha pla
thletes 0 a l ly pic om ittees NC re rticipa he etherla ntilles ly pic om ittee, hich d nned
to continue functioning a the dissolution of the N nds A
fter etherla ntilles, ha its m bership w w bythe IO E e C m a
d em ithdra n C xecutiv om ittee t
the IO session of J 211. H ev D A n a
C une 0 ow er, utch ntillea thletes w qua for the 212O m w be a ed to pa te independently
ho lify 0 ly pics ill llow rticipa
under the O m fla.L belowa NC w hae qua a lea one a
ly pic g isted re Os ho v lified t st thlete. Aof 2 A 212 16 countries hae qua a lea
s 3 pril 0, 2 v lified t st
one athlete.
7. T fina officia schedule ws
he l l a
relea on 15F ry211.
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