Lupe demonstrated fairness by allowing everyone to play the game they wanted. The document discusses the concepts of fairness, which involves splitting things equally, and honesty, which means not lying. It provides examples of fairness like splitting a pizza into fourths for friends, and of honesty like admitting to eating cake when not supposed to. The document encourages practicing fairness through roleplaying scenarios like sharing games or dealing with cheating. It concludes with the Girl Scout Law about being honest and fair.
2. What is Fairness?
• Fairness is when you split it equally or being
fair and follow the rules in the game.
• For Example: I had a pizza and there were four
friends so I split it in fourths.
3. What did Lupe do to Be Fair?
• Everyone got to play the game they wanted to
• What can you do to be Fair?
4. What is Honesty?
• Honesty is when you are truthful which means
you don’t lie.
• For example: I was hungry and there was a
cake, I ate a piece even though I wasn’t
supposed to but I didn’t lie I told my friends I
ate it.
5. Practice Being Fair
• Separate into group each group acts out being
• Group 1: The girls are wanting to play
hopscotch but someone wants to play a
different game.
• Group 2: Everyone is playing a game but
someone cheated
• Make more Scenarios for Group 3 and Group