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Case Review:
34 year old female with
Idiopathic Scoliosis, and a
broken Luque Rod.

Robert S Pashman, MD
Scoliosis and Spinal Deformity Surgery
Patient History
34-year-old female.
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.
The patient had a spinal fusion with Luque instrumentation placed in The
Philippines at age 13.
Recent pregnancy.
The patient was admitted to the hospital because the Luque rod had broken
and had moved it was pointing and piercing the skin to the level of her mid
buttock. At that time the piece of the rod was removed.
The patient on 36 x 14 x-rays has residual Luque instrumentation which is
fractured, broken, all wires are broken, and the fixation is lost.
Pre-op X-rays
       The patient has greater than an 86属 residual
       large thoracic curve. This is a significant
       problem because she does not have a

       The proximal instrumentation is pointing
       on the left-hand side and will probably
       break through the skin. The patient is
       loosing height and I think that this is a very
       significant serious issue at this point.
       The patient and needs a posterior removal
       of the instrumentation, placement of the
       screws with O arm and a T2 to sacral pelvic
       fusion. Will classify this is a King III curve
       and the patient needs to be taken to the
       pelvis because this is the only way to
       balance the patient's coronal and sagittal
       plane, especially with a long fusion that
       involves tilting of L5 and L4.
Indications for Surgery
1. Failed adolescent, now adult idiopathic scoliosis.
2. Status post Luque sublaminar wire fixation.
3. Failed hardware.
4. Progressive adult idiopathic scoliosis measuring 90属 for the primary curve, 70属
   for the upper thoracic rigid curve and a fractional lumbosacral curve.
5. Fracture of the rod and dislocation of the hardware through the skin, status
   post 6 months ago.
6. Now with decompensation in forward and sagittal plane.
7. Unable to ambulate with increasing pain and neurologic deficits.
8. KIM/SRP type III
Surgical Strategy
Segmental spinal instrumentation T2 to sacral pelvis using 5.5 stainless steel
pedicle screw/rod construct.
Bilateral single lateral pelvic fixation through a separate incision.
Posterior spinal fusion using the combination of autogenous bone
morphogenic protein and allograft bone T2 to sacral pelvis.
Removal of retained hardware Luque rods.
Multiple level Smith-Peterson osteotomy for mobilization of semirigid failed
thoracic ostia spine including osteotomies of T3- 4, 4-5, T5-6, T6-7, T7-8, T8-
9, T9-10, T10-11, T12-L1, L1-L2.
Intraoperative O-arm neuronavigation.
Debridement of old hardware fixation inflammatory tissue with intraoperative
Intraoperative somatosensory evoked potentials management.
Post-Op Films
       The patient is perfectly balanced in
       both the saggittal and coronal plane.
Pre-Op/Post-op Comparison
Pre-Op/Post-op Comparison

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Robert Pashman
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Robert Pashman
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Robert Pashman
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Robert Pashman
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Robert Pashman
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Robert Pashman
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Case Review #36: 34 year old female with Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis and a broken Luque Rod

  • 1. Case Review: 34 year old female with Idiopathic Scoliosis, and a broken Luque Rod. Robert S Pashman, MD Scoliosis and Spinal Deformity Surgery www.eSpine.com
  • 2. Patient History 34-year-old female. Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. The patient had a spinal fusion with Luque instrumentation placed in The Philippines at age 13. Recent pregnancy. The patient was admitted to the hospital because the Luque rod had broken and had moved it was pointing and piercing the skin to the level of her mid buttock. At that time the piece of the rod was removed. The patient on 36 x 14 x-rays has residual Luque instrumentation which is fractured, broken, all wires are broken, and the fixation is lost.
  • 3. Pre-op X-rays The patient has greater than an 86属 residual large thoracic curve. This is a significant problem because she does not have a fusion. The proximal instrumentation is pointing on the left-hand side and will probably break through the skin. The patient is loosing height and I think that this is a very significant serious issue at this point. The patient and needs a posterior removal of the instrumentation, placement of the screws with O arm and a T2 to sacral pelvic fusion. Will classify this is a King III curve and the patient needs to be taken to the pelvis because this is the only way to balance the patient's coronal and sagittal plane, especially with a long fusion that involves tilting of L5 and L4.
  • 4. Indications for Surgery 1. Failed adolescent, now adult idiopathic scoliosis. 2. Status post Luque sublaminar wire fixation. 3. Failed hardware. 4. Progressive adult idiopathic scoliosis measuring 90属 for the primary curve, 70属 for the upper thoracic rigid curve and a fractional lumbosacral curve. 5. Fracture of the rod and dislocation of the hardware through the skin, status post 6 months ago. 6. Now with decompensation in forward and sagittal plane. 7. Unable to ambulate with increasing pain and neurologic deficits. 8. KIM/SRP type III
  • 5. Surgical Strategy Segmental spinal instrumentation T2 to sacral pelvis using 5.5 stainless steel pedicle screw/rod construct. Bilateral single lateral pelvic fixation through a separate incision. Posterior spinal fusion using the combination of autogenous bone morphogenic protein and allograft bone T2 to sacral pelvis. Removal of retained hardware Luque rods. Multiple level Smith-Peterson osteotomy for mobilization of semirigid failed thoracic ostia spine including osteotomies of T3- 4, 4-5, T5-6, T6-7, T7-8, T8- 9, T9-10, T10-11, T12-L1, L1-L2. Intraoperative O-arm neuronavigation. Debridement of old hardware fixation inflammatory tissue with intraoperative biopsy. Intraoperative somatosensory evoked potentials management.
  • 6. Post-Op Films The patient is perfectly balanced in both the saggittal and coronal plane.