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LVA-i HR integrity assessment systems
Fair integrity assessment for your human resources needs
    LVA-i is an interactive evaluation platform using Nemesyscos LVA7 technology for voice analysis, designed to
    assist management with their decision making process by providing accurate, unbiased and readily available
    information. LVA-i measures the emotional content and the integrity risk potential of a person being tested
    in various topics, allowing the tested parties to express themselves freely in a natural speaking form and in the
    language they are most comfortable with. The system supports both fully automated computerized testing, as
    well as operator assisted over-the-phone examination of remote parties using scripted protocols.

    The LVA-i test report includes
    a clear and easy to understand
    Integrity Risk score for each of
    the tested topics, with additional
    values and warnings that can be
    used as supportive indications for
    the eventual follow-up interviews.

    Made to fit all sizes
    LVA-i is a scalable system available
    in different conf igurations,
    designed to support any size and
    type of organization, from SMBs to
                                              Private businesses, network chains, medium size organizations
    multi-national scale networks, from
    special units to armed forces and         Banks, insurance companies and call centers
    police recruitment, from a stand-         Army, police and special units recruitment
    alone unit to multi-sites server          Guards and private security firms
    based solutions.                          Government and recruiting agencies

        LVA-i is not a
     LVA-i     uses    a     structured
     questioning methodology and
     analyzes free speech answers
     (Not Yes/No) to generate an
     overall Risk Report per tested
     topic, based on plurality of
     repeating indications identified
     in the relevant questions. This
     analysis model ensures highly
     accurate information to be used
     in the follow-up interview.           Looking for repeating indications - Illustration
LVA-i tests modes & scripts

LVA-i can perform a test in                                                  What is an Integrity
two modes of operation:                                                      Test?
 In the Automated Test mode the candidate is seated in a quiet room         Integrity tests attempt to measure
  in front of the LVA-i computer terminal. Using the screen and the LVA-i    the    potential    and     personal
  phone-like handset, the system will present the selected questionnaire,    acceptance of undesired or
  automatically advancing to the next question once a proper voice           unlawful behaviors. LVA-is Integrity
  response was recorded.                                                     Risk result reflects the probable
 In the Telephone Test mode an operator will assist the test procedure      risk of the tested party acting in
                                                                             a manner that might expose your
  with a remote party, reading the scripts questions from his screen.
                                                                             organization to danger.
        Automated Test mode               Telephone Test mode

                                                                             Use LVA-i for:
                                                                              Pre-employment screening
                                                                              Periodical veracity tests and
                                                                               Honesty maintenance
                                                                              Special event tests in the
The LVA-i package contains several standard employment scripts for both        organization (Theft, Confidential
the phone and the automated modes. These scripts contain questions in          information leakage, etc)
the classical and most relevant topics (theft, drug abuse, etc.). Custom
                                                                              Security clearance
made scripts can be created as needed.
                                                                              Employees satisfaction surveys
The LVA-i test report is automatically generated using the analysis of the
                                                                             LVA-i integrates unique voice
subjects responses to the scripted questions in the different topics.
                                                                             analysis technology with carefully
                                                                             designed sets of investigative
                     LVA-i Automated Report Logic                            questions to identify repeating
                                                                             emotional indications surrounding
                      Topic 1
                                                                             relevant questions to produce
                                     Question 1
                                                                             its assessment. The systems
                                     Question 2
                                                                             standard      questionnaires    are
                                     Question 3                              specifically designed to scan the
                                                                             candidates personal history, test
                      Topic 2                                                the consistency of their opinions at
                                     Question 1
                                                                             present and determine the level of
                                     Question 2
                                                                             their commitment to the future.
                                     Question 3

                      Topic 3        Question 1

                                     Question 2

                                     Question 3
The Automated Test Mode
    LVA-i automated questionnaires are
    based on Adobe Flash technology,
                                           Conducting an automated test -
    providing flexible, rich multi-media   step by step
    presentation and advanced options      Preparing the applicant for the test Before any test procedure, it is
    Each questionnaire is divided into     important the tested party receives full instructions about the test
    different topics, each containing      procedures and objectives. Test candidates are provided with a consent
    a number of questions covering a       form explaining the topics and nature of questions to be asked, and allow
    specific issue. The questions are      the candidate to ask any clarification questions or even quit.
    presented to the candidates both
    textually and vocally one after the    Step 1: The LVA-i operator ensures that the testing room is clean and
    other.                                 quiet, and initiates the test from the management panel. The operator
                                           fills in the candidates details and selects the relevant test questionnaire.
    The standard tests contain the         A click on the Start Test button loads the testing interface and locks the
    following topics:                      management panel.

     Confidentiality and Secrecy
     Theft from Place of Employment
     Credibility and Criminal
     Bribery and Kickbacks
     Fraud and Deceit
     Drug Usage
     Alcohol Usage

                                           Step 2: The candidate enters the examination room and sits in front of the
                                           LVA-i monitor. The operator explains the test procedure and leaves the
                                           room, allowing the candidate to complete the test in privacy.

                                           Step 3: The candidate selects the test language from the available set and
                                           confirm his personal details. As the test progresses, the candidate has to
                                           answer a series of questions, one after the other.

                                           Step 4: Once the test has been completed, the candidate leaves the room
                                           and the LVA-i returns to standby mode. At this time, the HR Manager can
4                                          log in and review the test report in preparation for a follow-up interview.
                                           No further operation or analysis is required from the manager.
LVA-i Phone Test mode
Specially designed questionnaires for telephone interviews are also included with the LVA-i software. Unlike
the automatic questionnaire, this questionnaire is designed in a form of conversation script where the operator
reads through the pre-scripted questions one after the other, leading the candidate throughout the entire test

Step 1: The operator ensures the candidate on the other
end of the line is in a quiet location and understands the
nature of the test.

Step 2: The operator fills in the candidates details and
selects the test to be performed.

Step 3: LVA-i opens the Conversation Management
screen and loads the selected script. The operator
reads through the script as it appears on his screen,
one question after the other. The system monitors the
conversation and analyzes the candidates answers.

Step 4: Once the test has been completed, the LVA-i
report is created and added to the database. No further                                                           5
operation or analysis is required from the manager.
LVA-i Reports and Management System
    Selecting a case file from the different database views opens the relevant LVA-i report. The analyses records use
    a risk scoring and color codes for easy review of the results:

                                          Test results
                                          LVA-i report screen is made of several tabs, providing different levels of

                                          The General Info tab displays the candidates details and a clear color
                                          coded reading of the topics risk analysis results. In addition, the main
                                          tab displays the operators assessment (if applicable) and a highlighted
                                          Warnings Log.

                                          The risk analysis results are based on the specific script topics, summarizing
                                          the analysis indications from all the specific topics questions. The 5 risk
                                          level indications range from low (a single green block) to high risk (5 red

                                          The Details tab
                                          This screen provides the user with a deeper analysis of the test results,
                                          divided into the topics and questions. Use this screen to further examine
                                          High Risk answers, and cross references in topics that may reveal
                                          additional information.

                                          Final reports tab
                                          Following review, managers can add their comments and observations to
                                          be included in the test file and printed reports.

                                          Playback (optional)
                                          Where applicable by law, LVA-i allows you to record the whole test. When
                                          selecting a specific answer or segment the player will play the relevant
                                          section, and will show the selected portion location on the bar below the

                                                       Who can operate LVA-i?
                                           The LVA-i analysis process is fully automated. It was designed to operate
                                           with minimal training and requires no specific technical or theoretical
6                                          expertise for standard operation.
Periodical clearance and                                                                Automated posts
pre-employment screening
for security organizations
LVA-i tests offer a very flexible, highly accurate and cost-effective solution
for veracity and psychological evaluation of operational forces and
sensitive positions recruitment. Used for threat estimation in selected
topics of interest with current employees and employment candidates,
LVA-i is an essential recruiting tool for any security organizations/agencies
and for in-house security departments conducting periodical clearances.                  Phone posts

   Highly cost-effective solution for integrity assessment
   Completely automated assessment process
   Customized questionnaires designed for various specific needs
   Can detect unsuitable emotional profiles for sensitive tasks and
    positions (when using specially designed questionnaires)
   Intuitive and easy to understand reports
   Enhance security and safety of the employees and the organizations                   Manager seat
   Promote fair hiring practices by providing unbiased assessments
   Language-independent: analyzes responses in any language
   Easily operated by everyone - Full training of the LVA-i platform operation
    takes less than a single day!                                                        Professional seats

    Suitable for all sizes of organizations
                     From a single post service provider
                   to multi-sites international installations
                                                                                    Remote centers

Legal note
Risk detection using LVA technology has been found to be effective in
reducing organizations exposure to unlawful acts and deter fraudsters;
however, this kind of testing should only be performed in accordance with
the pertinent local laws and regulations.

Please consult with your legal advisor for the applicable regulations in
your region.
About Nemesysco
          Nemesysco Ltd. is the leading provider of voice analysis
          and emotion detection technologies, for defense and
                              civilian markets.
          Nemesyscos LVA (Layered Voice Analysis) technology
          detects the emotional content of a conversation, in
          real-time or from recorded materials, enabling analysis
          of different types of stress, cognitive processes and
                        various emotional reactions.
          Nemesyscos products are implemented in a wide
          variety of applications for law enforcement, homeland
          security, insurance and banks fraud prevention,
          employee screening, call center quality monitoring,
                      healthcare and entertainment.
          Nemesysco is a privately held company, founded in
               2000 and is headquartered in Netanya, Israel.

            Nemesysco Service Centre Africa (Pty) Ltd.
: +27 21 851 5859 | : +27 82 698 1369 |: jkvd@nemesysco.co.za
          PO Box 3932 Somerset West 7129, South Africa

            息 Copyright 2011 Nemesysco Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Lva I Brochure

  • 1. Precise information for better recruitment LVA-i HR integrity assessment systems
  • 2. Fair integrity assessment for your human resources needs LVA-i is an interactive evaluation platform using Nemesyscos LVA7 technology for voice analysis, designed to assist management with their decision making process by providing accurate, unbiased and readily available information. LVA-i measures the emotional content and the integrity risk potential of a person being tested in various topics, allowing the tested parties to express themselves freely in a natural speaking form and in the language they are most comfortable with. The system supports both fully automated computerized testing, as well as operator assisted over-the-phone examination of remote parties using scripted protocols. The LVA-i test report includes a clear and easy to understand Integrity Risk score for each of the tested topics, with additional values and warnings that can be used as supportive indications for the eventual follow-up interviews. Made to fit all sizes LVA-i is a scalable system available in different conf igurations, designed to support any size and type of organization, from SMBs to Private businesses, network chains, medium size organizations multi-national scale networks, from special units to armed forces and Banks, insurance companies and call centers police recruitment, from a stand- Army, police and special units recruitment alone unit to multi-sites server Guards and private security firms based solutions. Government and recruiting agencies LVA-i is not a Lie-Detector LVA-i uses a structured questioning methodology and analyzes free speech answers (Not Yes/No) to generate an overall Risk Report per tested topic, based on plurality of repeating indications identified in the relevant questions. This analysis model ensures highly accurate information to be used in the follow-up interview. Looking for repeating indications - Illustration 2
  • 3. LVA-i tests modes & scripts LVA-i can perform a test in What is an Integrity two modes of operation: Test? In the Automated Test mode the candidate is seated in a quiet room Integrity tests attempt to measure in front of the LVA-i computer terminal. Using the screen and the LVA-i the potential and personal phone-like handset, the system will present the selected questionnaire, acceptance of undesired or automatically advancing to the next question once a proper voice unlawful behaviors. LVA-is Integrity response was recorded. Risk result reflects the probable In the Telephone Test mode an operator will assist the test procedure risk of the tested party acting in a manner that might expose your with a remote party, reading the scripts questions from his screen. organization to danger. Automated Test mode Telephone Test mode Use LVA-i for: Pre-employment screening Periodical veracity tests and Honesty maintenance Special event tests in the The LVA-i package contains several standard employment scripts for both organization (Theft, Confidential the phone and the automated modes. These scripts contain questions in information leakage, etc) the classical and most relevant topics (theft, drug abuse, etc.). Custom Security clearance made scripts can be created as needed. Employees satisfaction surveys The LVA-i test report is automatically generated using the analysis of the LVA-i integrates unique voice subjects responses to the scripted questions in the different topics. analysis technology with carefully designed sets of investigative LVA-i Automated Report Logic questions to identify repeating emotional indications surrounding Topic 1 relevant questions to produce Question 1 its assessment. The systems Question 2 standard questionnaires are Question 3 specifically designed to scan the candidates personal history, test Topic 2 the consistency of their opinions at Question 1 present and determine the level of Question 2 their commitment to the future. Question 3 Topic 3 Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 3
  • 4. The Automated Test Mode LVA-i automated questionnaires are based on Adobe Flash technology, Conducting an automated test - providing flexible, rich multi-media step by step presentation and advanced options Preparing the applicant for the test Before any test procedure, it is increationofuniquequestionnaires. Each questionnaire is divided into important the tested party receives full instructions about the test different topics, each containing procedures and objectives. Test candidates are provided with a consent a number of questions covering a form explaining the topics and nature of questions to be asked, and allow specific issue. The questions are the candidate to ask any clarification questions or even quit. presented to the candidates both textually and vocally one after the Step 1: The LVA-i operator ensures that the testing room is clean and other. quiet, and initiates the test from the management panel. The operator fills in the candidates details and selects the relevant test questionnaire. The standard tests contain the A click on the Start Test button loads the testing interface and locks the following topics: management panel. Confidentiality and Secrecy Theft from Place of Employment Credibility and Criminal Tendencies Bribery and Kickbacks Fraud and Deceit Drug Usage Alcohol Usage Gambling Step 2: The candidate enters the examination room and sits in front of the LVA-i monitor. The operator explains the test procedure and leaves the room, allowing the candidate to complete the test in privacy. Step 3: The candidate selects the test language from the available set and confirm his personal details. As the test progresses, the candidate has to answer a series of questions, one after the other. Step 4: Once the test has been completed, the candidate leaves the room and the LVA-i returns to standby mode. At this time, the HR Manager can 4 log in and review the test report in preparation for a follow-up interview. No further operation or analysis is required from the manager.
  • 5. LVA-i Phone Test mode Specially designed questionnaires for telephone interviews are also included with the LVA-i software. Unlike the automatic questionnaire, this questionnaire is designed in a form of conversation script where the operator reads through the pre-scripted questions one after the other, leading the candidate throughout the entire test procedure. Step 1: The operator ensures the candidate on the other end of the line is in a quiet location and understands the nature of the test. Step 2: The operator fills in the candidates details and selects the test to be performed. Step 3: LVA-i opens the Conversation Management screen and loads the selected script. The operator reads through the script as it appears on his screen, one question after the other. The system monitors the conversation and analyzes the candidates answers. Step 4: Once the test has been completed, the LVA-i report is created and added to the database. No further 5 operation or analysis is required from the manager.
  • 6. LVA-i Reports and Management System Selecting a case file from the different database views opens the relevant LVA-i report. The analyses records use a risk scoring and color codes for easy review of the results: Test results LVA-i report screen is made of several tabs, providing different levels of information. The General Info tab displays the candidates details and a clear color coded reading of the topics risk analysis results. In addition, the main tab displays the operators assessment (if applicable) and a highlighted Warnings Log. The risk analysis results are based on the specific script topics, summarizing the analysis indications from all the specific topics questions. The 5 risk level indications range from low (a single green block) to high risk (5 red blocks). The Details tab This screen provides the user with a deeper analysis of the test results, divided into the topics and questions. Use this screen to further examine High Risk answers, and cross references in topics that may reveal additional information. Final reports tab Following review, managers can add their comments and observations to be included in the test file and printed reports. Playback (optional) Where applicable by law, LVA-i allows you to record the whole test. When selecting a specific answer or segment the player will play the relevant section, and will show the selected portion location on the bar below the slider. Who can operate LVA-i? The LVA-i analysis process is fully automated. It was designed to operate with minimal training and requires no specific technical or theoretical 6 expertise for standard operation.
  • 7. Periodical clearance and Automated posts pre-employment screening for security organizations LVA-i tests offer a very flexible, highly accurate and cost-effective solution for veracity and psychological evaluation of operational forces and sensitive positions recruitment. Used for threat estimation in selected topics of interest with current employees and employment candidates, LVA-i is an essential recruiting tool for any security organizations/agencies and for in-house security departments conducting periodical clearances. Phone posts Highly cost-effective solution for integrity assessment Completely automated assessment process Customized questionnaires designed for various specific needs Can detect unsuitable emotional profiles for sensitive tasks and positions (when using specially designed questionnaires) Intuitive and easy to understand reports Enhance security and safety of the employees and the organizations Manager seat environment Promote fair hiring practices by providing unbiased assessments Language-independent: analyzes responses in any language Easily operated by everyone - Full training of the LVA-i platform operation takes less than a single day! Professional seats WEB Suitable for all sizes of organizations From a single post service provider to multi-sites international installations Remote centers Legal note Risk detection using LVA technology has been found to be effective in reducing organizations exposure to unlawful acts and deter fraudsters; however, this kind of testing should only be performed in accordance with the pertinent local laws and regulations. Please consult with your legal advisor for the applicable regulations in your region. 7
  • 8. About Nemesysco Nemesysco Ltd. is the leading provider of voice analysis and emotion detection technologies, for defense and civilian markets. Nemesyscos LVA (Layered Voice Analysis) technology detects the emotional content of a conversation, in real-time or from recorded materials, enabling analysis of different types of stress, cognitive processes and various emotional reactions. Nemesyscos products are implemented in a wide variety of applications for law enforcement, homeland security, insurance and banks fraud prevention, employee screening, call center quality monitoring, healthcare and entertainment. Nemesysco is a privately held company, founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Netanya, Israel. Nemesysco Service Centre Africa (Pty) Ltd. : +27 21 851 5859 | : +27 82 698 1369 |: jkvd@nemesysco.co.za PO Box 3932 Somerset West 7129, South Africa 息 Copyright 2011 Nemesysco Ltd. All rights reserved.