29. Story of Ranran Ranran 四川某专科学校学生 大学 = 封闭式高中 “ 我都不知道我自己能做什么,就觉得自己特别平凡。” I don’t know what I am going to do, I am too normal, but I really want to find out what my potential and interest would be. ----Ranran (college student in Chongqing)
30. How to solve? Volunteer teacher ?—— not sustainable Go to a good university !—— few resources Gain social experience ?—— where ? 中专 普通高校 大专 技校 Big cities (北上广) 985 211 (北大 复旦) Small cities and rural areas
31. Target: Break the boundary of space and resource, empower youth for self-growth and seek for their dream! 突破地域界限,帮助年轻人自我成长和寻找目标
32. Create a course: Fun Short East to understand How to start Available to Internet
33. What we have done? 3months(May-July) 7 Courses 58 Dream info 80 members in forum 107 tops 7 volunteers 7 NGO/business partners (MaD) ......
57. Tell me your story & your passion 少少人读书会 (shaoshaoren) : [email_address] 1 分钟学堂 (1fenzhong.school) : [email_address] Keledoll(keledoll): [email_address]