30. 一些用尝痴厂集群的大型站点
? 腾讯、百度、新浪、携程、酷6、优酷等
? abc.com
? real.com
? sourceforge.net & linux.com
? UK National JANET Web Cache
? empas.com
? EDS.com
? Dell.com
2009系统架构师大会 Page 30
31. 尝痴厂用户的评价
? “ We tried virtually all of the commercial load
balancers, LVS beats them all for reliability, cost,
manageability, you-name-it”
Jerry Glomph Black, Director, Internet & Technical Operations, Real
Networks, Seattle Washington, USA
? “I can say without a doubt that lvs toasts F5/BigIP
solutions, at least in our real world
implementations. I wouldn’t trade a good lvs box for
a Cisco Local Director either”
Drew Streib, Information Architect, VA Linux Systems, USA
2009系统架构师大会 Page 31