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Lincolnshire Young Designer of the Year 2016
NCCDs Lincolnshire Young Designer of the Year Competition
The National Centre for Craft & Design (NCCD) is celebrating the creative talent of students
within Lincolnshire by hosting the annual competition and exhibition to promote, celebrate
and praise the talent that we have in the county.
The competition is open to any school in Lincolnshire or for students within Lincolnshire in
Key Stages 2- 5 and home-schooled students.
Each student will submit a selection of work from a design project that they have worked on
independently. From this entry, the NCCDs independent selection panel will anonymously
judge the work, selecting work for the exhibition and for the awards.
The work submitted can cover a variety of disciplines and materials, with an underpinning
design focus.
The Brief:
Mini competition for Key Stage 2 - 3 students:
BRIEF: 11 million people in the UK suffer with a disability and/or a long term illness. NCCD
wants to make the galleries more inclusive to the diverse range of people we have in the UK.
Can you create a product which could improve a persons visit to the gallery?
Key Stage 4 - 5:
Present a strong piece of design work showing your creativity, innovativeness, high quality
concepts and designs and independent thinking.
What applicants can display in the exhibition
 The students project should be presented and exhibited as of 3 (max.) x A3
presentation boards.
(We will endeavour to keep work in the original condition but will be using Velcro for
displaying. These boards should be labelled clearly with your full name and school
 Any 3D models/final pieces that coincide with the students project can be displayed
to support their entry. Please supply measurements.
How to apply:
Download an application form and fill in the relevant information from
Judging the Shortlist and the Exhibition
Based on the competition entries received, an independent judging panel will select a
shortlist of applicants to exhibit in the Roof Gallery at NCCD.
A Private View will be held on Friday 1st July at 4:30pm - 6:30pm in the Roof Gallery for all
participants, families and guests. The exhibition will be open to the public over the weekend
of the Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd July 2016, 10am - 5pm.
Judging Criteria:
Entries will be judged on:
 Quality of idea  a considered, creative and clearly communicated idea.
 Innovation  A novel response to an identified need or use, showing innovative methods
or processes.
 Originality  Demonstrating personal strength and style.
 Quality of artwork produced  High level of finish using suitable materials and methods.
Five awards will be awarded to specific applicants chosen by the independent judging panel
during the Private View on the Friday 1st July.
Key Stage 2 & 3 prize: Creative gift
Key Stage 4 & 5 prize: Summer school place and creative designer hamper.
The deadline for entries is Monday 16th May 2016 by 12noon.
Applicants will be notified if they have been selected for the exhibition on Friday 3rd June
Any queries please contact Caroline Gooch, by email
learning@nationalcraftanddesign.org.uk orcall 01529 308718.
The National Centre forCraft& Design
NavigationWharf,Carre Street,Sleaford,Lincolnshire NG347TW
Tel:01529 308710 FollowusonFB, Twitter,Instagram.#NCCD/NationalCraft

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LYDOTY 2016 Guidelines

  • 1. 1 Lincolnshire Young Designer of the Year 2016 Guidelines NCCDs Lincolnshire Young Designer of the Year Competition The National Centre for Craft & Design (NCCD) is celebrating the creative talent of students within Lincolnshire by hosting the annual competition and exhibition to promote, celebrate and praise the talent that we have in the county. The competition is open to any school in Lincolnshire or for students within Lincolnshire in Key Stages 2- 5 and home-schooled students. Each student will submit a selection of work from a design project that they have worked on independently. From this entry, the NCCDs independent selection panel will anonymously judge the work, selecting work for the exhibition and for the awards. The work submitted can cover a variety of disciplines and materials, with an underpinning design focus. The Brief: Mini competition for Key Stage 2 - 3 students: BRIEF: 11 million people in the UK suffer with a disability and/or a long term illness. NCCD wants to make the galleries more inclusive to the diverse range of people we have in the UK. Can you create a product which could improve a persons visit to the gallery? Key Stage 4 - 5: Present a strong piece of design work showing your creativity, innovativeness, high quality concepts and designs and independent thinking.
  • 2. 2 What applicants can display in the exhibition The students project should be presented and exhibited as of 3 (max.) x A3 presentation boards. (We will endeavour to keep work in the original condition but will be using Velcro for displaying. These boards should be labelled clearly with your full name and school name). Any 3D models/final pieces that coincide with the students project can be displayed to support their entry. Please supply measurements. How to apply: Download an application form and fill in the relevant information from www.nationalcraftanddesign.org.uk Judging the Shortlist and the Exhibition Based on the competition entries received, an independent judging panel will select a shortlist of applicants to exhibit in the Roof Gallery at NCCD. A Private View will be held on Friday 1st July at 4:30pm - 6:30pm in the Roof Gallery for all participants, families and guests. The exhibition will be open to the public over the weekend of the Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd July 2016, 10am - 5pm. Judging Criteria: Entries will be judged on: Quality of idea a considered, creative and clearly communicated idea. Innovation A novel response to an identified need or use, showing innovative methods or processes. Originality Demonstrating personal strength and style. Quality of artwork produced High level of finish using suitable materials and methods.
  • 3. 3 Prizes Five awards will be awarded to specific applicants chosen by the independent judging panel during the Private View on the Friday 1st July. Key Stage 2 & 3 prize: Creative gift Key Stage 4 & 5 prize: Summer school place and creative designer hamper. Deadlines The deadline for entries is Monday 16th May 2016 by 12noon. Applicants will be notified if they have been selected for the exhibition on Friday 3rd June 2016. Any queries please contact Caroline Gooch, by email learning@nationalcraftanddesign.org.uk orcall 01529 308718. The National Centre forCraft& Design NavigationWharf,Carre Street,Sleaford,Lincolnshire NG347TW Web:www.nationalcraftanddesign.org.uk Tel:01529 308710 FollowusonFB, Twitter,Instagram.#NCCD/NationalCraft