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Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com
5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521
Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/
05/15  04/2016 Manager Quality Shop Services Union Tank Car Layoff Cleveland TX
 Responsible for 8 repair business unit certifications to AAR/CFR regulatory
requirements M1003/M1002
 Traveling 80% to each site annually
 Established plan to rewrite and implement revisions to the Quality management
systems to gain effective compliance
 Established metrics for process measures
 Developed Training program for Regulatory compliance
04/14  5/15 DeepFlex  Company Closed Houston, TX
Director HSEQ
 Design development of new technology for unbounded pipe used in the sub sea oil
and gas market
 Quality Health Safety Environmental, redesign of QMS for registration to ISO
 Multiple site responsibility including Brazil
 Design of management system to ensuring personnel skill sets and qualification
meet client needs when deployed
 Audits of safety programs and compliance to Environmental Standards to include
the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
09/13  04/14 EMCO Wheaton  Contract completed Houston, TX
QHSE Manager/ Interim Engineering Manager (contract)
 Resigned project completed
 Engineer to order manufacture of loading arms and accessories
 Created administer, harmonized a quality management system with three
fundamental standards, ISO9000; ISO 14001; and OHSAS 18000
 Product quality to include management of budget, safety program, welding
program, and environmental compliance
 Quality Health Safety Environmental and Engineering management
 Audited and improved Section 9 welding program and welding procedures
 Brought into compliance with B31.3 process Piping Code
 Cleared/Closed outstanding audit findings (7) from previous DNV audit to
maintain certification
 Audited safety programs and compliance to environmental compliance the Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Plan
 Designed Addendum QMS, CSA B51 for compliance to attain Certificate of
Authorization to manufacture from TSSA (CA) for CRN registered products PP
 Level II visual inspection of fabricated product IAW B31.3
12/10  05/13 UTEC Survey  Management Change Houston, TX
Regional QHSE Manager
 Implemented, maintained, and administered an integrated QHSE system,
harmonized to ISO, OHSAS standards to include regional regulatory law and
client best practices using SharePoint
 Regional responsibilities for Canada, America, South America, and Brazil
Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com
5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521
Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/
 CFR49 PHMSA Drug and Alcohol program administration (DER)
 MTCS competency scheme administration and IMCA standards compliance
 SharePoint Administrator
 Successful client and third party audits to include internal and external audits
 ISNetworld, PEC, Cognos client site administration
 Rig Pass, Safegulf, and Safeland Trainer
 Conducted/Facilitated Safety Training
 Conducted/Facilitated Integrated Management Systems Training
05/1012/10 Tubular Instruments & Controls/Automation  Asked to relocate Houston, TX
 Established the direction for the development and administration of the
organizations compliance and improvement efforts
 Oversaw practices throughout the organization to develop an environment of
continual improvement in every aspect of the organizations products and services
 Responsibility for Quality, Safety, Health, and Environmental compliance at a
corporate level for four locations
04/0705/10 Turbine Air Systems  Sought VP Position Houston, TX
Quality/Safety Manager
 Manufactured Package Modular plants that service the commercial HVAC and
turbine inlet cooling markets
 ISO 9001 Management system  Re-certification of QMS accomplished with two
months preparation, internal and external auditor
 Acquired ASME PP (Power Piping) Code stamp approval
 Safety Programs to OHSA compliance  implementing OSHA complaint system to
include training
 Lean implementation  established the road map, installed visuals in
manufacturing and process mapping
 Processed improvement and value stream mapping  Measures to include
accounting statement metrics
 Saved $287K in the first year, projects in place to acquire another $697K in cost
avoidance or year over year in waste elimination project savings
 Level II visual inspection of fabricated product IAW B31.3
03/05  04/07 Crane Valve Services Division - Site Closed Houston, TX
QHSE Manager
 Service company in valve repair to include Safety Relief Valves
 National Board VR/UV/V stamp approved
 Personally responsible for three sites (Texas, New Jersey, and California) Quality,
Safety, and Environmental compliance
 Acquired National board registration for safety relief valve manufacture, repair
 Managed 26 programs and 5 cells in each of the three locations
 Managed permits, boilers, paint booths, cellular manufacturing, strategic
deployment, operational excellence, TQM, and integrated ISO 9001, 18000, 14001
management systems
 Internal and external auditor to include National Board NB criteria
Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com
5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521
Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/
 Recertified Lean Master Black Belt in addition to crane tool champion
 Implemented Lean training system for all Yellow, Green, Black Belts
 Taught and certified over 30 people at different business units from Champions,
Yellow, Green And Black Belts
 Level II visual inspection of fabricated product IAW B31.3
Independent Consultant
Porous Media Inc - Contract completed
Quality Consultant
 FDA & ISO 9000 compliant manufacturing systems installation
 Filter and separation products manufacture of medical devices and industrial
 Hold personal responsibility for the implementation registration and maintenance
of 21 CFR complaint ISO 13485 & ISO 9001 for cross-functional manufacturing
cells in multiple locations
 Redesigned manufacturing methods and cells to include validation and medical
device manufacturing
 Internal And External Auditing
 Processed mapped business from the receiving door to the shipping door
Technip Corp. - DUCO Inc. - Contract completed
Safety Consultant
 Registration to ISO 18000 integrate 9000 series standard
 Umbilical Manufacture for offshore platform drilling applications
 Hold personal responsible for all training, audits, inspections, and change process
 Created training program to include matrix to OHSA 29CFR guidance
 Completed permits for SWPPP, Waste, and Air
 Established hearing conservation and conducted noise level abatement surveys
 Established metrics based on OHSA 300 log and categorized hazards
11/97  08/04 United Technologies Corp. Hamilton Sundstrand, Industrial Division; YZ Systems,
Carrier, Snyder, TX; Waxahachie, TX; Conroe, TX. Union and Non-Union
Regional Quality, Health, Safety, Environmental/Engineering Group Manager
 Established R&D engineering group for the development of new products
 Coordinated all CSA, API, LCIE, testing, and submittals for product certifications
to CE, Hazardous Group certifications
 ACE Certified, lead implementation and attained silver certified LMBB
 Processed mapped corporate head quarters, financials, payroll, accounts
receivable, and accounts payable
 Completed over 20 projects that resulted in millions of cost avoidance and
sustainable cost reductions
 Internal and external auditor
 Level II visual inspection of fabricated product IAW B31.3
Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com
5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521
Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/
 Equipment/Product Certification  CSA (Canadian), UL (US), LCIE (French), FM
(US), FDA (US)
 Quality Assurance  ABS, ASQ, DNV, RAB, FDA, BVQI
 Safety  OSHA, HASC, CAL OSHA, Jones Act, BSEE
 Environmental  EPA, TCEQ, CAL
 Product certifications - Lloyd's Register, API Monogram Programs, and NBBI
(pressure relief devices)
 Regulatory compliance criteria  Association of American Railroads, TTCI, MID,
2003 Sam Houston State University Huntsville, TX
Master Business Administration - MBA
Train the trainer; Class A Instructor and Facilitator
American Society of Quality Lean/Six Sigma courses
1983 Chapman University San Diego, CA
BSEE, Electronics Engineering
Toyota Production System/Six Sigma
Implemented, defined the journey, expert LMBB
RABQSA Quality Management Systems Lead Auditor#123056
OHSO (Occupational Health & Safety Official)
Internal M1003/M1002 Auditor (company certified)
ASQC Certified CMQ/OE
(Certified Manager of Quality Operational Excellence)
Malcolm Baldridge Assessment surveyor Balanced Scorecard approach
Lean Master Black Belt
UTC (Company certified), Cranco Corp. (Company certified)
NDE Level II  Visual, Magnetic Particle, Die Penetrate, and UT & RT methods (expired)
 API Q1  Quality Systems  implemented, administered, expert
 API SEMS BSEE Compliance standards - implemented, administered, expert
 ISO 9000 series of Quality Assurance Standards  implemented, administered, expert
 ISO 18000 Safety and 14001 Environmental Standards - implemented, administered,
 CFR 1910 General Industry and Construction Regulations  administered, expert
 21CFR, ISO13485 Medical Device Manufacturing Systems
 ASME  Section 5, 8, 9; B31, AWS D1.1 codes - Implemented, administered, expert
 NEC, UL, CSA, Cenelec, Intrinsic Safety  designed and acquired product certifications
 Canadian Newfoundland legislation - COR criteria  implementation
 CFR -179, AAR MSRP - CIII, M1003, M1002 Railroad compliance STD.
Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com
5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521
Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/
 American Society for Quality (ASQ)  Senior Member, 01336231
 American Welding Society (AWS)  Individual Member, 2010423
 American Society for Non Destructive Testing (ASNT)  Individual Member, 230761
 Manage the effective use of all associated resources
 I bring a special synergy to Business Systems and Processes using standards based
on continuous improvement methods using DMAIC, kaizen, value stream
mapping, root cause analysis, 6S, Mistake proofing, SMED, and many other Lean
Six Sigma methods
 Fluent in statistics, TPM, TQM, Metrology, control charts, FRACAS, DOE and
many other tools
 Project Management- I have personally managed, with and without teams, to
support construction projects, organizational changes, product introductions and
business acquisitions projects
 Management Systems- I have analyzed work groups, products, methods of work
then set up management systems to monitor KPIs and improve performance
 I can design and implement a harmonized integrated single management system
using ISO 9000; OHSAS 18000; ISO 14001
 Process Controls- I have used various tools (process Maps, Brown Paper) to
completely describe a business and the interaction of functional groups, the toll
gates, inputs, process, and outputs and then installed the metrics (KPIs) to
determine effectiveness
Computer Skills
 Computer Advanced user, Windows environment to include Office Pro, Excel,
Access, Word, Power Point, Project, Frontline, Visio, SharePoint, AutoCAD,
Mini-Tab. SAP R3, J.D. Edwards, Visual Manufacturing, AS 400, Great Plains,
Peach Tree, Promanade, Focal Point, Lotus Notes
Technical Skills
 Six Sigma, Statistics, Work Flows, Scheduling, Resource Management, P&L,
Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Welding, Metal Work,
Electronic Assembly, Soldering, Testing Systems, QA Systems, Safety Systems,
Project Management, Chemical injection and control systems, Planning, Time
Management, Supply Chain Management (SCOR), Gage R&R studies
Military Skills
 1974 - 1989 UNITED STATES NAVY from deck seaman to lieutenant (E-1 to O-
4E) (Mustang Officer) achieved all that was possible to include command at sea:
from sonar, radar, and communications equipment to steam engineering and power
plant management, Steam Engineering Officer Qualified, Surface Warfare Officer
Leadership Skills
 I have been a leader, and a follower, and a catalyst for change all my life. In the
military I achieved Mustang Officer status in Surface Warfare, I did that
following a simple principle. That is Never ask anyone do something that you
Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com
5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521
Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/
have not done or would not be willing to do That being said when you approach
people with that point of view it is as if you are asking for their support with the
knowledge that you would support them, you understand the challenge, and are
willing to support them in overcoming the obstacles When you help people be
successful you are naturally going to be successful
 I have always supported the people around me to achieve the goal
 To classify my leadership style I would say I was a Visionary Leader  or a leader
that sets direction by creating a vision that engages people
 They share the dream and execute because they feel that it is the right thing to do
Management Skills
 I draft a plan then execute the plan
 The plan should be on paper or something that can be seen by others, with a
timeline, metrics that are monitored with clear goals that are tied to the firms
strategic objectives
 I listen to others and do not operate in a vacuum
 I continuously improve the plan through execution
 Business Acumen  I have a strong appreciation for the business needs and how
the P&L is structured
 I can interpret and generate accounting statements
 I often use accounting ratios in relation to process performance, and hold others
accountable for the management of those numbers
 Time Management  The most important resource
 My time management skills are excellent, I use plans that are grounded in a
timeline and then manage resources to compress the time to better the objectives
whenever possible
 Organizational Skills  My organizational skills have been my strongest attribute
 I have been analyzing business processes for so long that I have become very good
at a system that utilizes resources most effectively
 I know when to delegate and when to take direct control
 Service Industries, Electronic Manufacturing, Machining, Assembly, Fabrication
and multiple business units, to include international
 I have been successful at managing manufacturing teams, engineering
manufacturing support and R&D, Purchasing, Field Service, Quality Assurance,
and Safety Management
 I have always sold the principles, methods, vision, and value to others in a
continuous effort to change for the better (Kaizen)
Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com
5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521
Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/
have not done or would not be willing to do That being said when you approach
people with that point of view it is as if you are asking for their support with the
knowledge that you would support them, you understand the challenge, and are
willing to support them in overcoming the obstacles When you help people be
successful you are naturally going to be successful
 I have always supported the people around me to achieve the goal
 To classify my leadership style I would say I was a Visionary Leader  or a leader
that sets direction by creating a vision that engages people
 They share the dream and execute because they feel that it is the right thing to do
Management Skills
 I draft a plan then execute the plan
 The plan should be on paper or something that can be seen by others, with a
timeline, metrics that are monitored with clear goals that are tied to the firms
strategic objectives
 I listen to others and do not operate in a vacuum
 I continuously improve the plan through execution
 Business Acumen  I have a strong appreciation for the business needs and how
the P&L is structured
 I can interpret and generate accounting statements
 I often use accounting ratios in relation to process performance, and hold others
accountable for the management of those numbers
 Time Management  The most important resource
 My time management skills are excellent, I use plans that are grounded in a
timeline and then manage resources to compress the time to better the objectives
whenever possible
 Organizational Skills  My organizational skills have been my strongest attribute
 I have been analyzing business processes for so long that I have become very good
at a system that utilizes resources most effectively
 I know when to delegate and when to take direct control
 Service Industries, Electronic Manufacturing, Machining, Assembly, Fabrication
and multiple business units, to include international
 I have been successful at managing manufacturing teams, engineering
manufacturing support and R&D, Purchasing, Field Service, Quality Assurance,
and Safety Management
 I have always sold the principles, methods, vision, and value to others in a
continuous effort to change for the better (Kaizen)

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  • 1. Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com 5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521 Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/ EXPERIENCE 05/15 04/2016 Manager Quality Shop Services Union Tank Car Layoff Cleveland TX Responsible for 8 repair business unit certifications to AAR/CFR regulatory requirements M1003/M1002 Traveling 80% to each site annually Established plan to rewrite and implement revisions to the Quality management systems to gain effective compliance Established metrics for process measures Developed Training program for Regulatory compliance 04/14 5/15 DeepFlex Company Closed Houston, TX Director HSEQ Design development of new technology for unbounded pipe used in the sub sea oil and gas market Quality Health Safety Environmental, redesign of QMS for registration to ISO 9000:2008 Multiple site responsibility including Brazil Design of management system to ensuring personnel skill sets and qualification meet client needs when deployed Audits of safety programs and compliance to Environmental Standards to include the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 09/13 04/14 EMCO Wheaton Contract completed Houston, TX QHSE Manager/ Interim Engineering Manager (contract) Resigned project completed Engineer to order manufacture of loading arms and accessories Created administer, harmonized a quality management system with three fundamental standards, ISO9000; ISO 14001; and OHSAS 18000 Product quality to include management of budget, safety program, welding program, and environmental compliance Quality Health Safety Environmental and Engineering management Audited and improved Section 9 welding program and welding procedures Brought into compliance with B31.3 process Piping Code Cleared/Closed outstanding audit findings (7) from previous DNV audit to maintain certification Audited safety programs and compliance to environmental compliance the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Designed Addendum QMS, CSA B51 for compliance to attain Certificate of Authorization to manufacture from TSSA (CA) for CRN registered products PP stamp Level II visual inspection of fabricated product IAW B31.3 12/10 05/13 UTEC Survey Management Change Houston, TX Regional QHSE Manager Implemented, maintained, and administered an integrated QHSE system, harmonized to ISO, OHSAS standards to include regional regulatory law and client best practices using SharePoint Regional responsibilities for Canada, America, South America, and Brazil
  • 2. Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com 5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521 Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/ CFR49 PHMSA Drug and Alcohol program administration (DER) MTCS competency scheme administration and IMCA standards compliance SharePoint Administrator Successful client and third party audits to include internal and external audits ISNetworld, PEC, Cognos client site administration Rig Pass, Safegulf, and Safeland Trainer Conducted/Facilitated Safety Training Conducted/Facilitated Integrated Management Systems Training 05/1012/10 Tubular Instruments & Controls/Automation Asked to relocate Houston, TX VP of QHSE Established the direction for the development and administration of the organizations compliance and improvement efforts Oversaw practices throughout the organization to develop an environment of continual improvement in every aspect of the organizations products and services Responsibility for Quality, Safety, Health, and Environmental compliance at a corporate level for four locations 04/0705/10 Turbine Air Systems Sought VP Position Houston, TX Quality/Safety Manager Manufactured Package Modular plants that service the commercial HVAC and turbine inlet cooling markets ISO 9001 Management system Re-certification of QMS accomplished with two months preparation, internal and external auditor Acquired ASME PP (Power Piping) Code stamp approval Safety Programs to OHSA compliance implementing OSHA complaint system to include training Lean implementation established the road map, installed visuals in manufacturing and process mapping Processed improvement and value stream mapping Measures to include accounting statement metrics Saved $287K in the first year, projects in place to acquire another $697K in cost avoidance or year over year in waste elimination project savings Level II visual inspection of fabricated product IAW B31.3 03/05 04/07 Crane Valve Services Division - Site Closed Houston, TX QHSE Manager Service company in valve repair to include Safety Relief Valves National Board VR/UV/V stamp approved Personally responsible for three sites (Texas, New Jersey, and California) Quality, Safety, and Environmental compliance Acquired National board registration for safety relief valve manufacture, repair Managed 26 programs and 5 cells in each of the three locations Managed permits, boilers, paint booths, cellular manufacturing, strategic deployment, operational excellence, TQM, and integrated ISO 9001, 18000, 14001 management systems Internal and external auditor to include National Board NB criteria
  • 3. Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com 5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521 Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/ Recertified Lean Master Black Belt in addition to crane tool champion Implemented Lean training system for all Yellow, Green, Black Belts Taught and certified over 30 people at different business units from Champions, Yellow, Green And Black Belts Level II visual inspection of fabricated product IAW B31.3 Independent Consultant Porous Media Inc - Contract completed Quality Consultant FDA & ISO 9000 compliant manufacturing systems installation Filter and separation products manufacture of medical devices and industrial products Hold personal responsibility for the implementation registration and maintenance of 21 CFR complaint ISO 13485 & ISO 9001 for cross-functional manufacturing cells in multiple locations Redesigned manufacturing methods and cells to include validation and medical device manufacturing Internal And External Auditing Processed mapped business from the receiving door to the shipping door Technip Corp. - DUCO Inc. - Contract completed Safety Consultant Registration to ISO 18000 integrate 9000 series standard Umbilical Manufacture for offshore platform drilling applications Hold personal responsible for all training, audits, inspections, and change process control Created training program to include matrix to OHSA 29CFR guidance Completed permits for SWPPP, Waste, and Air Established hearing conservation and conducted noise level abatement surveys Established metrics based on OHSA 300 log and categorized hazards 11/97 08/04 United Technologies Corp. Hamilton Sundstrand, Industrial Division; YZ Systems, Carrier, Snyder, TX; Waxahachie, TX; Conroe, TX. Union and Non-Union Regional Quality, Health, Safety, Environmental/Engineering Group Manager Established R&D engineering group for the development of new products Coordinated all CSA, API, LCIE, testing, and submittals for product certifications to CE, Hazardous Group certifications ACE Certified, lead implementation and attained silver certified LMBB Processed mapped corporate head quarters, financials, payroll, accounts receivable, and accounts payable Completed over 20 projects that resulted in millions of cost avoidance and sustainable cost reductions Internal and external auditor Level II visual inspection of fabricated product IAW B31.3 AGENCY EXPERIENCE
  • 4. Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com 5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521 Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/ Equipment/Product Certification CSA (Canadian), UL (US), LCIE (French), FM (US), FDA (US) Quality Assurance ABS, ASQ, DNV, RAB, FDA, BVQI Safety OSHA, HASC, CAL OSHA, Jones Act, BSEE Environmental EPA, TCEQ, CAL Product certifications - Lloyd's Register, API Monogram Programs, and NBBI (pressure relief devices) Regulatory compliance criteria Association of American Railroads, TTCI, MID, BOE EDUCATION 2003 Sam Houston State University Huntsville, TX Master Business Administration - MBA Train the trainer; Class A Instructor and Facilitator American Society of Quality Lean/Six Sigma courses 1983 Chapman University San Diego, CA BSEE, Electronics Engineering CERTIFICATIONS Toyota Production System/Six Sigma Implemented, defined the journey, expert LMBB RABQSA Quality Management Systems Lead Auditor#123056 OHSO (Occupational Health & Safety Official) Internal M1003/M1002 Auditor (company certified) ASQC Certified CMQ/OE (Certified Manager of Quality Operational Excellence) Malcolm Baldridge Assessment surveyor Balanced Scorecard approach Lean Master Black Belt UTC (Company certified), Cranco Corp. (Company certified) NDE Level II Visual, Magnetic Particle, Die Penetrate, and UT & RT methods (expired) REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS EXPERTISE API Q1 Quality Systems implemented, administered, expert API SEMS BSEE Compliance standards - implemented, administered, expert ISO 9000 series of Quality Assurance Standards implemented, administered, expert ISO 18000 Safety and 14001 Environmental Standards - implemented, administered, expert CFR 1910 General Industry and Construction Regulations administered, expert 21CFR, ISO13485 Medical Device Manufacturing Systems ASME Section 5, 8, 9; B31, AWS D1.1 codes - Implemented, administered, expert NEC, UL, CSA, Cenelec, Intrinsic Safety designed and acquired product certifications Canadian Newfoundland legislation - COR criteria implementation CFR -179, AAR MSRP - CIII, M1003, M1002 Railroad compliance STD. MEMBERSHIPS
  • 5. Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com 5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521 Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/ American Society for Quality (ASQ) Senior Member, 01336231 American Welding Society (AWS) Individual Member, 2010423 American Society for Non Destructive Testing (ASNT) Individual Member, 230761 SPECIALTIES Manage the effective use of all associated resources I bring a special synergy to Business Systems and Processes using standards based on continuous improvement methods using DMAIC, kaizen, value stream mapping, root cause analysis, 6S, Mistake proofing, SMED, and many other Lean Six Sigma methods Fluent in statistics, TPM, TQM, Metrology, control charts, FRACAS, DOE and many other tools Project Management- I have personally managed, with and without teams, to support construction projects, organizational changes, product introductions and business acquisitions projects Management Systems- I have analyzed work groups, products, methods of work then set up management systems to monitor KPIs and improve performance I can design and implement a harmonized integrated single management system using ISO 9000; OHSAS 18000; ISO 14001 Process Controls- I have used various tools (process Maps, Brown Paper) to completely describe a business and the interaction of functional groups, the toll gates, inputs, process, and outputs and then installed the metrics (KPIs) to determine effectiveness SKILLS Computer Skills Computer Advanced user, Windows environment to include Office Pro, Excel, Access, Word, Power Point, Project, Frontline, Visio, SharePoint, AutoCAD, Mini-Tab. SAP R3, J.D. Edwards, Visual Manufacturing, AS 400, Great Plains, Peach Tree, Promanade, Focal Point, Lotus Notes Technical Skills Six Sigma, Statistics, Work Flows, Scheduling, Resource Management, P&L, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Welding, Metal Work, Electronic Assembly, Soldering, Testing Systems, QA Systems, Safety Systems, Project Management, Chemical injection and control systems, Planning, Time Management, Supply Chain Management (SCOR), Gage R&R studies Military Skills 1974 - 1989 UNITED STATES NAVY from deck seaman to lieutenant (E-1 to O- 4E) (Mustang Officer) achieved all that was possible to include command at sea: from sonar, radar, and communications equipment to steam engineering and power plant management, Steam Engineering Officer Qualified, Surface Warfare Officer Qualified Leadership Skills I have been a leader, and a follower, and a catalyst for change all my life. In the military I achieved Mustang Officer status in Surface Warfare, I did that following a simple principle. That is Never ask anyone do something that you
  • 6. Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com 5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521 Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/ have not done or would not be willing to do That being said when you approach people with that point of view it is as if you are asking for their support with the knowledge that you would support them, you understand the challenge, and are willing to support them in overcoming the obstacles When you help people be successful you are naturally going to be successful I have always supported the people around me to achieve the goal To classify my leadership style I would say I was a Visionary Leader or a leader that sets direction by creating a vision that engages people They share the dream and execute because they feel that it is the right thing to do Management Skills I draft a plan then execute the plan The plan should be on paper or something that can be seen by others, with a timeline, metrics that are monitored with clear goals that are tied to the firms strategic objectives I listen to others and do not operate in a vacuum I continuously improve the plan through execution Business Acumen I have a strong appreciation for the business needs and how the P&L is structured I can interpret and generate accounting statements I often use accounting ratios in relation to process performance, and hold others accountable for the management of those numbers Time Management The most important resource My time management skills are excellent, I use plans that are grounded in a timeline and then manage resources to compress the time to better the objectives whenever possible Organizational Skills My organizational skills have been my strongest attribute I have been analyzing business processes for so long that I have become very good at a system that utilizes resources most effectively I know when to delegate and when to take direct control PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Service Industries, Electronic Manufacturing, Machining, Assembly, Fabrication and multiple business units, to include international I have been successful at managing manufacturing teams, engineering manufacturing support and R&D, Purchasing, Field Service, Quality Assurance, and Safety Management I have always sold the principles, methods, vision, and value to others in a continuous effort to change for the better (Kaizen)
  • 7. Mark Lynch E: markelynch@outlook.com 5 Cambridge P: 936-524-6521 Conroe, Texas 77304 http://www.linkedin.com/in/markelynch/ have not done or would not be willing to do That being said when you approach people with that point of view it is as if you are asking for their support with the knowledge that you would support them, you understand the challenge, and are willing to support them in overcoming the obstacles When you help people be successful you are naturally going to be successful I have always supported the people around me to achieve the goal To classify my leadership style I would say I was a Visionary Leader or a leader that sets direction by creating a vision that engages people They share the dream and execute because they feel that it is the right thing to do Management Skills I draft a plan then execute the plan The plan should be on paper or something that can be seen by others, with a timeline, metrics that are monitored with clear goals that are tied to the firms strategic objectives I listen to others and do not operate in a vacuum I continuously improve the plan through execution Business Acumen I have a strong appreciation for the business needs and how the P&L is structured I can interpret and generate accounting statements I often use accounting ratios in relation to process performance, and hold others accountable for the management of those numbers Time Management The most important resource My time management skills are excellent, I use plans that are grounded in a timeline and then manage resources to compress the time to better the objectives whenever possible Organizational Skills My organizational skills have been my strongest attribute I have been analyzing business processes for so long that I have become very good at a system that utilizes resources most effectively I know when to delegate and when to take direct control PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Service Industries, Electronic Manufacturing, Machining, Assembly, Fabrication and multiple business units, to include international I have been successful at managing manufacturing teams, engineering manufacturing support and R&D, Purchasing, Field Service, Quality Assurance, and Safety Management I have always sold the principles, methods, vision, and value to others in a continuous effort to change for the better (Kaizen)