This document contains schedules for several teacher meetings in late December 2013 and early January 2014. It lists the dates, times, locations, and subjects of various curriculum committee, department, and professional development meetings. Key events include the first curriculum committee meeting of 2014 on December 27th, a meeting on extracurricular activities the same day, and a series of short training courses on December 30th and 31st covering topics like the new primary school curriculum, assessment methods, and classroom teaching strategies.
The document advertises real estate properties for sale in General Trias, Cavite. It provides contact information for Cora Sacdalan to inquire about triplexes priced at 50k pesos, located in non-flooded areas not in fault lines. Payment plans including cash, in-house or bank financing are offered.
Felixsiauw bahaya sekulerisme, pluralisme dan liberalismeRizky Faisal
Tulisan ini membahas bahaya sekularisme, pluralisme dan liberalisme. Sekularisme lahir dari kekecewaan cendekiawan Eropa terhadap dominasi agama Katolik pada Abad Pertengahan. Liberalisme dan pluralisme kemudian muncul sebagai ideologi yang memisahkan agama dari negara. Tulisan ini berargumen bahwa kejayaan Islam terjadi ketika Islam tidak hanya sebagai agama ritual tapi juga aturan hidup yang mengatur seluruh aspek ke
This document provides examples of using prepositions like "in", "on", and "at" to indicate time, date, location, and other specifics. Some examples include "He saw her in May", "Can you come at six o'clock?", "He lives on my street", and "They visited friends in Rome". It also includes a mixed practice section with sentences like "They go home in the afternoon" and "Everyone is happy on Friday".
This document discusses many potential dangers horses face and ways to reduce risks of injury. It describes how horses can generate a lot of force when spooking due to their mass and acceleration. Many common items in stalls like buckets, tack hooks and hay nets need proper placement to avoid injury. Fences like barbed wire and high tensile fencing pose laceration risks. Poisonous plants in pastures can cause illness if ingested. Overall, the document provides advice on minimizing hazards to protect horse health and safety in stalls, barns and pastures.