This document contains a syllabus for an M-2 class covering various subjects from September to February. The syllabus includes topics in English, Conversation, Art & Craft, Mathematics, General Knowledge, Hindi, and Revision Evaluations covering portions of the previously taught material. Specific topics listed include names of flowers, colors, animals, means of transportation, body parts, manners, family members, parts of plants, fruits/vegetables, alphabet, addition/subtraction, seasons, festivals, and more. The syllabus is broken down by month with designated textbook pages and content listed for each subject.
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1. This syllabus belongs to
Class - M-2
September 22. Name of flowers .
23. Name of colours .
24. Name the colours of rainbow .
25. Which is our National flower?
October 26. Name of the wild animals .
27. Name of the domestic animals .
28. Name of birds .
29. Name of insects .
30. Animals and their babies ,their homes .
November 31. Name of reptiles .
32. Name of the rivers .
33. Name of the oceans .
34. Means of transport : Land ,Air ,Water .
35. Week days name .
Revision Evaluation II
Portion S. NO. 19 to 30
December 36. Season's name.
37. Name of the different types of clothes .
January 38. Name of religious festivals .
39. Name of National festivals .
40. What is the name of our country?
41. What is the name of our National flag?
42. How many months are there in a year? Name them .
Revision Evaluation III
Portion : S. NO. 31 to 41
March ABC with Ashlar & ABCD Letter pages,
Pals Course Book II rhyming review, 4 to 9
fun activity
ABC with Ashlar & Pals Trace & learn 1 to 8
Activity Sheet II
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II If I were a bird. 4 to 5
April ABC with Ashlar & Pals E to L Letter pages,
Course Book II rhyming 10 to 21
review, fun activity.
ABC with Ashlar & Pals
Activity Sheet II Trace & learn 9 to 16
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II Humpty- Dumpty. 6 to 7
June ABC with Ashlar & Pals M to P Letter pages, 22 to 27
Course Book II rhyming
review, fun activity.
ABC with Ashlar & Pals
Activity Sheet II Trace & learn 17 to 22
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II Incy wincy spider. 8 to 9
July ABC with Ashlar & Pals Q to R Letter pages. 28 to 29
Course Book II
ABC with Ashlar & Pals Trace & learn 23 to 24
Activity Sheet II
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II Baa-Baa black sheep 10 to 11
March 1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your mother's name?
4. What is your father's name?
5. In which class do you study?
6. What is the name of your class -teacher?
April 7. What is the name of your school?
8. What is the name of your school Principal?
9. Where do you live?
10. Body parts and its functions.
June 11. Good manners - Thank you ,Sorry ,Please ,Excuse me ,
Pardon .
12. My family member's name.
13. House ,Living room ,Kitchen ,Bedroom ,Bathroom .
July 14. Where is your school situated?
15. Who teaches you?
16. How many classes are there in your school?
17. Being around us : Park ,Bank ,Post-office ,Hospital ,Market .
18. Our helper's name .
Revision EV. I
Portion : 1 to 18
August 19. Parts of a tree : leaf ,Flower ,Stem ,Fruit ,Seed ,Bud .
20. Name of fruits and vegetables .
21. Name five things present in your class - room?
3. September Art square (B) Path Finder 23,24
(Hand Movement ),
Scarecrow (Activity ) ,Draw a 26,27
Penguin (Step-By-Step ) , Jolly
Joker (Activity)
October Art square (B) Baby's Blanket (Pattern Making ), 26 to 31
Jaguar's Spots (Activity ) ,Squirrel
(Colouring ) ,Rainbow (Colouring )
November Art square (B) Polar Bear (Activity) ,Draw a 32 to 34
Peacock (Step-By-Step ) ,Palm Tree
Evaluation II- P. NO.25 -Snail Shell
(Colouring )
December Art square (B) Dino (Colouring ) , Space Walk 35,36
(Activity )
January Art square (B) Bird's Home (Colouring ), 37, 38
Flowers (Colouring ) ,Parrot 40
(Paper Folding )
Evaluation III P. NO. 39 Balloon
Ride (Colouring )
REVISION Evaluation I Portion :-
(1)ABC with Ashlar & Pals Course Book II Page No. 4 - 29
(2) ABC with Ashlar & Pals Activity Sheet II Page No. 1 - 24
(3) Rhymes & Tales with Ashlar & Band Album II Page No. 4-11
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation I
August ABC with Ashlar & Pals S to Z Letter pages. 30 to 43
Course Book II Rhyming review , fun
activity, alphabet review
ABC with Ashlar & Pals
Activity Sheet II Trace & learn 25 to 38
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II I had a little puppy 12 to 13
September ABC with Ashlar & Pals Alphabet train, fun 44 to 54
Course Book II activity vowels- A, E, I ,
Lets go phonic,
Fun activity.
ABC with Ashlar & Pals Fun & learn. 39 to 48
Activity Sheet II
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II Cobbler-Cobbler. 14 to 15
October ABC with Ashlar & Pals Vowels-O & U , Let's go 55 to 60
Course Book II phonic, fun activity
ABC with Ashlar & Pals Fun & learn.
Activity Sheet II 49 to 52
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II Pussy - cat. 16 to 17
4. November ABC with Ashlar & Pals This / That 61
Course Book II
ABC with Ashlar & Pals 53 to 55
Activity Sheet II Fun & learn
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II Pat - a - Cake 18 to 19
REVISION Evaluation 2 Portion :-
(1)ABC with Ashlar & Pals Course Book II Page No.30 - 60
(2) ABC with Ashlar & PalsActivity Sheet II Page No. 25 - 52
(3) Rhymes & Tales with Ashlar & Band Album II Page No 12.-17
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation II
December ABC with Ashlar & And, One / many 62to 64
Pals Course Book II
ABC with Ashlar & Pals Fun activity 56 to 58
Activity Sheet II
Rhymes & Tales with
Ashlar & Band Album II Little - bo- peep 20 to 21
January ABC with Ashlar & He , She, It ,I,You, 65 to 68
Pals Course Book II In, On, Under
ABC with Ashlar & Pals 59 to 64
Activity Sheet II Fun activity
Rhymes & Tales with Bits of Paper &
Ashlar & Band Album II Gratitude Prayer 22 to 24
February REVISION Evaluation 3 Portion :-
(1)ABC with Ashlar & Pals Course Book II Page No.46 - 60,61-68
(2) ABC with Ashlar & Pals Activity Sheet II Page No. 53 - 64, 43 - 52
(3) Rhymes & Tales with Ashlar & Band Album II Page No 18.-24
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation III
March Art Square (B) I Love Colours, Fish Pond (Colouring) 3,4
April Art square (B) Apple Trees (Activity) ,Path Finder
(Hand movement) ,Sun Rays (Pattern 5 to 8
making ) ,Parrot Friend (Activity)
June Art square (B) Big Dog (Joining dots) ,Smiling Snow
Man (Activity) , Path Finder (Hand 9 ,10,12
movement )
July Art square (B) Yatch (Activity ) ,Shower Bath
(Colouring ), Giraffe and Birds 13 to 18
(Colouring ) ,Rabbit (Paper Folding ),
Lovely Doll (Colouring ),X-mas Tree
(Symmetrical Drawing )
Evaluation I - P. no. 11 (Butterfly
and Flowers) - Colouring
August Art square (B) Stable's Roof (Activity ) ,Hut (Joining
Dots ) ,Draw a Cat (Step-By-Step ) ,
Circus Seal (Colouring ) 19 to 22
5. Revision :- Evaluation 2 Portion :-
1. Life with Ashlar & Pals Course Book II Page No. 22 to 40
2. Life with Ashlar & PalsActivity Sheet II Page No. 21 to 35
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation II
December Life with Ashlar & Pals Hills and planes, 43 to 51
Course Book II Rivers and Oceans,
wind and sky
Life with Ashlar & Pals Do and know,
Activity Sheet II Trump a tale 41 to 52
January Life with Ashlar & Pals Celebrating life, 52 to 64
Course Book II seasons ,Religious festivals
Birthday Festivals
National Festivals,
I am so lucky
Life with Ashlar & Pals
Activity Sheet II Do and know 53 to 64
February Revision :- Evaluation 3 Portion :-
1. Life with Ashlar & Pals Course book II Page No. 41 to 64
2. Life with Ashlar & Pals Activity Sheet II Page No. 36 to 64
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation III
March 123 with Ashlar & Pals Shapes,Numbers1 to 10 4 to 7,
Course Book II (o+w), Number Names 18 to 29
123 with Ashlar & Pals 1 to 2 (Oral)
Activity Sheet II Do and know 1-2,11to14
April 123 with Ashlar & Pals Bigger / smaller, Before 8,9,
Course Book II /Between/ After, Taller/ 30 to 31
shorter Numbers 1 to10
(o + w) Number names
123 with Ashlar & Pals Do and know 3, 4
Activity Sheet II
June 123 with Ashlar & Pals Numbers 11 to 20 (o+w) 36 to 46
Course Book II Number names 6 to 10
123 with Ashlar & Pals (o+w)
Activity Sheet II Do and know 15 to 18
July 123 with Ashlar & Pals Ascending / Descending 47
Course Book II Numbers 21 to 30 (o+w),
Numbers 1 to 30 (o+w), 48 to 49
Numbers names 1 to10
123 with Ashlar & Pals Number Tales ,
Activity Sheet II Do & know 24 to 28
Portion :-
(1) 123 with Ashlar & Pals Course Book II Page No. 4 - 9, 18 - 31, 36 -49,
(2)123 with Ashlar & PalsActivity Sheet II Page No. 1 -4, 11 - 18 , 24 -28
Numbers 1 -30 (o+w),Number Names 1 - 10 (o+w)
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation I
August 123 with Ashlar & Pals Heavier / Lighter, Greater 10, 16,17,
Course Book II Less / Equal to 32- 35,
Numbers 31 to 60 (o+w) 50 to 54
Number names
11 to 15 (o+w)
123 with Ashlar & Pals 5,9,10,12,
-Activity Sheet II Do and Know 21-23,29
6. September 123 with Ashlar & Pals Longer / Shorter, Fun 11-12,
Course Book II Activity,Number 61 to 80 55-56
(o+w), Number names
16 to 20 (o+w)
123 with Ashlar & Pals Number Tales,
Activity Sheet II Do and know 6,47-50
October 123 with Ashlar & Pals Top / Bottom, Numbers 13, 57
Course Book II 81 to 90 (o+w),
Number names21to 25 (o+w)
123 with Ashlar & Pals Do and know
Activity Sheet II Number tales 7, 51-52
November 123 with Ashlar & Pals Numbers 91 to 100 58 - 61
Course Book II (o+w) Number names
123 with Ashlar & Pals 26 - 30 (o+w)
Activity Sheet II Do And know , 19 - 20,
Number Tales 53 - 54
Portion :-
(1) 123 with Ashlar & Pals Course Book II Page No.10 - 13, 16 - 17, 32 - 35
(2)123 with Ashlar & Pals Activity Sheet II Page No.5 - 6 ,9 - 10,12,21 -23, 29
-32, 45 - 54
Numbers 1 - 90 (o+w),Number names 1 - 30 (o + W)
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation II
December 123 with Ashlar & Pals Left / Right ,Addition 14,62 - 65
Course Book II Number names 31 - 40
123 with Ashlar & Pals (o+w) 8, 55-
Activity Sheet II Do and Learn, Addition 57,33-36
January 123 with Ashlar & Pals One /Many , Addition, 15, 66 - 80
Course Book II Subtraction,
123 with Ashlar & Pals Number names 41 - 50 (o+w)
Activity Sheet II Addition,Subtraction 37-44,
Number Tales 58-64
Portion :-
(1) 123 with Ashlar & Pals Course Book II Page No 14 - 15 , 58 - 80
(2) 123 with Ashlar & Pals Activity Sheet II Page No.7 - 8, 19 - 20 , 53 - 64 ,
33 - 44 , Numbers 1 - 100 (o+w),
Number Names 1 - 50 (o+w)
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation III
August Life with Ashlar & Pals My kind Green Friends, 22 to 27
Course Book II They give so much ,
Tooty Fruity, Fresh
Vegetables and fruits
Life with Ashlar & Pals Do and know,
Activity Sheet II Trump a tale 21 to 24
September Life with Ashlar & Pals Blooming Flowers, 28 to 31
Course Book II RainbowColours
Life with Ashlar & Pals Do and know,
Activity Sheet II Trump a tale 25 to 28
October Life with Ashlar & Pals My fellow beings , 32 to 40
Course Book II walk , jump and swim,
fly and walk, walk
fly and crawl
Life with Ashlar & Pals
Activity Sheet II Do and Know 29 to 35
November Life with Ashlar & Pals Walk and crawl, 41 to 42
Course Book II My big wonderful world
Life with Ashlar & Pals Do and know,
Activity Sheet II Trump a tale 36 to 40
March Life with Ashlar & Pals I am Beautiful, I am 4 to 5
Course Book II
Life with Ashlar & Pals Do and know 1
Activity Sheet II
April Life with Ashlar & Pals I can , I do , I feel 6 to 9
Course Book II
Life with Ashlar & Pals Trump a tale , 2 to 6
Activity Sheet II Do and Know
June Life with Ashlar & Pals I care, I am blessed , 10 to 13
Course Book II Thank you for loving me
Life with Ashlar & Pals Do and know , 7 to13
Activity Sheet II Trump a tale
July Life with Ashlar & Pals Thank you for teaching me, 14 to 21
Course Book II Thank you for being around,
Life with Ashlar & Pals Thank you for helping me
Activity Sheet II Do and know, Trump a tale 14 to 20
Revision :- Evaluation 1 Portion :-
1. Life with Ashlar & Pals Course book II Page No. 4 to 21
2. Life with Ashlar & Pals Activity Sheet II Page No. 1 to 20
Follow the syllabus of Evaluation I
ekg iqLrd fo"k; & oLrq i`"B la[;k
ekpZ d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax Loj o.kZ v{kj Kku v ls v% 4ls 19
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,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 fyf[kr vH;kl
xhr ,oa [ksy ,skyj ,oa izsj.kk xhr] lwjt dh lh[k
cSaM ,yce 2 3 ls 4
vizSy d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax O;atu o.kZ v{kj Kku + 20 ls 25
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,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 d ls M- ys[ku vH;kl
xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa gkFkh pyk cktkj
cSaM ,yce 2 HkS;k dh jk[kh 5 ls 6
twu d [k x ,skyj dh Vksyh lax O;atu o.kZ v{kj Kku 26 ls 31
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,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 p ls 促 ys[ku vH;kl
xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa cw>ks rks tkus]
cSaM ,yce 2 cPpksa dh eLrh 7 ls 9
tqykbZ d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax O;atu o.kZ v{kj Kku 32 ls 51
ikB~; iqfLrdk 2 V ls e ekSf[kd$fyf[kr
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,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 V ls e ys[ku vH;kl 31 ls 50
xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa
cSaM ,yce 2 ckfj'k vkSj Nq棚h 10
8. izFke ewY;kadu iqujko``fRr
Hkkx &1 d [k x ,skyj dh Vksyh lax ikB~; iqfLrdk&2 4 ls 51]
2 d [k x ,skyj dh Vksyh lax ,fDVfoVh 'khV~l&2 1 ls 50
3 xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa cSaM ,yce&2 3 ls 10
vxLr d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax O;atu o.kZ v{kj Kku 52 ls 67
ikB~; iqfLrdk 2 ; ls J ekSf[kd$fyf[kr
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,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 ; ls J fyf[kr
xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa jax&fcjaxh gksyh]lqanj
cSaM ,yce 2 eksj] cw>ks rks tkus 11 ls 13
flrEcj d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax nks v{kj okys 'kCn 68 ls 70
ikB~; iqfLrdk 2 ekSf[kd$fyf[kr
d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax
,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 lksp &le>dj 71
xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa lwjt [ksys vkWa[k fepkSyh]
cSaM ,yce 2 flel Ms] 14 ls 16
vDVwcj d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax nks v{kj okys 'kCn 71
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d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax
,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 lksp &le>dj 72
xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa
cSaM ,yce 2 pank ekek 17
uoEcj d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax rhu v{kj okys 'kCn 72
ikB~; iqfLrdk 2 ekSf[kd$fyf[kr
d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax
,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 lksp &le>dj 73
xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa rksrk jke ] cw>ks rks tkus
cSaM ,yce 2 18 ls 19
f}rh; ewY;kadu iqujko`fRr
Hkkx &1 d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax ikB~; iqfLrdk&2 52 ls 71]O;atu d ls J rd
2 d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax ,fDVfoVh 'khV~l&2 51 ls 72
3 xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa cSaM ,yce&2 11 ls17
fnlEcj d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax rhu v{kj okys 'kCn] 73
ikB~; iqfLrdk 2 i<+ks vkSj cksyks
d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax ekSf[kd $ fyf[kr
,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 lksp le>dj 74
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tuojh d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax pkj v{kj okys 'kCn] 74 ls 76
ikB~; iqfLrdk 2 ekSf[kd$fyf[kr
d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax
,fDVfoVh 'khV~l 2 lksp le>dj 75 ls 76
xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa ckny jktk ] cw>ks rks tkus
cSaM ,yce 2 uhyh&ihyh irax] jk"V捉xku 24 ls 28
Qjojh r`rh; ewY;kadu iqujko`fRr
Hkkx& 1 d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax ,fDVfoVh 'khV~l&2 73 ls 76
2 d [k x ,s'kyj dh Vksyh lax ikB~; iqfLrdk&2 72 ls 76
3 xhr ,oa [ksy ,s'kyj ,oa cSaM ,yce&2 18 ls 28