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St. Paul University Quezon City
             Group Seatwork on Topic 2, First Semester, SY 2010-2011
             RE 05: General Catholic Morality (Mrs. Ana Maria Q. Faustino)

Names: ____________________________________________ Score: _______ Date: _____________
       ____________________________________________        _______
       ____________________________________________        _______
       ____________________________________________        _______

Choose the Scripture passage which describes how God showed his love to the people/person after what
they/he did. Write the letter of your choice on the blank. Then, write in your own words what God did to
show His love for the people/person.

What the people/person did: (1 pt. each)

____1. The Israelites cried out to God for help because of their sufferings under the Egyptians who
       enslaved them.
____2. David gave way to his weaknesses and committed the sins of adultery and murder. When
       Nathan confronted David with his sins, David repented and asked Gods forgiveness.
____3. The nation of Israel was ungrateful to God. They behaved wickedly, like they did not know God
       and they practiced idolatry.
____4. The people of Nineveh turned from their evil ways when the prophet proclaimed Gods message
       to them.

How God showed His love to the people/person: (2 pts. each)

A.      Jonah 3:10 ____________________________________________________________________
B.      Exodus 3:7-10 _________________________________________________________________
C.      Hosea 11:8-9 __________________________________________________________________
D.      2 Samuel 12:13 ________________________________________________________________

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  • 1. St. Paul University Quezon City Group Seatwork on Topic 2, First Semester, SY 2010-2011 RE 05: General Catholic Morality (Mrs. Ana Maria Q. Faustino) Names: ____________________________________________ Score: _______ Date: _____________ ____________________________________________ _______ ____________________________________________ _______ ____________________________________________ _______ Choose the Scripture passage which describes how God showed his love to the people/person after what they/he did. Write the letter of your choice on the blank. Then, write in your own words what God did to show His love for the people/person. What the people/person did: (1 pt. each) ____1. The Israelites cried out to God for help because of their sufferings under the Egyptians who enslaved them. ____2. David gave way to his weaknesses and committed the sins of adultery and murder. When Nathan confronted David with his sins, David repented and asked Gods forgiveness. ____3. The nation of Israel was ungrateful to God. They behaved wickedly, like they did not know God and they practiced idolatry. ____4. The people of Nineveh turned from their evil ways when the prophet proclaimed Gods message to them. How God showed His love to the people/person: (2 pts. each) A. Jonah 3:10 ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ B. Exodus 3:7-10 _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ C. Hosea 11:8-9 __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ D. 2 Samuel 12:13 ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________