EdTeach TrainingeralayThis document provides information and resources for various edtech tools that can be used for training, including:
- Google Images and TinyURL for checking image sources and shortening URLs.
- Google Advanced Search and Startpage for safe searching without tracking history.
- Blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress, and Edublogs which can be used for student development and as a CV.
- File sharing tools like Wetransfer for transferring large files and Google Drive for collaboration.
- Other resources covered include Google Fight for collocations, Vocaroo for voice recordings, Voki for storytelling, Tagul for word clouds, Animoto for video creation, and Padlet for interactive walls
Key pat2 3_53psarathaifern1) The document provides various physics constants and formulas.
2) Example calculations are shown such as calculating the work done by a force and solving kinematics equations.
3) Physics concepts involving forces, kinematics, energy, and circuits are demonstrated.
EdTeach TrainingeralayThis document provides information and resources for various edtech tools that can be used for training, including:
- Google Images and TinyURL for checking image sources and shortening URLs.
- Google Advanced Search and Startpage for safe searching without tracking history.
- Blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress, and Edublogs which can be used for student development and as a CV.
- File sharing tools like Wetransfer for transferring large files and Google Drive for collaboration.
- Other resources covered include Google Fight for collocations, Vocaroo for voice recordings, Voki for storytelling, Tagul for word clouds, Animoto for video creation, and Padlet for interactive walls
Key pat2 3_53psarathaifern1) The document provides various physics constants and formulas.
2) Example calculations are shown such as calculating the work done by a force and solving kinematics equations.
3) Physics concepts involving forces, kinematics, energy, and circuits are demonstrated.
Manifest destiny733304Manifest Destiny was the 19th century belief that American settlers were destined to expand across North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. This expansion had both positive and negative impacts. Positively, it created a large bicoastal country connected by new roads and railroads promoting industry. However, it also had heavy costs, including the deaths of many Native Americans and Mexicans, as well as enabling the expansion of slavery that intensified tensions leading to the Civil War.
14626 hpv news_28-3Nelson Valente Martins1) O documento discute a vacinação contra o HPV na cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes no Brasil, que foi pioneira ao incluir a vacina quadrivalente no calendário de vacinação municipal.
2) O coordenador de imunizações da cidade, Dr. Charbell Kury, explica que a ideia surgiu após observar os bons resultados da estratégia de vacinação na Austrália e que a escolha da vacina quadrivalente se deu por recomendação de especialistas.
3) Apesar de inicialmente h
Elaboración del sentimiento paternal (1)angelcresEl documento discute el desarrollo del sentimiento maternal y paterno. Explica que el sentimiento maternal se construye directamente desde la concepción, mientras que el sentimiento paterno se elabora sobre bases distintas y requiere que un hombre ame a la madre de su hijo. También describe las funciones paternas de separación del niño de su madre y enseñarle sobre renuncia y espera, y cómo el sentimiento paterno se desarrolla a través de un proceso psicológico que evoluciona con el desarrollo del niño.
Podcast 32 Herald the Convergence of CostsBlog NewsGamesThe culture of signing the form permanently took over the marketing of media products. From the 90s, companies started to deploy to communicate the concept triple-play, allowing the user access to the Internet, making signing of TV and cable telephony. Through this system, operators seek to retain their customers from the delivery of unified services, charged in a single account. But on the other hand, Article "Fifth iconoclasmo - the era of pay-per-view as censorship economical consumption of media images - I argument that hyper concentration the media is no longer as a way to demonize the image, but as a way of economic censorship.
BendicionlmartinezEl documento describe varias formas en las que una persona puede considerarse afortunada en comparación con otros en el mundo. Si una persona se despierta sin dolor, tiene más suerte que 500 millones de personas. Si no ha experimentado la guerra, el hambre o la prisión, tiene más suerte que 3 millones. Si puede practicar su religión sin persecución, es más rico que el 75% de la población mundial. Si tiene sus necesidades básicas cubiertas, es parte del 10% más próspero del mundo.
Matharathaifern1. This document contains mathematical formulas and definitions across multiple topics.
2. Sections include logical statements, set theory concepts, functions, trigonometric identities, and algebraic equations.
3. Various problems are presented involving limits, series, geometry, and other quantitative reasoning questions.