DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF CUSTOM CHANGE MANAGEMENT WORKFLOW TEMPLATES AND HAN...ijcaxA large no. of automobile companies finding a convinient way to manage design changes with the use of
various PLM techniques. Change in any product is something that should occur on timely basis to match
up with customer requirement and cost reduction. The change made in the vehicle designs directly affects
various concerned agencies. Automobile Vehicle structures contains thousands of parts and if there is any
change is occurring in child parts then it becomes important to track that impacted part, propose a solution
on that part and release a new assembly structure with feasible changes such that all efforts need to be
done for cost reduction.
Kamran RN (C.V)Kamran GeorgeThis document contains the resume of Kamran s/o George Masih, a registered nurse from Pakistan currently working in Sharjah, UAE. He has over 4 years of experience working in hospitals in Pakistan and is seeking a position utilizing his clinical skills and experience in critical care nursing. He has certifications in BLS, ACLS and has participated in various workshops related to infection control, stroke management and clinical nutrition.
Redes de trabajoHector SorianoEste documento define una red como un ambiente de cooperación que permite el intercambio de información entre dos o más personas para avanzar en su trabajo. Explica que una red de trabajo se forma cuando se reconocen intereses comunes y áreas relacionadas, lo que resulta en un propósito unificador y la creación de la red. Además, señala que los miembros de una red se unen para llevar a cabo proyectos específicos que ayuden a alcanzar el propósito compartido mediante alianzas estratégicas.
Eng refAyyoub MukattashThis document contains engineering equations related to radio frequency transmission and antennas. It includes equations for reflection coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio, characteristic impedance of transmission lines, Friis transmission equation, antenna gain, noise factor, free space path loss, radio horizon, gain of parabolic antennas, beamwidth of parabolic antennas, and beam broadening versus sidelobe ratio. The document is a reference sheet from Kathrein Inc. providing essential equations for RF engineering.
DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF CUSTOM CHANGE MANAGEMENT WORKFLOW TEMPLATES AND HAN...ijcaxA large no. of automobile companies finding a convinient way to manage design changes with the use of
various PLM techniques. Change in any product is something that should occur on timely basis to match
up with customer requirement and cost reduction. The change made in the vehicle designs directly affects
various concerned agencies. Automobile Vehicle structures contains thousands of parts and if there is any
change is occurring in child parts then it becomes important to track that impacted part, propose a solution
on that part and release a new assembly structure with feasible changes such that all efforts need to be
done for cost reduction.
Kamran RN (C.V)Kamran GeorgeThis document contains the resume of Kamran s/o George Masih, a registered nurse from Pakistan currently working in Sharjah, UAE. He has over 4 years of experience working in hospitals in Pakistan and is seeking a position utilizing his clinical skills and experience in critical care nursing. He has certifications in BLS, ACLS and has participated in various workshops related to infection control, stroke management and clinical nutrition.
Redes de trabajoHector SorianoEste documento define una red como un ambiente de cooperación que permite el intercambio de información entre dos o más personas para avanzar en su trabajo. Explica que una red de trabajo se forma cuando se reconocen intereses comunes y áreas relacionadas, lo que resulta en un propósito unificador y la creación de la red. Además, señala que los miembros de una red se unen para llevar a cabo proyectos específicos que ayuden a alcanzar el propósito compartido mediante alianzas estratégicas.
Eng refAyyoub MukattashThis document contains engineering equations related to radio frequency transmission and antennas. It includes equations for reflection coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio, characteristic impedance of transmission lines, Friis transmission equation, antenna gain, noise factor, free space path loss, radio horizon, gain of parabolic antennas, beamwidth of parabolic antennas, and beam broadening versus sidelobe ratio. The document is a reference sheet from Kathrein Inc. providing essential equations for RF engineering.
DESIGN OF GENERATIVE MODEL FOR THE LANGUAGE OF TRADITIONAL SUAKIN USING PARAM...ijcaxThis paper aims at presenting a parametric shape grammar of traditional Suakin houses (Red Sea state,
Sudan). This work systematically attempts to generate appropriate plans arrangement that allows required
functional relationships between spaces to be satisfied. The topological and geometrical properties of old
Suakin houses were analyzed. These properties were originated and incorporated into the traditional
Suakin buildings for the past ten centuries. The shape rules, dimensional, geometric and topological
patterns of houses in the corpus are used as the generative model for the language of traditional suakin
style This paper concludes with a discussion of the creative and generative value of the parametric shape
grammars. Moreover, it facilitates the understanding of the formal composition of Suakin old style and the
revival of a contemporary Suakin building style.
SPAM FILTERING SECURITY EVALUATION FRAMEWORK USING SVM, LR AND MILR ijcaxThe Pattern classification system classifies the pattern into feature space within a boundary. In case
adversarial applications use, for example Spam Filtering, the Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS),
Biometric Authentication, the pattern classification systems are used. Spam filtering is an adversary
application in which data can be employed by humans to attenuate perspective operations. To appraise the
security issue related Spam Filtering voluminous machine learning systems. We presented a framework for
the experimental evaluation of the classifier security in an adversarial environments, that combines and
constructs on the arms race and security by design, Adversary modelling and Data distribution under
attack. Furthermore, we presented a SVM, LR and MILR classifier for classification to categorize email as
legitimate (ham) or spam emails on the basis of thee text samples.
ESR 2 project SUP&R ITNdavidelopThis document describes a project to design and characterize asphalt mixes manufactured with binders from biomass. The objectives are to identify and characterize bio-binders, develop a binder and mix design, and compare the behavior of several mixes to select the most effective solution. Bio-binders can be used as a direct replacement for bitumen or in combination with bitumen. The project will involve a literature review, blend design, bio-binder study, mixture study, and field testing. The research is being conducted as part of a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme.
NEW ONTOLOGY RETRIEVAL IMAGE METHOD IN 5K COREL IMAGESijcaxSemantic annotation of images is an important research topic on both image understanding and database or web image search. Image annotation is a technique to choosing appropriate labels for images with
extracting effective and hidden feature in pictures. In the feature extraction step of proposed method, we
present a model, which combined effective features of visual topics (global features over an image) and
regional contexts (relationship between the regions in Image and each other regions images) to automatic image annotation.In the annotation step of proposed method, we create a new ontology (base on WordNet ontology) for the semantic relationships between tags in the classification and improving semantic gap exist in the automatic image annotation.Experiments result on the 5k Corel dataset show the proposed
method of image annotation in addition to reducing the complexity of the classification, increased accuracy
compared to the another methods.
International Journal of Computer-Aided technologies (IJCAx)ijcaxComputer-aided technologies (CAx) mean the use of computer technology to aid in the design, analysis and manufacture various products. International Journal of Computer-Aided technologies (IJCAx) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Aided technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAIM,CAR, CARD, CASE etc. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Aided technologies. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced CAx tools and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in all Computer Aided technologies