RamosdeMoura,C Superviser CertificateCamila MouraCamila Ramos de Moura completed the Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness in 5 Steps course on September 15, 2015, as confirmed by this Proof of Completion document.
My lifecl800This document outlines the author's life including their family, hobbies, and experiences at school. The author lists their mother, father, two sisters, dog and cat as their family. Their hobbies include playing the trumpet, running, hockey, skiing, and spending time with their girlfriend Cathy. At school the author enjoys sports but finds they have a lot of homework from classes and projects.
Clase N° 2EmprendimientoIVEste documento presenta un marco sobre la inteligencia emocional y las habilidades personales. Explica conceptos como la autoconciencia, la autorregulación, la motivación, la empatía y las habilidades sociales. El documento también describe las capacidades asociadas con cada uno de estos conceptos, como la identificación de emociones, el autocontrol, la iniciativa, la comprensión de los demás y la comunicación efectiva.
RamosdeMoura,C Superviser CertificateCamila MouraCamila Ramos de Moura completed the Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness in 5 Steps course on September 15, 2015, as confirmed by this Proof of Completion document.
My lifecl800This document outlines the author's life including their family, hobbies, and experiences at school. The author lists their mother, father, two sisters, dog and cat as their family. Their hobbies include playing the trumpet, running, hockey, skiing, and spending time with their girlfriend Cathy. At school the author enjoys sports but finds they have a lot of homework from classes and projects.
Clase N° 2EmprendimientoIVEste documento presenta un marco sobre la inteligencia emocional y las habilidades personales. Explica conceptos como la autoconciencia, la autorregulación, la motivación, la empatía y las habilidades sociales. El documento también describe las capacidades asociadas con cada uno de estos conceptos, como la identificación de emociones, el autocontrol, la iniciativa, la comprensión de los demás y la comunicación efectiva.
14864_program_melb_bris_printsample-v2Claire NelsonThis document provides an agenda and background information for the Leadership Revolution event hosted by the Australian Industry Group. The event aims to start a conversation around improving leadership capabilities in Australia. It will feature international speakers like Gary Hamel and Dave Gray who will discuss topics such as management innovation, organizational change, and developing leadership skills. The goal is for business, government, and education sectors to work together to address concerns that Australia is falling behind internationally in areas like management practices and the ability to adapt to new situations. Improving leadership is seen as critical to boosting productivity, innovation, and economic sustainability in Australia.
KeyWellen RohilThis document provides 3 product keys for downloading software from the website http://www.bagas31.com. The keys are listed as K4THN-8WD3J-PDKJC-DVKTD-3PC7D, Q226H-HN692-BG7J8-G2PHY-88D3Q, and C23TX-8FNX9-C6J6T-BPQW2-CKBDQ.
Certificado Alvaro AdamAlvaro Adam, PMPÁlvaro Adam Fresno coordinó y fue profesor de un curso de 120 horas sobre el medio ambiente en obras civiles celebrado entre marzo y junio de 2015. Impartió 7 temas relacionados con la integración ambiental en proyectos de infraestructura, la normativa ambiental, los estudios de impacto ambiental, la integración ambiental en proyectos constructivos y programas de vigilancia ambiental. El secretario general del Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes certifica su participación como profesor en este curso.
arbor daymapmansgcArbor Day began in Nebraska when J. Sterling Morton created a law that paid people to plant trees on a certain day. After Morton died, the holiday was moved to April 22nd each year to honor his birthday as the date to plant and celebrate trees.
"Studying Video Games as Ideological Texts" by Sherry Jones (October 24, 2014)Sherry JonesMy presentation for Metro State University of Denver's Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference 2014, held on October 24, 2014.
Educators! Register now for the #Metagame Book Club! The book club will run from November 1-21, 2014. I will be your Track 1: Game Studies facilitator. We will be reading interesting and enlightening academic papers on current theories and controversies in gaming and game studies.
#Metagame Book Club Registration Page
#Metagame Book Club Home Page
On Your Own 4wannaivona411This document outlines the table of contents for an autobiography by IvonaS including sections on her family, hobbies, life at school, and future plans. Her family section lists her mother, father, two sisters, brother, and two pets. Her hobbies section includes playing piano, swimming, shopping, tennis, skiing, and her boyfriend Waldo. Her school section lists the classes she takes including Spanish, English, Math, History, Business, Computers, Speech, Health, and Walking.