Macafem receives positive reviews from customers for relieving menopause symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. One customer found relief from headaches within 1-2 weeks. Another no longer needs hormone replacement therapy due to reduced symptoms. Many customers report improved sleep, energy levels, and emotional well-being from Macafem. A few customers tried other remedies but say Macafem works best at controlling their symptoms.
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Macafem reviews 2017
1. Macafem Reviews 2017
Were excited to show you reviews that weve received about Macafem from
some of our valued customers in the past few months, and to be adding new
reviews in the future as we receive them.
Without a doubt, the results that women have obtained from using our product
encourage us to keep working hard every day.
Thank you for taking the time to send us your testimonial, inspiring other women
to find relief, too!
2. I am almost 47, a mother of seven biological children ages 19-3 and I homeschool, so a lot of energy is given out on a daily/yearly
basis. I began experiencing headaches randomly throughout the year in my early 30s. once I was in my 40s and still having babies, my
headaches increased along with a deep depletion feeling. The past three years have been awful!
My doctor said my hormones were normal and everything about me was healthy and yet I felt so far away from the person I usually
was. Most days were either fighting headaches or fighting a very lethargic and utterly depleting feeling. I stumbled across Macafem
and decided to give it a shot. Before this I had researched everything from nutrition to chiropractors to doctors and nothing was
making a difference. With in a week and a half to two weeks I was suspicious that this was my answer. I needed to wait until I had gone
through two cycles and then it was confirmed! No headaches! No depletion feeling! For the last two years I would get headaches that
lasted 3 to 5 days at least two times a month. That really robs a lot of life from you and makes it very hard to be a wife, a mother, and a
I now feel like I am ME. I WANT to get up and care for my family. I WANT to get up and bake and cook. I WANT to go hiking! And I
feel like I have the energy to do it now. I despise multi marketing businesses but if Macafem was a multi marketing business, I would
sell it. Not because I think I would get rich, but because I believe it really works and it doesnt cost a fortune.
After having four months of great success I came across a website that gave another product higher reviews. Because I thought that
would maybe be even better than this product I gave it a try. With in a week and a half I could feel the headache and depletion feeling
coming on. I immediately switched back to Macafem and feel like a million bucks again! Will not switch again!!! .
Molly - USA
February 5, 2017
3. I like the product! I miss some days but that doesnt seem to make a difference. Im
sleeping better because Im not waking up with hot flashes. If I have any, they are tolerable,
mild and over quickly. I was using Bio-identical and decided to stop and use your product.
Ive been very happy with it. Im not craving and eating for no reason. Im focused and
getting things accomplished again. Ill be ordering more soon. Have two bottles left I think.
Thank you!
Stacey- USA
January 2, 2017
I have been taking Macafem for 6 weeks. I started it 4 weeks post full hysterectomy. Ive cut
my HRT in half and plan to stop taking it all together very soon as I feel so much better now
than I did being on all those hormones! No mood swings, no more uncontrollable hunger,
energy is back, no hot flashes, better sleep, fewer headaches and I even have lower blood
Ive seen so many great, natural benefits from Macafem, its AMAZING!
Jill- USA
March 23, 2017
4. Before I tried Macafem, I had dizziness, mood swings, low energy, anxiety, I worried about
everything, depression..I would wake up with a feeling of doom:
When I tried Macafem, within 2 days I noticed a calm feeling and now it has been 2 months
and I dont have any more dizziness, I am more calm, I dont worry as much or have as much
anxiety an no more feelings of doom in the morning. I also have more energy and have lost
some fat.
Macafem is amazing. Why didnt I find out about this before? It has changed my life.
Kathy - Canada
March 22, 2017
I take Macafem for a couple of years now. The menopausal symptoms dropped to a
minimum from the very start and continue to stay this way.
Myra USA
January 3, 2017
5. I was totally amazed at how my Hot Flashes and Night Sweats were relieved so quickly! I
had been on Hormone replacement therapy for 7 years.and within 3 weeks of starting on
Macafem, they were nearly all gone! I also noticed my energy returning. Its nice to know
that there is a product that balances my entire system, without adding artificial
hormones! Now, I highly recommend Macafem to all my friends having the issues I was
dealing with.
Cynthia- USA
February 3, 2017
Recently I thought that I might try something different. Well I did and I swiftly came running
back to my Macafem! Felt like I was crawling out of my skin with uncontrollable emotions.
After taking Macafem for a couple of days all is well once again. Ahhhhh peace within. Wont
do that again!!
Marsha - USA
March 6, 2017
6. It really helped balance my hormones at age 63. I am well past menopause. Ive been out
for about a month and can really tell a difference in not feeling as well as when I was on it.
Ellen - USA
January 05, 2017
It reduced my horrible hot flashes like nothing else Ive used!!!!!!! I may get a little warm
one or two times/day, but no hot flashes! I am sleeping wonderfully, better than I have in
years. I made the mistake of not ordering prior to running out & the hot flashes are back
with a vengeance. Ive certainly learned my lesson & wont let that happen ever again! Great
product! Thanks, Cory H.
Corinn - USA
January 06, 2017
7. Literally cant live without it. No more hot flashes, moodiness and feeling lousy. Macafem is a
Godsend for me.
Brian - USA
January 09, 2017
It has helped to reduce the hot flashes. I have tried a few different brands and Macafem gives me
the best results.
Janine - Australia
January 06, 2017
II love the balance emotional and hormonally that I get from Macafem I feel very lucky that it has
helped me so much with most of my perimenopausal symptons. Thank you for your great product.
Linda- USA
January 12, 2017
8. Its working great for me at 1.5 tablets a day! Almost all signs of hot flashes are gone, I have
way more energy and Im not nearly as dizzy. I shared this info with my primary care doc and
he gave me the thumbs up on taking it!
Maria - USA
January 13, 2017
have been taking macafem for more than a year. I only take 3 tablets a day with breakfast
because any taking any more later keeps me awake at night. I get some daytime relief from
hot flushes but I suffer at night. I continue to take macafem because it seems to be the only
menopause remedy that helps somewhat. Ive tried many, many others but they all make me
ill. I will continue to take macafem because some relief is better than none at all.
Angela - USA
January 17, 2017
9. I have taken Macafem for over 5 years. I now only take about 2 per day . A new member
would take more for their body to adjust. I find if I dont take it I get cramping and
headaches This product is wonderful and makes me feel better. I am nearly 65 and have been
menopausal for 9 years but it works well for me. Thanks Macafem
Marlene - Canada
January 18, 2017
Since starting this product my menopause symptoms have been greatly more handled,
finding this product was a miracle. I have since passed it on to more woman and men who
bought it for their wives. Being happy, healthy is wonderful, and its all natural that is I could
ask for. Thank you.
Theresa - USA
January 23, 2017
10. I gave Macafem a try to help with my menopause symptoms. I was surprised at how much
it made my hot flashes much more bearable. I thought I could do without it but Im ordering
my second bottle today. I cant go through the day without my Macafem!
Michelle - USA
January 23, 2017
Macafem has really helped me. I can sleep through the night with out interruption, hot
flashes have stopped and emotions are not roller-coaster. Im known to be a nice peaceful
person so to be moody was strange for me and those who know me. I saw improvement in
4-5 days by taking 1 to 2 pills a day. I placed my second order today . .
Gillian - USA
February 2, 2017
11. I gave Macafem a try to help with my menopause symptoms. I was surprised at how much
it made my hot flashes much more bearable. I thought I could do without it but Im ordering
my second bottle today. I cant go through the day without my Macafem!
Michelle - USA
January 23, 2017
Macafem has really helped me. I can sleep through the night with out interruption, hot
flashes have stopped and emotions are not roller-coaster. Im known to be a nice peaceful
person so to be moody was strange for me and those who know me. I saw improvement in
4-5 days by taking 1 to 2 pills a day. I placed my second order today . .
Gillian - USA
February 2, 2017
12. Thank you for reading!
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