Macatawa Bank is seeking a new President and CEO to lead their $2 billion bank through challenging economic times and restore profitability and their brand. The ideal candidate will be a dynamic, innovative leader with senior management experience at a bank who can cultivate all key areas and lead the organization to higher levels of excellence. Angott Search Group is conducting the retained search for this outstanding opportunity.
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Macatawa Letter For Social Media
1. December 11, 2009
Angott Search Group is privileged to conduct a retained search for the President and Chief
Executive Officer for Macatawa Bank. Macatawa is a $2 billion bank in West Michigan that has
experienced tremendous growth over the past decade. This bank like so many others in the
Midwest is now facing some very challenging problems; however is poised to grow again as we
move past these tough economic times.
This is an outstanding opportunity for a dynamic leader looking to lead a well positioned $2
billion bank. This person must be a creative, innovative individual capable of leading the entire
organization to increasingly higher levels of excellence. This person must have the experience
and vision to cultivate all key areas of the bank. Obviously this individual must have a well-
rounded senior management background with a successful track record of accomplishments
within a bank setting.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the right person to play a crucial role in restoring this banks
profitability and brand. Please call us should you or one of your colleagues have questions or
interest in this opportunity. I thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
Mark R. Angott Brian W. Rhonemus
President Managing Director