Tourism at Machu Picchu, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has increased substantially, bringing both benefits and challenges to the local area. The Peruvian government previously proposed building attractions like a cable car and restaurant, but local people protested out of concern over the burden on their community. While some development plans were overturned, the government more recently attempted to move a rock to make way for helicopters, though the local public again successfully protested changes that could damage the site's cultural significance.
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1. How does tourism affect Machu Picchu?Machu Picchu is considered a UNESCO World Heritage site. This means that it has a special culture or physical significance. Due to this, more and more tourist are visiting the area.
2. Disadvantages of the tourism.In the late 1990’s, the Peruvian government wanted to destroy the local area by building a cable car, restaurant and tourist accommodation. These plans were protested against by all the local people worrying that these changes will put a burden on the local area.
3. What is being done?Although all the plans for the tourist attractions were overwritten, in 2006, the Peruvian government made further plans to move a large rock from the central plaza of Machu Picchu to make room for a helicopter landing pad. Again, the local public won on protest again.