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Madeleine de Scudery
Fatima Freeman
LGQ French History
Andrew Souzzo, PH. D
Madeleine de Scudery
Madeleine de Scudery
Born November 15, 1607 in
Died June 2, 1701 interred in
the Parisian Church of Saint
Madeleine de Scudery
Orphaned by age 6 Scudery
entered in to the care of her
An ecclesiastic who provided
her with an extensive
She studied reading, writing,
drawing, painting, music and
She received instructions in in
the practical arts of medicine,
agriculture and domestic
Madeleine de Scudery
Her most notable achievement
was mastery of Spanish and
Scudery also began her
philosophical initiation with
the reading of Montaigne who
would influence her later
sympathy with skepticism, and
Plutarch who introduced her to
the Stoic philosophy of reason
and virtue.
In 1637 Scudery joined her
brother Georges at his
residence in Paris.
Madeleine de Scudery
A burgeoning playwright
Georges introduces his sister
to literary salons of Paris.
During the Rambouillet years
Scudery launched her own
literary career printed under
her brother name Georges, she
published a historical novel,
Ibrahim or the Ilustrious Basa
in 1641 and Illustrious Women
or Heroic Harangues in 1642.
With the publication of
Artamene or the Great Cyrus,
Madeleine de Scudery
A novel printed in ten volumes
from 1648 to 1653.
One of the worlds longest
novels, containing more than
two million words, the work
attracted a broad European
reading public still avid for
serial historical romances.
In 1651 she was involved in a
dispute over the relative merit
of Isaac de Benerades sonnet
Job and Vincent Voitures
sonnet Urania.
Madeleine de Scudery
During the Fronde, (1648-53),
the intermittent civil war
opposing old aristocratic
families and the Parisian
Parliament to the monarchy,
Scudery sided with the throne,
despite her personal
admiration for the women
who led the military resistance
to the Bourdon in certain areas
of the country.
Madeleine de Scudery
Conley, John Madeleine de
Scudery, The Standford
Encyclopedia Philosophy
(Summer Edition),
Edward N. Zalta (ed.)

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Madeleine de scudery

  • 1. Madeleine de Scudery Fatima Freeman 2Apr2012 LGQ French History Andrew Souzzo, PH. D
  • 3. Madeleine de Scudery Born November 15, 1607 in Lavre Died June 2, 1701 interred in the Parisian Church of Saint Nicholas-des-Champs
  • 4. Madeleine de Scudery Orphaned by age 6 Scudery entered in to the care of her uncle. An ecclesiastic who provided her with an extensive education. She studied reading, writing, drawing, painting, music and dancing. She received instructions in in the practical arts of medicine, agriculture and domestic economy.
  • 5. Madeleine de Scudery Her most notable achievement was mastery of Spanish and Italian. Scudery also began her philosophical initiation with the reading of Montaigne who would influence her later sympathy with skepticism, and Plutarch who introduced her to the Stoic philosophy of reason and virtue. In 1637 Scudery joined her brother Georges at his residence in Paris.
  • 6. Madeleine de Scudery A burgeoning playwright Georges introduces his sister to literary salons of Paris. During the Rambouillet years Scudery launched her own literary career printed under her brother name Georges, she published a historical novel, Ibrahim or the Ilustrious Basa in 1641 and Illustrious Women or Heroic Harangues in 1642. With the publication of Artamene or the Great Cyrus,
  • 7. Madeleine de Scudery A novel printed in ten volumes from 1648 to 1653. One of the worlds longest novels, containing more than two million words, the work attracted a broad European reading public still avid for serial historical romances. In 1651 she was involved in a dispute over the relative merit of Isaac de Benerades sonnet Job and Vincent Voitures sonnet Urania.
  • 8. Madeleine de Scudery During the Fronde, (1648-53), the intermittent civil war opposing old aristocratic families and the Parisian Parliament to the monarchy, Scudery sided with the throne, despite her personal admiration for the women who led the military resistance to the Bourdon in certain areas of the country.
  • 9. Madeleine de Scudery Conley, John Madeleine de Scudery, The Standford Encyclopedia Philosophy (Summer Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.) http://plato.standford.edu /archives/sum2011/entries /madeleine-scudery.