Madhushree has a rich experience of working in the dynamic domain of strategic business communicatio...
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Madhushree Kelkar - Buzzle Author
1. Madhushree Kelkar - Buzzle Author
Madhushree has a rich experience of working in the dynamic domain of strategic business
communication and marketing. Having worked in the corporate sector for many years, she enjoys
composing articles on topics related to social media, business, management, economics and finance.
She also likes to write about personal growth and personality development. Being a previous dog
and cat owner, she loves writing articles about pets and pet care. Apart from this, the scope of her
writing interests also include arts and crafts, books and literature, health and fitness, history and
unsolved mysteries.
She firmly believes in the quote ~ WHAT WE THINK, WE BECOME ~ by Buddha.
Interests and Hobbies:
When she is not writing articles and poems, her free time is occupied by reading, blogging, dancing,
cooking or pursuing her passion for photography.