The document describes a virtual social space called Middleverse de Español created in Second Life to promote Spanish language acquisition. The project aims to integrate technology and provide an immersive cultural environment aligned with standards for foreign language learning. A pilot program involved third semester Spanish students interacting solely in Spanish within the virtual recreation of a modern section of Santiago, Chile. The goals were to observe student advancement through educational activities and evaluate the potential of the virtual world to expand educational experiences into a social space.
Content Collaboration Community: Increasing Global Compentencies through Inte...Heather Weisse WalshThe document discusses the U.S. national education technology plan and its vision for leveraging technology to improve learning, teaching, and infrastructure. The plan's goals are to engage and empower all learners through personalized and lifelong learning experiences, connect educators through collaboration and data tools, and provide ubiquitous access to educational resources through advanced networks and multimedia. Specific strategies discussed include using interactive video, virtual reality, digital collections, and Web 2.0 tools to enable global collaboration, access experts, and support interactive discussions between distributed students and teachers.
ClipFlair project summaryClipFlairClipFlair - Foreign Language Learning through Interactive Captioning and Revoicing of Clips
ClipFlair is a European-funded project for foreign language learning through interactive revoicing and captioning of clips.
Revoicing refers to any interaction between speech and image, such as dubbing, audio description, karaoke singing and reciting.
Captioning refers to any interaction between writing and image, such as conventional subtitling, same language subtitling, transcription, video annotations and comments.
If you are interested in our work, please subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Twitter ( and Facebook (
Rethinking literacy through transmedia storytellingCathie HoweThis document summarizes a presentation about rethinking literacy through transmedia storytelling. It discusses how transmedia storytelling enhances engagement by telling stories across multiple media platforms and allowing for audience participation. Examples are provided of transmedia storytelling projects done with students, and guidelines are offered for implementing transmedia projects in the classroom. Resources and tools for creating transmedia stories are also listed.
Blended language learning strategies (lecture, Sèvres, July 2011)Claudia WarthPlenary lecture at the Foresite conference and training event, Sèvres, France, July 2011
Blended language learning strategies - Introduction to blended language learning and some ideas for use in the language classroom
IHA Congress 2011 - Session 2 - Shahid HasanInternational Hydropower AssociationGrowing demand for water and energy in India is causing issues and challenges. Population growth and economic development are expected to increase energy and water usage. There is already a high level of water scarcity in India. Additionally, water resources are highly seasonal and unevenly distributed. This causes growing conflicts between different water users like agriculture, industry, and domestic sectors. Critical issues that need to be addressed include creating more water storage capacity, moving to a water resources management approach rather than a development approach, reducing groundwater overextraction, improving water supply infrastructure, and adopting integrated energy and water planning.
IHA 2013 World Congress: Dr Byman Hamududu: Climate change: Four dimensions ...International Hydropower AssociationDr Byman Hamududu, Researcher, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Hydropower is influenced by climate change, but it can also contribute to alleviating the problem. Panellists will present and discuss four aspects of these relationships:
Science and uncertainty relating to the impact of climate change on hydrology;
Reviewing the relationship between hydropower and the natural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the river basin;
Methods and incentives to use hydropower to offset GHG emissions from more carbon-intensive sources of energy; and
assessing the role of hydropower infrastructure in the face of increasing floods and drought.
For more information about this event, visit:
IHA 2013 World Congress: IGA: Renewable systems: sharing experienceInternational Hydropower AssociationDr Herman Ibrahim, Board Member National Energy Council, Indonesia, International Geothermal Association (IGA),
For many years, renewable energy systems were seen as dependent on non-renewable sources. Challenges of cost, variability, storage and ancillary services have been put forward as barriers to a renewable future. However, an increasing number of cases describe 100% renewable energy systems, utilizing the differentiated, but mutually supportive, characteristics of different renewable sources. Leading energy agencies will present the current status of the renewables sector, and representatives of each renewable energy technology will contribute on behalf of their constituencies.
Audiovisual Translation for Foreign Language Learning: New Multimodal ApproachesStavroula SokoliThis presentation focuses on the use of Audiovisual Translation in foreign language learning and it presents ClipFlair, a web platform specifically designed for this purpose.
Language teachers often resort to video to present their students with linguistic and cultural aspects of communication in their context. Since learning-by-doing is generally considered more effective than learning-by-viewing, they try to find active tasks for their learners, such as note-taking, answering questions, summarizing or discussing the video with peers. Familiar Audiovisual Translation modalities, such as subtitling and dubbing, can be used in this context as multimodal resources that can account for a very active and motivating educational framework.
ClipFlair proposes an authentic way of working with audiovisual material which results in a product, valuable in its own right: a subtitled or dubbed clip. Learners are asked to add to the clip their own subtitles, captions for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, annotations or intertitles. Alternatively, they can record their voice to simulate foreign film dubbing, voice-over, free commentary, or audio description for the blind. Clips can be short video or audio files, including documentaries, film scenes, news pieces, animations and songs.
Call presentation april 2010JESSIE GRACE RUBRICOThe document provides information about a group project done by 14 students for a course on Language Learning and Language Use. The project involved using various web-based modalities like blogs, Ustream, and Skype for language teaching. It discusses the theories, objectives, content and activities for using these tools. The summary highlights the key modalities used, the objectives of facilitating experiential learning and greater interaction, and that it was done in partial fulfillment of course requirements.
Finding new spaces through media enhanced learningAndrew MiddletonTo accompany the presentation at the University of Huddersfield, 7th September 2015
This paper explains what media-enhanced learning is and how it disrupts existing, overly simple, dichotomies and media, space and learning.
Education TodayAcarsi- This document discusses research from Steelcase focused on secondary and higher education learning spaces.
- They conduct user-centered research through observations, interviews and prototypes to understand how to create effective and inspiring learning environments as pedagogies and technologies change.
- Their research looks at how new models of active, collaborative and technology-enabled learning impact space needs, and how spaces can optimize for both individual and group work.
Open Licensing digital storytelling for multilingual literacy development: im...African Virtual UniversityOpen Licensing digital storytelling for multilingual literacy development: implications for teachers
Dorcas N Wepukhulu
African Storybook Project (ASP)
2nd International conference of the African Virtual University
Universal design for museum programs (GBMER workshop)astreichsThis document discusses universal design and inclusion in museums. It covers three main concepts for developing inclusive museum programs: 1) repeating and reinforcing main ideas through multiple modalities to accommodate different learning styles and abilities, 2) providing multiple entry points and ways of engagement to reach people with varying backgrounds and prior knowledge, and 3) ensuring physical and sensory access through design considerations like clear presentation, descriptive text and images, and flexible seating. The goal is to make museum learning opportunities as universally accessible as possible.
Beyond clickingWu HepingThis document summarizes digital literacy skills for language teachers. It discusses the evolution of learning with digital natives and 21st century skills. It also covers moving from simply using technology to integrating it, including models like TPACK and SAMR. The document then outlines several important digital literacies for teachers, such as hypertext literacy, visual media literacy, search literacy, tagging literacy, online identity literacy, and instructional design literacies like MOOCs, flipped classroom, and micro-lectures. Overall, the document provides an overview of key digital skills and competencies needed for modern language educators.
Languages in 21st century education REVISEDmorris256Languages in 21st Century Education discusses the importance of language learning for students today. It notes that language is how academic content is taught and how students can become globalized by learning foreign languages to understand other cultures. Technologies like social media, webquests, YouTube, and podcasts allow students to connect with others around the world and communicate in other languages. An example given is how students now learn to use and share their work with broader audiences than just their teacher.
Audio visual in L2 on digital resources for learning L2 languages - Noto con...Maria RizzaThis document summarizes a presentation on using various media tools like Wikispace, Exelearning, and slideshare for language learning. It discusses how these tools are used to introduce students to web resources, have them complete topics and share materials. Wikispace allows asynchronous and collaborative work from different places. Exelearning allows arranging learning activities and exporting materials. Benefits include empowering student creativity and problem solving, while challenges include needing teacher training and flexible time. Technical requirements are internet access and open source software. The teacher evaluation found increased motivation and participation from more flexible learning.
Frederic Fovet Presentatin at the UDL and Inclusive Practice Symposium: Reach...Frederic FovetPost-secondary campuses are attracting an increasingly diverse student population. This must be celebrated as it means that the post-secondary classroom is also increasingly representative of the population at large; it means as well that all students are confronted with diversity in their campus experience and learn to embrace it; the internationalization of post-secondary institutions furthermore leads to greater opportunities to develop global citizenship.
This diversity of the student population, however, is not always perceived by faculty as easy or seamless to address proactively. As a result, students’ expectations can often clash with current teaching and learning practices that have not changed as fast as the composition of the student body has done. This leads to friction. It is not just students with disabilities that are experiencing barriers in their learning; International students, second language learners, culturally diverse and racialized students, first generation students, Indigenous students, and non-traditional learners all report experiencing similar barriers in their learning in the post-secondary classroom. Together, these students often represent a majority on our campuses - a majority that does not feel learning is designed for their needs.
It is becoming urgent therefore to find ways of eroding this friction. The solutions must address the needs of diverse learners proactively, but also support faculty as they rethink their classroom practices. These solutions must be sustainable, user-friendly, cost-effective, and powerful; they must guarantee a rapid change in our teaching and learning landscape, uphold the standards of post-secondary education, and ensure the creation of genuinely inclusive provisions.
The session will explore how Universal Design for Learning is uniquely positioned as a framework to address these pressing needs. The session will be interactive and seek to empower participants with a firm mastery of the UDL principles, to offer them practical examples of their use in the classroom, and to guide them as they begin their journey with implementation.
Istc 655 Chapter 7 Pptcdegro1The document discusses various technologies for communicating and building community in learning, including their advantages and guidelines. It describes how media multi-tasking influences classroom structure. Communication technologies like discussion boards and video conferencing connect students asynchronously and synchronously, while podcasting and internet radio engage students as content creators. When used appropriately, these tools supplement interaction but not replace it, bringing diverse expertise and engaging students in meaningful dialogue.
Language teaching in the digital age glordGillian LordThis document discusses trends in language teaching and a re-envisioned approach for the digital age. It outlines challenges like changing student demographics and instructor conditions. A new approach integrates skills, uses content to encourage looking outward, and views culture as fluid. Guiding principles for technology emphasize solid pedagogy. The document provides examples of tools for interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes. It presents a sample technology-enhanced performance assessment in Spanish around the theme of food.
Blended English programmes for National Skills Qualification FrameworkKshema JoseThis document discusses using blended learning to develop digital literacy, English language, and workplace skills aligned with India's National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). Blended learning utilizes both online and in-person resources to provide autonomy, expert guidance, and connections between classroom and real-world settings. An "ecology of resources" approach interacts learners with a network of knowledge, tools, people and environments. Learner-generated contexts further personalize learning around interests. This prepares learners for 21st century careers through acquisition of language, digital literacy, and lifelong learning abilities in authentic contexts.
Lucy rentonLucy RentonThe document outlines Lucy Renton's role as Faculty Blended Learning Co-ordinator and discusses strategies for enhancing the student learning experience through educational technologies and blended learning approaches. It also addresses challenges and opportunities in developing innovative teaching methods that engage students and develop key skills for a changing media landscape.
Towards Open & Connected LearningAlec CourosThis document discusses open and connected learning. It advocates using open tools and openly accessible experiences in education. Examples provided include having expert visitors, publishing course materials openly online, using public content, having educator profiles on social media, creating open online portfolios, engaging in social reading, facilitating global mentoring, providing real-time feedback, and creating course trailers. The document argues that open practices can amplify and reshape traditional academics for the better by improving dissemination of knowledge and enabling new forms of collaboration.
Conole ntu 1_oct epedagogies and social mediaGrainne ConoleThis document discusses how new technologies and social media can transform learning experiences. It outlines different pedagogical approaches like drill-and-practice, inquiry learning, and situated learning that can be enhanced through technologies. Digital literacies involve skills like collaboration, negotiation, and collective intelligence. The document advocates open practices like open resources, courses, accreditation, and research. Social media can support personalized and collaborative learning when combined with appropriate pedagogical approaches.
‘Is open and online reconfiguring learner journeys?’OEPScotlandThe document discusses open educational practices (OEP) and resources (OER) in Scotland. The Open Educational Practices for Scotland (OEPS) project aims to enhance Scotland's reputation for developing openly licensed online materials supported by good pedagogy and technology. It defines OER as openly licensed content that allows reuse, revision, remixing and redistribution. OEP involves teaching approaches using technology and OER. The project has explored co-design with partners and learners. As digital skills become essential, there may be a disconnect between student experiences with online learning and higher education pedagogy and practices.
Adama day 1_donelamericaana1. Choose learning aims and appropriate online materials to meet those aims. Evaluate materials based on criteria like source and content.
2. Develop structured tasks to guide students' use of the materials, such as having students do a word association activity, listen to a video while answering questions, and discuss and reflect on the content in a follow-up blog.
3. Select appropriate tools to implement the tasks, like using an online form for word association, embedding a video in a course blog for listening, and having students comment on the blog and later discuss in class. The tasks should recycle language and skills.
Audiovisual Translation for Foreign Language Learning: New Multimodal ApproachesStavroula SokoliThis presentation focuses on the use of Audiovisual Translation in foreign language learning and it presents ClipFlair, a web platform specifically designed for this purpose.
Language teachers often resort to video to present their students with linguistic and cultural aspects of communication in their context. Since learning-by-doing is generally considered more effective than learning-by-viewing, they try to find active tasks for their learners, such as note-taking, answering questions, summarizing or discussing the video with peers. Familiar Audiovisual Translation modalities, such as subtitling and dubbing, can be used in this context as multimodal resources that can account for a very active and motivating educational framework.
ClipFlair proposes an authentic way of working with audiovisual material which results in a product, valuable in its own right: a subtitled or dubbed clip. Learners are asked to add to the clip their own subtitles, captions for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, annotations or intertitles. Alternatively, they can record their voice to simulate foreign film dubbing, voice-over, free commentary, or audio description for the blind. Clips can be short video or audio files, including documentaries, film scenes, news pieces, animations and songs.
Call presentation april 2010JESSIE GRACE RUBRICOThe document provides information about a group project done by 14 students for a course on Language Learning and Language Use. The project involved using various web-based modalities like blogs, Ustream, and Skype for language teaching. It discusses the theories, objectives, content and activities for using these tools. The summary highlights the key modalities used, the objectives of facilitating experiential learning and greater interaction, and that it was done in partial fulfillment of course requirements.
Finding new spaces through media enhanced learningAndrew MiddletonTo accompany the presentation at the University of Huddersfield, 7th September 2015
This paper explains what media-enhanced learning is and how it disrupts existing, overly simple, dichotomies and media, space and learning.
Education TodayAcarsi- This document discusses research from Steelcase focused on secondary and higher education learning spaces.
- They conduct user-centered research through observations, interviews and prototypes to understand how to create effective and inspiring learning environments as pedagogies and technologies change.
- Their research looks at how new models of active, collaborative and technology-enabled learning impact space needs, and how spaces can optimize for both individual and group work.
Open Licensing digital storytelling for multilingual literacy development: im...African Virtual UniversityOpen Licensing digital storytelling for multilingual literacy development: implications for teachers
Dorcas N Wepukhulu
African Storybook Project (ASP)
2nd International conference of the African Virtual University
Universal design for museum programs (GBMER workshop)astreichsThis document discusses universal design and inclusion in museums. It covers three main concepts for developing inclusive museum programs: 1) repeating and reinforcing main ideas through multiple modalities to accommodate different learning styles and abilities, 2) providing multiple entry points and ways of engagement to reach people with varying backgrounds and prior knowledge, and 3) ensuring physical and sensory access through design considerations like clear presentation, descriptive text and images, and flexible seating. The goal is to make museum learning opportunities as universally accessible as possible.
Beyond clickingWu HepingThis document summarizes digital literacy skills for language teachers. It discusses the evolution of learning with digital natives and 21st century skills. It also covers moving from simply using technology to integrating it, including models like TPACK and SAMR. The document then outlines several important digital literacies for teachers, such as hypertext literacy, visual media literacy, search literacy, tagging literacy, online identity literacy, and instructional design literacies like MOOCs, flipped classroom, and micro-lectures. Overall, the document provides an overview of key digital skills and competencies needed for modern language educators.
Languages in 21st century education REVISEDmorris256Languages in 21st Century Education discusses the importance of language learning for students today. It notes that language is how academic content is taught and how students can become globalized by learning foreign languages to understand other cultures. Technologies like social media, webquests, YouTube, and podcasts allow students to connect with others around the world and communicate in other languages. An example given is how students now learn to use and share their work with broader audiences than just their teacher.
Audio visual in L2 on digital resources for learning L2 languages - Noto con...Maria RizzaThis document summarizes a presentation on using various media tools like Wikispace, Exelearning, and slideshare for language learning. It discusses how these tools are used to introduce students to web resources, have them complete topics and share materials. Wikispace allows asynchronous and collaborative work from different places. Exelearning allows arranging learning activities and exporting materials. Benefits include empowering student creativity and problem solving, while challenges include needing teacher training and flexible time. Technical requirements are internet access and open source software. The teacher evaluation found increased motivation and participation from more flexible learning.
Frederic Fovet Presentatin at the UDL and Inclusive Practice Symposium: Reach...Frederic FovetPost-secondary campuses are attracting an increasingly diverse student population. This must be celebrated as it means that the post-secondary classroom is also increasingly representative of the population at large; it means as well that all students are confronted with diversity in their campus experience and learn to embrace it; the internationalization of post-secondary institutions furthermore leads to greater opportunities to develop global citizenship.
This diversity of the student population, however, is not always perceived by faculty as easy or seamless to address proactively. As a result, students’ expectations can often clash with current teaching and learning practices that have not changed as fast as the composition of the student body has done. This leads to friction. It is not just students with disabilities that are experiencing barriers in their learning; International students, second language learners, culturally diverse and racialized students, first generation students, Indigenous students, and non-traditional learners all report experiencing similar barriers in their learning in the post-secondary classroom. Together, these students often represent a majority on our campuses - a majority that does not feel learning is designed for their needs.
It is becoming urgent therefore to find ways of eroding this friction. The solutions must address the needs of diverse learners proactively, but also support faculty as they rethink their classroom practices. These solutions must be sustainable, user-friendly, cost-effective, and powerful; they must guarantee a rapid change in our teaching and learning landscape, uphold the standards of post-secondary education, and ensure the creation of genuinely inclusive provisions.
The session will explore how Universal Design for Learning is uniquely positioned as a framework to address these pressing needs. The session will be interactive and seek to empower participants with a firm mastery of the UDL principles, to offer them practical examples of their use in the classroom, and to guide them as they begin their journey with implementation.
Istc 655 Chapter 7 Pptcdegro1The document discusses various technologies for communicating and building community in learning, including their advantages and guidelines. It describes how media multi-tasking influences classroom structure. Communication technologies like discussion boards and video conferencing connect students asynchronously and synchronously, while podcasting and internet radio engage students as content creators. When used appropriately, these tools supplement interaction but not replace it, bringing diverse expertise and engaging students in meaningful dialogue.
Language teaching in the digital age glordGillian LordThis document discusses trends in language teaching and a re-envisioned approach for the digital age. It outlines challenges like changing student demographics and instructor conditions. A new approach integrates skills, uses content to encourage looking outward, and views culture as fluid. Guiding principles for technology emphasize solid pedagogy. The document provides examples of tools for interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes. It presents a sample technology-enhanced performance assessment in Spanish around the theme of food.
Blended English programmes for National Skills Qualification FrameworkKshema JoseThis document discusses using blended learning to develop digital literacy, English language, and workplace skills aligned with India's National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). Blended learning utilizes both online and in-person resources to provide autonomy, expert guidance, and connections between classroom and real-world settings. An "ecology of resources" approach interacts learners with a network of knowledge, tools, people and environments. Learner-generated contexts further personalize learning around interests. This prepares learners for 21st century careers through acquisition of language, digital literacy, and lifelong learning abilities in authentic contexts.
Lucy rentonLucy RentonThe document outlines Lucy Renton's role as Faculty Blended Learning Co-ordinator and discusses strategies for enhancing the student learning experience through educational technologies and blended learning approaches. It also addresses challenges and opportunities in developing innovative teaching methods that engage students and develop key skills for a changing media landscape.
Towards Open & Connected LearningAlec CourosThis document discusses open and connected learning. It advocates using open tools and openly accessible experiences in education. Examples provided include having expert visitors, publishing course materials openly online, using public content, having educator profiles on social media, creating open online portfolios, engaging in social reading, facilitating global mentoring, providing real-time feedback, and creating course trailers. The document argues that open practices can amplify and reshape traditional academics for the better by improving dissemination of knowledge and enabling new forms of collaboration.
Conole ntu 1_oct epedagogies and social mediaGrainne ConoleThis document discusses how new technologies and social media can transform learning experiences. It outlines different pedagogical approaches like drill-and-practice, inquiry learning, and situated learning that can be enhanced through technologies. Digital literacies involve skills like collaboration, negotiation, and collective intelligence. The document advocates open practices like open resources, courses, accreditation, and research. Social media can support personalized and collaborative learning when combined with appropriate pedagogical approaches.
‘Is open and online reconfiguring learner journeys?’OEPScotlandThe document discusses open educational practices (OEP) and resources (OER) in Scotland. The Open Educational Practices for Scotland (OEPS) project aims to enhance Scotland's reputation for developing openly licensed online materials supported by good pedagogy and technology. It defines OER as openly licensed content that allows reuse, revision, remixing and redistribution. OEP involves teaching approaches using technology and OER. The project has explored co-design with partners and learners. As digital skills become essential, there may be a disconnect between student experiences with online learning and higher education pedagogy and practices.
Adama day 1_donelamericaana1. Choose learning aims and appropriate online materials to meet those aims. Evaluate materials based on criteria like source and content.
2. Develop structured tasks to guide students' use of the materials, such as having students do a word association activity, listen to a video while answering questions, and discuss and reflect on the content in a follow-up blog.
3. Select appropriate tools to implement the tasks, like using an online form for word association, embedding a video in a course blog for listening, and having students comment on the blog and later discuss in class. The tasks should recycle language and skills.
BỘ TEST KIỂM TRA GIỮA KÌ 2 - TIẾNG ANH 10,11,12 - CHUẨN FORM 2025 - GLOBAL SU...Nguyen Thanh Tu Collection
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde📢 Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
🔬 Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
📌 What You’ll Learn in This Presentation
✅ History & Evolution of Antibiotics
✅ Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
✅ Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
✅ Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
✅ Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
✅ Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
✅ Clinical Applications & Challenges.
🚀 Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
👉 Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
🔔 Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine GeorgeThis slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Helping Autistic Girls Shine Webinar ݺߣsPooky KnightsmithFor more information about my speaking and training work, visit:
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECDHannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide we’ll discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publicatio...Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar KanvariaAI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
RRB ALP CBT 2 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Question Paper (MMV Exam MCQ)SONU HEETSONRRB ALP CBT 2 Mechanic Motor Vehicle Question Paper. MMV MCQ PDF Free Download for Railway Assistant Loco Pilot Exam.