25. 1983, 27 亳ミ姿 束Madonna / The
First Album損
1984, 12 仆仂磡 束Like a Virgin損
1986, 30 亳ミ術 束True Blue損
1989, 21 仄舒舒 束Like a Prayer損
1992, 20 仂从磡 束Erotica損
1994, 25 仂从磡 束Bedtime Stories損
1998, 3 仄舒舒 束Ray of Light損
2000, 19 亠仆磡 束Music損
2003, 22 舒仗亠仍 束American Life損
2005, 15 仆仂磡 束Confessions
on a Dance Floor損
26. 1985 15 亠于舒仍 束Vision Quest損 (束Gambler損, 束Crazy For
1987 24 亳ミ術 束Who?s That Girl Original Motion Picture
1990 22 仄舒 束I?m Breathless Music from And Inspired
by the Film Dick Tracy損
1994 22 仄舒舒 束Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
With Honors損 (束I?ll Remember損)
1996 29 仂从磡 束Evita The Complete Motion Picture
Music Soundtrack損
1999 1 亳ミ術 束Music from the Motion Picture Austin
Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me損 (束Beautiful
2000 22 亠于舒仍 束Music from the Motion Picture The Next
Best Thing損 (束American Pie損, 束Time Stood Still損)
2002 12 仆仂磡 束Music from the MGM Motion Picture Die
Another Day損 (束Die Another Day損)
亠亞仂 仗仂亟舒仆仂 舒仍弍仂仄仂于: 仗仂 于亠仄 仄亳 200 仄仍仆., 仂仍从仂
于 弌丿 63 仄仍仆. (亟舒仆仆亠 仆舒 6.06.2005)