Informe productosangiedaianaEste documento lista 20 tipos diferentes de calzado, incluyendo sus códigos, referencias, claves, descripciones y cantidades. También incluye información sobre el precio de venta, costo y proveedores de cada tipo de calzado. Todos los artículos se enumeran como estando en buena condición.
Formulario agenda telefonicaangiedaianaEste documento contiene la agenda telefónica de 35 contactos con sus respectivos nombres, números de identificación, números telefónicos, ciudades y tipo de contacto (familiar, personal o profesional).
09 spread spectrumKashif AmjadSpread spectrum techniques spread data signals over a wide bandwidth to make them resistant to jamming and interception. There are two main approaches: frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) rapidly switches a narrowband signal across a wide band of frequencies in a pattern known only to the transmitter and receiver, while direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) encodes data bits by adding extra bits using a spreading code before transmission. Code division multiple access (CDMA) allows multiple users to share the same frequency band by using user-specific spreading codes, with the signals combined at the receiver.
Hydroceph in 3 rd trimester itpRashmi ParikhThis case report describes a pregnancy complicated by idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) where intrauterine intracranial hemorrhage was diagnosed in the third trimester, resulting in fetal hydrocephalus. A 34-year-old woman with a history of ITP was found to have a fetal intracerebral hemorrhage at 33 weeks of gestation. By 37 weeks, fetal hydrocephalus had developed. The baby girl was delivered by cesarean section and had severe thrombocytopenia and hydrocephalus at birth, along with evidence of ischemic brain changes. While the baby received treatment, neurologic delays developed, though she survived with ongoing care. The case presents
An Overview of Information Extraction from Mobile Wireless Sensor NetworksM HInformation Extraction (IE) is a key research area within the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). It has been characterised in a variety of ways, ranging from the description of its purposes, to reasonably abstract models of its processes and components. There has been only a handful of papers addressing IE over mobile WSNs directly, these dealt with individual mobility related problems as the need arises. This paper is presented as a tutorial that takes the reader from the point of identifying data about a dynamic (mobile) real world problem, relating the data back to the world from which it was collected, and finally discovering what is in the data. It covers the entire process with special emphasis on how to exploit mobility in maximising information return from a mobile WSN. We present some challenges introduced by mobility on the IE process as well as its effects on the quality of the extracted information. Finally, we identify future research directions facing the development of efficient IE approaches for WSNs in the presence of mobility.
LITEboxIN presentationJonathan GaskillLITEBoxIN is a project that aims to provide free and open source tech training solutions and access to eBooks for Indiana public libraries with limited internet access and untrained staff. It involves creating a portable device called a LITEBox that contains educational content and resources that can be loaned out and used by libraries and patrons. The project is currently piloting with several Indiana public libraries and hopes to crowdsource content, provide promotional materials, and offer onsite training to help libraries overcome issues with funding, slow internet, and lack of trained staff.
February 2014 Newletter (First for the year)JOHNLEACHThe document provides an update from missionaries in Chavuma, Zambia. It discusses their plans for 2014 including completing construction of a bush camp facility, assisting with maintenance projects, preparing boats and vehicles for outreach, and translating materials. Progress on projects is provided and challenges mentioned. Visitors assisting with the work are appreciated. Personal updates on family members involved in the mission are included. Photos are also shared from travels across Africa.
Evaluating music magazine q6pptxjz newcarolinebirksatworkThe document discusses technologies the author has used and learned about through constructing a product. The technologies include Photoshop, digital cameras, recorders, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Paint, iMovie, InDesign, blogs, polls, and Prezi. The author provides examples of how they used each technology in the past and what they learned about how to use the interface and features of each one.
Studio E_Co-Busseto_Patto dei Sindaci28112012Sara ChiussiIl Patto dei Sindaci:una risposta alla crisie al cambiamento climatico.
Impegni e opportunità per gli enti locali
Dott.ssa Sara Chiussi
Studio Associato E_Co – Ecologia e consulenza
Note on photography jzcarolinebirksatworkTo take good photographs, it is important to understand your camera's functions and settings. Start by using automatic modes and learn to compose shots by following rules like the rule of thirds. Take many photos to gain experience and avoid common mistakes like camera shake. Review your photos and continue practicing to improve your photography skills over time.
3 1 audiosJoe MellinThis document provides a list of 15 audio topics that are part of an advanced training course on EBT Professional Certification. The audios cover a range of EBT techniques including challenges in the first cycle, compliance techniques, handling hostility cycles, layered limits cycles, intimacy, advanced limits cycles, and role playing addiction scenarios. The audios aim to teach providers advanced coaching tools to help clients through EBT sandwiched techniques and addressing deep loss and spirituality issues.
Goldplated Tabletops(Premium Products) - 1Avik EnterprisesAvik Enterprises produces gold plated tabletops as premium products and provides contact information for sales inquiries including their address in Bangalore, India, email, website, telephone number, and contact person A. Roy.
Review exercise 15 (algebra)Tengku Husna RahmanThis document contains 30 multiple choice questions testing algebraic skills like identifying coefficients, like terms, and evaluating algebraic expressions. The questions cover topics such as algebraic terms, operations on algebraic expressions, and evaluating expressions given specific variable values.
решение уравненийkillarunsТема урока: Решение уравнений
• Дать понятие об уравнении, корне уравнения, линейном уравнении, правилах переноса слагаемых из одной части уравнения в другую, правилах умножения (деления) обеих частей уравнения на одно и то же число, не равное нулю.
• Научить применять данные определения и правила при решении уравнений и текстовых задач.
Joseph & all things semitic portdearl1El documento describe las limitadas habilidades educativas de José Smith y cómo a pesar de esto fue capaz de traducir el Libro de Mormón en tan solo 75 días. También describe características semíticas del libro como el uso de quiasmos y nombres que José Smith no podría haber conocido, lo que sugiere que la traducción fue inspirada divinamente.
LITEboxIN presentationJonathan GaskillLITEBoxIN is a project that aims to provide free and open source tech training solutions and access to eBooks for Indiana public libraries with limited internet access and untrained staff. It involves creating a portable device called a LITEBox that contains educational content and resources that can be loaned out and used by libraries and patrons. The project is currently piloting with several Indiana public libraries and hopes to crowdsource content, provide promotional materials, and offer onsite training to help libraries overcome issues with funding, slow internet, and lack of trained staff.
February 2014 Newletter (First for the year)JOHNLEACHThe document provides an update from missionaries in Chavuma, Zambia. It discusses their plans for 2014 including completing construction of a bush camp facility, assisting with maintenance projects, preparing boats and vehicles for outreach, and translating materials. Progress on projects is provided and challenges mentioned. Visitors assisting with the work are appreciated. Personal updates on family members involved in the mission are included. Photos are also shared from travels across Africa.
Evaluating music magazine q6pptxjz newcarolinebirksatworkThe document discusses technologies the author has used and learned about through constructing a product. The technologies include Photoshop, digital cameras, recorders, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Paint, iMovie, InDesign, blogs, polls, and Prezi. The author provides examples of how they used each technology in the past and what they learned about how to use the interface and features of each one.
Studio E_Co-Busseto_Patto dei Sindaci28112012Sara ChiussiIl Patto dei Sindaci:una risposta alla crisie al cambiamento climatico.
Impegni e opportunità per gli enti locali
Dott.ssa Sara Chiussi
Studio Associato E_Co – Ecologia e consulenza
Note on photography jzcarolinebirksatworkTo take good photographs, it is important to understand your camera's functions and settings. Start by using automatic modes and learn to compose shots by following rules like the rule of thirds. Take many photos to gain experience and avoid common mistakes like camera shake. Review your photos and continue practicing to improve your photography skills over time.
3 1 audiosJoe MellinThis document provides a list of 15 audio topics that are part of an advanced training course on EBT Professional Certification. The audios cover a range of EBT techniques including challenges in the first cycle, compliance techniques, handling hostility cycles, layered limits cycles, intimacy, advanced limits cycles, and role playing addiction scenarios. The audios aim to teach providers advanced coaching tools to help clients through EBT sandwiched techniques and addressing deep loss and spirituality issues.
Goldplated Tabletops(Premium Products) - 1Avik EnterprisesAvik Enterprises produces gold plated tabletops as premium products and provides contact information for sales inquiries including their address in Bangalore, India, email, website, telephone number, and contact person A. Roy.
Review exercise 15 (algebra)Tengku Husna RahmanThis document contains 30 multiple choice questions testing algebraic skills like identifying coefficients, like terms, and evaluating algebraic expressions. The questions cover topics such as algebraic terms, operations on algebraic expressions, and evaluating expressions given specific variable values.
решение уравненийkillarunsТема урока: Решение уравнений
• Дать понятие об уравнении, корне уравнения, линейном уравнении, правилах переноса слагаемых из одной части уравнения в другую, правилах умножения (деления) обеих частей уравнения на одно и то же число, не равное нулю.
• Научить применять данные определения и правила при решении уравнений и текстовых задач.
Joseph & all things semitic portdearl1El documento describe las limitadas habilidades educativas de José Smith y cómo a pesar de esto fue capaz de traducir el Libro de Mormón en tan solo 75 días. También describe características semíticas del libro como el uso de quiasmos y nombres que José Smith no podría haber conocido, lo que sugiere que la traducción fue inspirada divinamente.
2. Sissejuhatus Sellest õppevahendist saab üliõpilane teada: Mis on mõõteääٳܲ? Kuidas mõõteääٳܲt arvutada? Sellel pildil on 2L mustikaid, kuid kui täpsem olla ja mõõteääٳܲt teades, siis koos mõõteääٳܲega väljendades 2L ±0,05 L ehk selles mannergus on mustikaid 1,95…2,05 L.
3. õõٱääٳܲe definitsioon õõٱääٳܲ (u) on kvantitatiivsele mõõtetulemusele (y) omistatav hajuvust iseloomustav tõenäosushinnang ehk piirkond mõõtetulemuse ümber, kuhu mõõtetulemus teatud tõenäosusega peaks sattuma. y ± u Näide: S,P - glükoos 7,2 (±0,2) mmol/L Tegelikkuses ei eksisteeri kunagi mõõtetulemust, millele saaks omistada mingit kindlat väärtust, vaid alati esineb mõõtetulemuse piirkond, kuhu viimane peaks sattuma. Õigem olekski väljendada mõõtetulemusi vahemikuna kui mingi kindla väärtusena. Meie näite puhul oleks õige väljendusviis: S,P-glükoos 7,0…7,4 mmol/L Siiski igapäevases laboripraktikas seda ei tehta, vaid antakse täpne määramistulemus ning vajadusel lisatakse ääٳܲ.
4. Standardääٳܲ Tavaliselt kasutatakse standardääٳܲt, mis tähendab, et ääٳܲ allub matemaatiliselt normaaljaotusele. Arvutades mingite mõõtmiste standardhälbe, saame me alati tulemuse, mis iseloomustab 68% tõenäosusega piirkonda (tõenäosushinnang 68%).
5. Laiendääٳܲ Analüütilises keemias peetakse piisavaks mõõtetulemuse hajuvusele tõenäosushinnangut 95% (s.o 2SD piirkond), mis saadakse 1SD ääٳܲe korrutamisel kahega: u x 2 = U k=2;norm Laiendääٳܲ Kattetegur Normjaotuslik ääٳܲ Laiendääٳܲt tähistatakse U. Standardääٳܲele märgitakse alati ka juurde “norm”, et oleks ausaadav, millise ääٳܲega tegemist on.
7. A-tüüpi ja B-tüüpi hinnang õõٱääٳܲt võib arvutada teadaolevate andmete põhjal (B-tüüpi hinnang) ja eksperimentaalsete andmete põhjal (A-tüüpi hinnang). Kliinilise keemia laborid kasutavad suurel määral A-tüüpi hinnangul põhinevat ääٳܲt.
8. õõٱääٳܲe arvutamine õõٱääٳܲt arvutatakse kõigi teadaolevate ääٳܲte põhjal järgmiselt: Näiteks: Nitraatide määramisel joogiveest on teada, et spektrofotomeeter annab ääٳܲe 5%; kalibraatori ääٳܲ on 3% ning volumeetrilisest tehnikast tulenev ääٳܲ on 5%, siis ääٳܲeks u saadakse 9,6%.
9. õõٱääٳܲe arvutamine õõٱääٳܲe standardmeetodiks peetakse ISO GUM meetodit, kuid viimane on: töömahukas ääٳܲe hulka arvestatakse kõik analüütilise meetodi ääٳܲe komponendid (neid on väga palju) mõned ääٳܲe komponendid võib lihtsalt “ära unustada” Lihtsam meetod on Nordtesti meetod
10. Nordtesti meetod Nordtesti meetodi puhul arvutatakse ääٳܲe hulka ainult süstemaatiline komponent ja juhuslik komponent. Juhuslik komponent on kordusmõõtmistulemuste standardhälve ja süstemaatiline komponent erinevus etalonväärtusest.
11. Nordtesti ääٳܲe arvutamise meetod Sisaldab kahte mõõtmistulemuse ääٳܲe allikat (valem 1): Kordus-mõõt mised CV Nihe etaloni suhtes
12. Näide mõõteääٳܲe arvutamisest glükoosi määramise näitel Selles näites arvutame mõõtemäärmatuse glükoosi määramise meetodile. õõٱääٳܲe arvutamine koosneb juhusliku ja süstemaatilise ääٳܲe komponendist.
13. Juhusliku komponendi arvutamine ääٳܲe juhusliku komponendi arvutamiseks viidi läbi kaheksa glükoosi kordusmääramist (määrati glükoosi kaheksa korda ühest ja samast patsiendi seerumist) ning arvutati: a. Absoluutne standardhälve b. Suhteline standardhälve (CV%)
14. Süstemaatilise komponendi arvutamine Süstemaatilise komponendi määramiseks vajatakse etalonainet (etalonlahust) või tehakse võrdluskatsed teiste laboritega. Meie näite puhul kasutati etalonaineid. Kasutati nelja erinevat etalonlahust. Juhuslik komponent arvutati järgmiselt:
16. Juhusliku ja süstemaatilise komponendi arvutamine tabelarvutusprogrammis Kasutatud etalonlahuste väärtused, need on teada ja etalonlahustega kaasas
17. Juhusliku ja süstemaatilise komponendi arvutamine tabelarvutusprogrammis Etalonlahustest määrati meie meetodiga glükoosi sisaldus ja kanti tabelisse
18. Juhusliku ja süstemaatilise komponendi arvutamine tabelarvutusprogrammis Arvutame iga etalonlahuse kohta suhtelise nihke
25. Süstemaatilise ja juhusliku komponendi arvutamine tabelarvutusprogrammis Vaata, kuidas tabelarvutusprogrammis saab teha arvutusi (valemid nähtavad)
27. Laiendääٳܲe arvutamine Glükoosi mõõteääٳܲ saadi 12,4%, mis tähendab, et kui labor väljastab glükoosi mõõtetulemuse, siis selle väärtuse ääٳܲ on 12% ehk näiteks väärtusel 7,8 mmol/L on ääٳܲeks 7,8x0,12=0,92 mmol/L ehk 7,8±0,92mmol/L
28. Kokkuvõte õõٱääٳܲ iseloomustab mõõtetulemuse tõenäosuslikku sattumist teatud vahemikku. õõٱääٳܲe arvutamiseks on mitmeid võimalusi. Nordtesti meetod on lihtsam, selle arvutamiseks vajatakse juhuslikku ja süstemaatilist ääٳܲe komponenti.