This document analyzes the key elements of three magazine covers. Magazine 1 features Ariana Grande and uses pink and black colors with numerous cover lines on the left side. Magazine 2 focuses on food with a main image of a burger and uses pugs and buzzwords to attract attention. Magazine 3 profiles Lana Del Rey holding a cat with its masthead in red and cover lines in white with the last words underlined in red.
2. Magazine #1
Main image
Main cover story
Model creditCover line
Cover lineCover line
Cover line
Cover line
Issue Date
Cover line
3. Masthead
The masthead refers to the name of the magazine and is usually displayed on the top of
the magazine. The name of the magazine identifies what the magazine is about. The
magazine covers women issues, health, fashion, career advice, and celebrities. Since the
magazine is for a targeted audience that is single, working or upper class women, the
background used is pink which gives a feminine touch the magazine. The masthead is
white because it balances with the other color connotations that are yellow, pink, and
black. The masthead is hidden by the central image as it shows that the magazine is
popular and well recognized.
4. Main image
The main image is a long shot of
Ariana Grande, an artist. She
particularly has been used as she
was one of the uprising artists who
took the charts with her hit singles
and is one of the followed style
icons, which makes her relevant to
the magazines genre. The
celebrities black dress creates a
mysterious image and would want
to indulge the audience to know
about her.
5. Cover Lines
The cover lines are usually the summarized version of the articles
inside the magazine. The cover lines have been bolded in some areas,
different colored fonts are used and the italics are used in some places
to make the cover lines more interesting. One of the cover lines has
been displayed in bullet forms for the audience to remember the
information inside. Numerous cover lines are used to attract the
audience. The cover lines have been divided but most of them are on the
left side of the page as it is where most people first look.
Main Cover Line
The main cover line which is ‘We’re obsessed’ is
shown in the middle of the magazine and an entirely
different font is used. The color of the font is white so
it would stand out over the black dress of the model.
6. The Barcode
The barcode is one of the necessary requirements of a magazine and usually covers
the essential details about the magazine such as the date or the price. The barcode
in this magazine mentions the price. The barcode is placed on the bottom right
corner of the magazine and doesn’t have to follow the color connotations as it isn’t
relevant to anything in the magazine.
8. Masthead Main image
The masthead in this
magazine is ‘Good food’. It
isn’t hidden since the
magazine isn’t well known.
The color connotation used
here is white which
represents ---. The word good
has been bolded to emphasize
on the quality of the food they’
cover. The masthead stands
out on the blurred
background which makes it
eye catching.
The main image in this
magazine is the shot taken of
the burger, since it is related
to the genre of the magazine
and is the feature of the
magazine. The background
is blurred so the focus is on
the main image.
Main cover line
The main cover line covers
the feature of the magazine.
The same font has been used
for the main cover line and
the mast head, but a
different color. The text to
describe the cover line is in a
different font.
Pugs are used to get the
attention of the audience
and contain offers. There
are two pugs used here to
gain the attention of the
users. One of the pugs has
been used with a yellow
background to get more
attention as yellow is used
in this specific magazine
less and is eye catching in
the color combination
Buzz words here are ’70’ and are again
used to capture the audiences attention.
The strip here contains extra
information about where to
eat at.
10. Masthead
The masthead in this magazine is
‘Rolling Stones’. The color used
for the masthead is red with an
olive outline with a 3D effect. The
masthead is hidden which shows
that the magazine is well known.
It is used over a blue background
which matches with the models
Central Image
The model used as a
central image is Lana
Del Ray since she is
being featured in the
magazine. The models
lipstick matches with
the masthead. The
model’s expressions
intrigue the audience in
knowing her. The
model is holding a cat
with her which is
usually said that sad
people keep. The color
blue on the model
might be meant to
show depression.
Main cover line
The main cover
line is placed in
the middle on the
white background
so it stands out
and catches the
attention of the
Cover line
The cover lines are
written in white
with the last words
of the text being
underlined with a
red color. The font
that is used is
thinner and has
been bolded to
who the model is.
The tagline shows the rest of the artists
that are being covered and hence the text
has been bolded.
Issue date
The issue dates shows
when the magazine was
published and this
magazine is a monthly