This document summarizes the results of a magazine questionnaire. The questionnaire asked respondents about their preferences for magazine covers and contents pages. For the cover, most respondents preferred a design with one main image and background. For contents pages, respondents preferred brief explanations of page topics accompanied by images rather than long blocks of text. Based on the results, the document outlines how the magazine cover and contents pages will be designed.
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Magazine questionnaire results analysis
1. Magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis
This was the first question I asked, I gave them the choice of four covers I liked that all belong to
magazines with the same genre and target audience as the magazine that I am doing. The reason I
asked this question was because these four covers are all ones that inspire and me and are similar to
the one I want to create myself so I asked to see which one is liked the most to my audience. These
were my results.
14 people chose this one 9 people chose this one 5 people chose this one 2 people chose this
So these results shown me that people that the majority of people prefer just one image on their
magazine rather than more than one and then more people like a background behind the main
image rather than just plain so I will be using this and designing a similar magazine cover to Glamour
11 people chose 19 people chose more
more pictures on text, so I will be using 1
their front cover image as my
which links to background image and
them preferring then a fair amount of
the cover with text but I don’t want too
only 1 image. much going on, on the
front cover.
2. 15 people chose this and
15 people chose
Coverlines so I will have
to make sure that both
are as good and as
attracting as each other.
28 people
5 people
chose this
chose this
17 people
chose this
chose this
9 people
8 people
chose this
chose this
I asked them to pick 3 because I will have four pages in side my magazine, and I needed to know
what to put on them as I want one double page spread with one thing on that and then two other
topics for a page each, so due to my results I will now be doing an interview as a double page spread,
then I will show a picture of people with all different beauty tips maybe and then a page with all the
latest fashion trends.
12 people
chose this
18 people
chose this
So because of this question I will be doing just a brief explanation of what is on each page, like
maybe just the title then pictures next to them. This relates to another question I asked as I gave
them 3 contents pages to choose from and asked to pick their favourite:
3. 14 people chose this 14 people chose this 2 people chose this
So as these both have the same I am going to use the idea of maybe the 3 images set out as they are
in the first one but then the layout of text and title more like how they are in the second magazine.
9 people
chose this
3 people 18 people
chose this chose this