We have the entire assortment of Magpul PTS Airsoft Gear at an affordable price. Airsoft Atlanta is an authorized dealer for Magpul PTS and regular Magpul accessories as well. We carry expert quality Magpul guns and accessories that are customized to your exact needs and color choices. This tactical gear has superior performance and is extremely authentic. Discover why you should get your hands on a Magpul PTS gun right away. We carry their grip covers, stocks, PTS airsoft, and Magpul Masada guns, among many other variants.
http://www.airsoftatlanta.com/Magpul-PTS-Airsoft-Parts-s/237.htm visit for more information about Magpul pts.
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We have the entire assortment of Magpul PTS Airsoft Gear at an affordable price. Airsoft Atlanta is an authorized dealer for Magpul PTS and
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regular Magpul accessories as well. We carry expert quality Magpul guns and accessories that are customized to your exact needs and color
choices. This tactical gear has superior performance and is extremely authentic. Discover why you should get your hands on a Magpul PTS gun
Accessories right away. We carry their grip covers, stocks, PTS airsoft, and Magpul Masada guns, among many other variants.
Batteries and Chargers Magpul Airsoft Guns are trusted and made with precise hand built quality. You can fully customize your airsoft rifle with Magpul PTS accessories,
replacement parts, and upgrades all right here fromAirsoft Atlanta. All of our Magpul Guns are high functioning and will improve your airsoft
BB Ammo battlefield experience. The Magpul PTS Brand is a well known maker of Airsoft Guns and are always available at affordable prices so you will be
Tactical Apparel completely satisfied. Get the realistic feel and power of Magpul today!
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Flashlights and Lasers Magpul PTS M16 PMAG 75-Round Midcap Magpul PTS M16 PMAG 75-Round Midcap Magpul 5.56 NATO Original Magpul (3-
Media AEG Magazine - Black AEG Magazine - Tan Pack)
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Airsoft Magpul PTS M16 PMAG 75-Rnd Magpul PTS M16 PMAG 75-Rnd Midcap Magpul 5.56 NATO Original Magpul (3-Pack)
Midcap AEG Mag ( Black) AEG Mag (Tan)
Low capacity magazines usually hold 80 Low capacity magazines usually hold 80
rounds or less. They use a long serpentine rounds or less. They use a long serpentine
spring wound through a channel to hold spring wound through a channel to hold
and then push the BBs out. They are a very and then push the BBs out. They are a very
simple design, and are less prone to simple design, and are less prone to failure
failure or jamming. The most noticeable or jamming. The most noticeable
advantage to low capacity airsoft advantage to low capacity airsoft
magazines is the fact that after you shoot a magazines is the fact that after you shoot a
few rounds, they dont rattle around like few rounds, they dont rattle around like
high capacity magazines tend to. Within the high capacity magazines tend to. Within the
division of lowcaps, there are a few that are division of lowcaps, there are a few that are
known as Realcaps. This is because they known as Realcaps. This is because they
hold either exactly or a similar amount of hold either exactly or a similar amount of
BBs that real gun magazines do. These are BBs that real gun magazines do. These are
a favorite of military or law enforcement a favorite of military or law enforcement
agencies for their training value. The agencies for their training value. The
easiest way to fill these airsoft magazines easiest way to fill these airsoft magazines
is with a speedloader. is with a speedloader.
Magpul 5.56 NATO Original Magpul Magpul PTS M-Version PMag 120-Round Magpul XTM Modular Rail Panel
(Single) Midcap Magazine
Our Price: $3.50 Sale Price: $21.99 Our Price: $7.99
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2. (1 review) (3 reviews)
Magpul 5.56 NATO Magpul (single) Magpul PTS PMAG (Polymer MAGazine) - M The new low-profile XTM Rail Panels are
Version is a lightweight polymer magazine a two-piece design that attach anywhere on
(spring type 120 Rounds midcap 6mm BB the rail without having to remove previously-
Pellet magazine) for Airsoft AEGs. mounted accessories. The combination of
It features an advanced impact resistant design and material used in the XTM
polymer construction and a pop-off Impact Panels ensures they will remain securely in
Cover for storage. place under all operating conditions, but
may be easily removed using the tips of two
The latest revision has been updated with a rounds when necessary.
new body ribbing design. The Impact cover
can now be snapped
onto the floorplate wile not in use to prevent
possible loss.
Magpul AFG2 Angled Fore Grip Gen 2 Ergo/Magpul 14-Slot Polymer Rail Ergo/Magpul 10-Slot Polymer Rail
W/Hardware W/Hardware
Our Price: $39.99 Our Price: $12.99 Our Price: $8.99
(1 review)
Unlike conventional vertical fore-grips, the low cost and easy to install, upgrade your low cost and easy to install, upgrade your
Magpul AFG2 (Angled Fore-Grip) takes into Magpul PTS MOE Hand-guard with these Magpul PTS MOE Hand-guard with these
account natural body mechanics and polymer weaver rails. polymer weaver rails.
provides a comfortable and stable user
interface that reduces fatigue and allows for
more precise weapon control. By
positioning the shooter's hand high on the
centerline of the bore, the AFG2 helps
mitigate recoil and control the weapon,
facilitating faster, more accurate follow-up
The AFG2 is a slim line design that is
shorter in overall length and width
compared to the AFG1. Smaller size allows
for compatibility with a wider variety of rail
systems, rail covers, and accessory
Made in U.S.A.
Magpul PTS PMag 120-Round Midcap KWA FPG 48-Round Gas Magazine (G18c Ergo/Magpul 5-Slot Polymer Rail
Magazine for G36 GEN 2) W/Hardware
Sale Price: $21.99 Our Price: $49.99 Our Price: $6.99
(2 reviews)
The PTS PMAG 30G features a constant- KWAFPG 48-Round Gas Magazine (G18c low cost and easy to install, upgrade your
curve internal geometry for reliable feeding. GEN 2) Magpul PTS MOE Hand-guard with these
PTS PMAG 30G MagLevel utilizes the same polymer weaver rails.
internal components as the PTS PMAG M
Version ,including floor plate, lock plate and
proprietary polymer to ensure durability and
performance in all environments.
Magpul iPhone 4 Executive Field Case Magpul PTS RVG Rail Vertical Grip Magpul PTS ASAP Sling Plate
Sale Price: $9.99 Our Price: $24.99 Our Price: $29.99
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3. (1 review)
The Magpul Executive Field Case for the Designed for use with milspec 1913 The ASAP Ambidextrous Sling Attachment
AT&T iPhone 4* is a semi-rigid cover Picatinny rail hand guards, the RVG is a Point allows a range of motion greater than
designed to provide basic protection in the basic, light weight, cost-effective vertical 180 degrees, enabling true ambidextrous
field. fore grip. Shape is ergonomically designed weapon manipulation for both left and right
for use as a traditional vertical grip. It has handed shooters. The ASAP replaces the
Made from the same synthetic rubber as also been optimized for use with the "thumb standard AR15/M4 carbine stock receiver
the original Magpul loop, the Executive Field break method" of shooting as taught by end plate, providing a tactical advantage by
Case features PMAG-style ribs on the sides Magpul DynamicsSM. minimizing snagging and facilitating easy
for added grip, snap-on design for easy transition to and from weapon and reaction
installation and removal, and slides easily side shoulders. The ASAP works with
in and out of pockets. Single-Point速 type slings with snap hook
style attachments such as the Magpul MS2
King Arms Magpul PTS Hi-Cap PMag For Magpul PTS Single Point Sling Mount for Magpul Long Rail Protector (Rail Ladder)
M4/M16 (360-Round) Magpul ACR
Sale Price: $33.99 Our Price: $24.99 Our Price: $11.99
(1 review)
The King Arms Magpul PTS PMag 360 Magpul PTS Single Point Sling Mount for Designed for use with milspec 1913
round airsoft magazine. 360 rounds Magpul ACR Picatinny rail hand guards, the "Rail
Magpul Police Training Simulation (PTS) Ladder" Magpul Rail Protector is a low
Polymer Magazines (PMag) for M4 Series. profile solution for covering up your unused
Fits M16 and M4 airsoft guns. rail space.
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