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Maher Selim
Research Scientist
2-15 Cluxton St.
Peterborough, ON
Canada K9H 4Y9
+1 (705) 957 1677
Your name is Maher and you are truly maher
one of my supervisors
"maher in Arabic means clever in English"
Teaching and communication
Creating a motivating learning environment; supervising students with clear guidance;
applying many types of teaching methods.
Research and analytical
The ability to gather data and to complete e鍖cient, e鍖ective experimental, theoretical,
and computational research and analysis.
Proven creative problem solving
Create new ideas to solve problems; well organized, with excellent planning and follow-
Team leadership and sta鍖-management abilities
Talent for building and leading high-performing, goal-focused teams.
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, Western University, Ontario, Canada.
Master of Science in Physics, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.
Bachelor of Science in Physics, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Researcher, Nanometrology and Nanotechnology Lab., National Institute of
Standards (NIS), Giza, Egypt.
Developed and studied measurement and calibration techniques for nanotechnology.
Main Duties:
Design and conduct experimental, theoretical, and computational research
Calibration services in Nanotechnology
Teaching nanoscience, nanometrology, and nanotechnology
Doing administrative work
Postdoc Researcher, National Institute of Standards (NIS), Giza, Egypt.
Did research in metrology and calibration.
PhD Researcher, Physics Department, Western University, Ontario, Canada.
Did research in nanotechnology.
Band gap engineering for both graphene and magnetic nano-ribbons.
Nanoparticle biosensor fabrication and characterization.
Teaching undergrad Physics
Trainee, Laboratoire National de M辿trologie et dEssais (LNE), Paris, France.
Trained on low-temperature thermometry and calibrations.
Researcher Assistant, Thermometry Lab., National Institute of Standards,
Giza, Egypt.
Established calibration system for moisture content in wood sensors.
Developed mathematical model for new calibration method
Industrial calibration for temperature, humidity, viscosity, and moisture sensors
Measure material thermal properties
Teaching metrology
MSc. Researcher, Physics Department, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.
Study of optical properties for Fiber-optics using optical interferometry.
Teaching undergrad Physics
Physicist, Surfaces Metrology Lab., National Institute of Standards, Giza,
Measure surface topography, texture and roughness using optical interferometry.
Participated on organizing and attended the Fifth International Symposium on
Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments.
MSc. Researcher, Physics Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Did theoretical and computational physics research.
Trainee, Physics Research division, National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo,
Trained on fabrication and characterization of thin 鍖lm semiconductor solar cell.
Computer and Internet Systems administrator, Egyptian Materials Re-
search Society (EG-MRS), Cairo, Egypt.
Web developer and Webmaster and search engine optimization
Electronic publishing of the Egyptian Journal of Solids;
Hardware and software administrator
Helped in conference organization
IT Engineer, Independent, Cairo, Egypt.
Develop, test, install, con鍖gure and troubleshoot computer hardware, software,
network, and Internet applications.
Executive Manger, Zakaria Ahmed Contractors, Cairo, Egypt.
Organize, direct, control and evaluate the overall operations of the company.
Academic Publishing Specialist, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Cairo,
Acquisition of manuscripts, coding in LaTex/HTML (mark-up of data), compiling
and editing of content, proofreading and copy reading.
Hardware and Software administrator assistance.
Executive Assistant for the CEO.
Computer Skills
DOS, Windows, Ubuntu,
Mac OS
Microsoft O鍖ce, OpenO鍖ce,
Languages Basic, Pascal, FORTRAN, C,
C++, Latex, HTML
Software LabView, MatLab, Origin,
Internet WordPress Multimedia Camtasia, CamStudio
 Western Certi鍖cate in University Teaching and Learning, Western
University, Ontario, Canada.
 International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL), The European Com-
puter Driving Licence Foundation, Dublin, Ireland.
Honours and Awards
 PhD Scholarship, Ministry of Higher Education and Scienti鍖c Research
 MSc Scholarship, Helwan University.
 MSc Scholarship, Ain Shams University.
Arabic Native Mother Tongue, ILR 5
English Fluent Professional pro鍖ciency, ILR 4
French Basic Elementary pro鍖ciency, ILR 1
Reading in all 鍖elds, walking, sport, creative cooking, computer and internet programming,
learning and gaining new knowledge and experiences.
Journal Publications
 Cunha, A. M. C., Maher Z. Ahmed, M. G. Cottam, and R. N. Costa Filho.
Localized states of a semi-in鍖nite zigzag graphene sheet with impurity lines.
In: Journal of Applied Physics 116.1, 013704,
arXiv Publications
 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. Some properties of bilayer graphene nanoribbons.
In: arXiv: 1306.4693 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. Spin waves in 2D ferromagnetic square lattice
stripe. In: arXiv: 1110.4369 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. Spin waves in ferromagnetic dots 2D honeycomb
lattice stripes. In: arXiv: 1110.5716 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. The e鍖ect of edge and impurities sites properties
on their localized states in semi-in鍖nite zigzag edged 2D honeycomb graphene
sheet. In: arXiv: 1110.5105 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. The next nearest neighbor e鍖ect on the 2D materials
properties. In: arXiv: 1111.0104 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. Understanding of hopping matrix for 2D materials
taking 2D honeycomb and square lattices as study cases. In: arXiv: 1110.
6488 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
 Selim, Maher Zakaria Ahmed. Electronic and magnetic excitations in
graphene and magnetic nano-ribbons. PhD. London, Ontario, Canada: West-
ern University.
 Selim, Maher Zakaria Ahmed. Evaluation of moisture content in wood 鍖ber
and recommendation of the best method for its determination. MSc. Cairo,
Egypt: Helwan University.
 Selim, Maher Zakaria Ahmed. Application of some nuclear models to even-
even Er isotopes. BSc. Cairo, Egypt: Ain Shams University.
PhD thesis
Title Electronic and magnetic excitations in graphene and magnetic nano-ribbons
Supervisor Dr. Michael G. Cottam
Description In this thesis I studied how to engineer the band gap of both the graphene
and the magnetic nano-ribbons using the e鍖ects of the 2D lattice struc-
tures, impurities, the roles of nearest neighbour and next nearest neighbour
interactions and the formation of coupled bilayer systems
Master thesis
Title Evaluation of moisture content in wood 鍖ber and recommendation of the
best method for its determination
Supervisors Dr. Amin Fahim, Dr. Madiha Halawaa, Dr. Mohamed El-Nicklawy, and Dr.
Nabila El-Sayed
Description In this thesis calibration facilities have been established for measurement of
moisture content in wood. The system was used to calibrate and compare
between the most-used meters in the Egyptian market. Also, a successful
mathematical model was developed for the relation between direct current
conductance in wood 鍖bers and its moisture content, This gives a new
calibration method for conductance type meters that is easy to use, low cost,
and more time e鍖cient.
BSc. fourth-year thesis project
Title Application of some nuclear models to even-even Er isotopes
Supervisors Dr. Nagwa El-Anany
Description The energy levels of Er isotopes have been studied by means of the Variable
Moment of Inertia (VMI) model and Rotation and Vibration (R-V) model. A
computer program was written and executed to evaluate the energy levels of
Er isotopes based on the VMI model the calculated values are compared with
those from experimental work and there is an overall agreement with VMI
Conferences and Workshops
 Magnetic NorthThe Dynamics of Magnetic Materials Conference
and Workshop, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario,
 4-Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium, Perime-
ter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
 Western Institute for Nanomaterials Science workshop, The University
of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
 Western Institute for Nanomaterials Science workshop, The University
of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
 14th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal
Phenomena, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Participated in organizing, and attended the conference.
 Toward more accurate temperature 鍖xed points EUROMET Work-
shop, Laboratoire National de M辿trologie et dEssais (LNE), a Plaine Saint
Denis, Paris, France.
 The XXV Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
& Workshop on Photonic Materials and Optoelectronic Devices(II),
Egyptian Materials Research Society, Luxor, Egypt.
Participated in organizing, and attended the conference and workshop.
 USEgypt Workshop on Laser Chemistry and Applications to Ma-
terials and Biomedical Research, Egyptian Materials Research Society,
Cairo, Egypt.
 The XXIV Conference on Solid State Science & Workshop on Pho-
tonic Materials and Optoelectronic Devices , Egyptian Materials Re-
search Society, Safaga, Red Sea, Egypt.
Participated in organizing, and attended the conference and workshop.
 Photonic Materials and Optoelectronic Devices one day workshop,
Egyptian Materials Research Society, Cairo, Egypt.
 Physical Basics and Status of Photovoltaics one day workshop, Egyp-
tian Materials Research Society, Cairo, Egypt.
 The XXIII Conference on Solid State Science & Workshop on
Physics and Application Potential of Functional Ceramic Thin Films,
Egyptian Materials Research Society, harm Al-Shiekh, Sinai, Egypt.
Participated in organizing, and attended the conference and workshop.
 The Fifth International Symposium on Measurement Technology and
Intelligent Instruments, National Institute of Standards, Giza, Egypt.
Participated in organizing and attended the conference.
National Institute of Standards
Prof. Dr. Mostafa Mekawy
Head of Thermal Measurements
Metrology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards
Tersa Street, Haram, P.O.Box:136,
Giza 12211 Egypt
+2 011 1126 2886
Western University
Prof. Peter Simpson
Department of Physics and
1151 Richmond Street,London
Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7
+1 (519) 661 2111 x83390
Helwan University
Dr. Hany Mohammed Hashem
Physics Department
Faculty of Science
Helwan University
Ain Helwan, Cairo, Egypt
+2 011 4074 0892
Prof. Dr. Amin Fahim Hassan
Physics Department
Faculty of Science
Helwan University
Ain Helwan, Cairo, Egypt
+2 01006607758

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  • 1. Maher Selim Research Scientist 2-15 Cluxton St. Peterborough, ON Canada K9H 4Y9 +1 (705) 957 1677 maher2100@gmail.com ca.linkedin.com/in/maherselim Your name is Maher and you are truly maher one of my supervisors "maher in Arabic means clever in English" Skills Teaching and communication Creating a motivating learning environment; supervising students with clear guidance; applying many types of teaching methods. Research and analytical The ability to gather data and to complete e鍖cient, e鍖ective experimental, theoretical, and computational research and analysis. Proven creative problem solving Create new ideas to solve problems; well organized, with excellent planning and follow- through. Team leadership and sta鍖-management abilities Talent for building and leading high-performing, goal-focused teams. Education 2007 2012 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, Western University, Ontario, Canada. 2003 2006 Master of Science in Physics, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. 1993 1997 Bachelor of Science in Physics, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Experience Vocational 2014 Researcher, Nanometrology and Nanotechnology Lab., National Institute of Standards (NIS), Giza, Egypt. Developed and studied measurement and calibration techniques for nanotechnology. Main Duties: Design and conduct experimental, theoretical, and computational research Calibration services in Nanotechnology Teaching nanoscience, nanometrology, and nanotechnology Doing administrative work
  • 2. 2012 2014 Postdoc Researcher, National Institute of Standards (NIS), Giza, Egypt. Did research in metrology and calibration. 2007 2012 PhD Researcher, Physics Department, Western University, Ontario, Canada. Did research in nanotechnology. Band gap engineering for both graphene and magnetic nano-ribbons. Nanoparticle biosensor fabrication and characterization. Teaching undergrad Physics 2006 2006 Trainee, Laboratoire National de M辿trologie et dEssais (LNE), Paris, France. Trained on low-temperature thermometry and calibrations. 2003 2007 Researcher Assistant, Thermometry Lab., National Institute of Standards, Giza, Egypt. Established calibration system for moisture content in wood sensors. Developed mathematical model for new calibration method Industrial calibration for temperature, humidity, viscosity, and moisture sensors Measure material thermal properties Teaching metrology 2001 2003 MSc. Researcher, Physics Department, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. Study of optical properties for Fiber-optics using optical interferometry. Teaching undergrad Physics 2000 2001 Physicist, Surfaces Metrology Lab., National Institute of Standards, Giza, Egypt. Measure surface topography, texture and roughness using optical interferometry. Participated on organizing and attended the Fifth International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments. 1997 1998 MSc. Researcher, Physics Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Did theoretical and computational physics research. 1996 1996 Trainee, Physics Research division, National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, Egypt. Trained on fabrication and characterization of thin 鍖lm semiconductor solar cell. Miscellaneous 2000 2007 Computer and Internet Systems administrator, Egyptian Materials Re- search Society (EG-MRS), Cairo, Egypt. Web developer and Webmaster and search engine optimization Electronic publishing of the Egyptian Journal of Solids; Hardware and software administrator Helped in conference organization 2000 2007 IT Engineer, Independent, Cairo, Egypt. Develop, test, install, con鍖gure and troubleshoot computer hardware, software, network, and Internet applications.
  • 3. 1999 2000 Executive Manger, Zakaria Ahmed Contractors, Cairo, Egypt. Organize, direct, control and evaluate the overall operations of the company. 1998 1999 Academic Publishing Specialist, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Cairo, Egypt. Acquisition of manuscripts, coding in LaTex/HTML (mark-up of data), compiling and editing of content, proofreading and copy reading. Hardware and Software administrator assistance. Executive Assistant for the CEO. Computer Skills Operating Systems DOS, Windows, Ubuntu, Mac OS O鍖ce Packages Microsoft O鍖ce, OpenO鍖ce, LibreO鍖ce Languages Basic, Pascal, FORTRAN, C, C++, Latex, HTML Software LabView, MatLab, Origin, Mathematica Internet WordPress Multimedia Camtasia, CamStudio Certi鍖cations 2011 Western Certi鍖cate in University Teaching and Learning, Western University, Ontario, Canada. 2006 International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL), The European Com- puter Driving Licence Foundation, Dublin, Ireland. Honours and Awards 2007 PhD Scholarship, Ministry of Higher Education and Scienti鍖c Research (Egypt). 2001 MSc Scholarship, Helwan University. 1997 MSc Scholarship, Ain Shams University. Languages Arabic Native Mother Tongue, ILR 5 English Fluent Professional pro鍖ciency, ILR 4 French Basic Elementary pro鍖ciency, ILR 1
  • 4. Interests Reading in all 鍖elds, walking, sport, creative cooking, computer and internet programming, learning and gaining new knowledge and experiences. Journal Publications 2014 Cunha, A. M. C., Maher Z. Ahmed, M. G. Cottam, and R. N. Costa Filho. Localized states of a semi-in鍖nite zigzag graphene sheet with impurity lines. In: Journal of Applied Physics 116.1, 013704, arXiv Publications 2013 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. Some properties of bilayer graphene nanoribbons. In: arXiv: 1306.4693 [cond-mat.mes-hall]. 2011 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. Spin waves in 2D ferromagnetic square lattice stripe. In: arXiv: 1110.4369 [cond-mat.mes-hall]. 2011 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. Spin waves in ferromagnetic dots 2D honeycomb lattice stripes. In: arXiv: 1110.5716 [cond-mat.mes-hall]. 2011 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. The e鍖ect of edge and impurities sites properties on their localized states in semi-in鍖nite zigzag edged 2D honeycomb graphene sheet. In: arXiv: 1110.5105 [cond-mat.mes-hall]. 2011 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. The next nearest neighbor e鍖ect on the 2D materials properties. In: arXiv: 1111.0104 [cond-mat.mes-hall]. 2011 Selim, Maher Z. Ahmed. Understanding of hopping matrix for 2D materials taking 2D honeycomb and square lattices as study cases. In: arXiv: 1110. 6488 [cond-mat.mes-hall]. Thesis 2012 Selim, Maher Zakaria Ahmed. Electronic and magnetic excitations in graphene and magnetic nano-ribbons. PhD. London, Ontario, Canada: West- ern University.
  • 5. 2006 Selim, Maher Zakaria Ahmed. Evaluation of moisture content in wood 鍖ber and recommendation of the best method for its determination. MSc. Cairo, Egypt: Helwan University. 1997 Selim, Maher Zakaria Ahmed. Application of some nuclear models to even- even Er isotopes. BSc. Cairo, Egypt: Ain Shams University. PhD thesis Title Electronic and magnetic excitations in graphene and magnetic nano-ribbons Supervisor Dr. Michael G. Cottam Description In this thesis I studied how to engineer the band gap of both the graphene and the magnetic nano-ribbons using the e鍖ects of the 2D lattice struc- tures, impurities, the roles of nearest neighbour and next nearest neighbour interactions and the formation of coupled bilayer systems Master thesis Title Evaluation of moisture content in wood 鍖ber and recommendation of the best method for its determination Supervisors Dr. Amin Fahim, Dr. Madiha Halawaa, Dr. Mohamed El-Nicklawy, and Dr. Nabila El-Sayed Description In this thesis calibration facilities have been established for measurement of moisture content in wood. The system was used to calibrate and compare between the most-used meters in the Egyptian market. Also, a successful mathematical model was developed for the relation between direct current conductance in wood 鍖bers and its moisture content, This gives a new calibration method for conductance type meters that is easy to use, low cost, and more time e鍖cient. BSc. fourth-year thesis project Title Application of some nuclear models to even-even Er isotopes Supervisors Dr. Nagwa El-Anany Description The energy levels of Er isotopes have been studied by means of the Variable Moment of Inertia (VMI) model and Rotation and Vibration (R-V) model. A computer program was written and executed to evaluate the energy levels of Er isotopes based on the VMI model the calculated values are compared with those from experimental work and there is an overall agreement with VMI model.
  • 6. Conferences and Workshops 2010 Magnetic NorthThe Dynamics of Magnetic Materials Conference and Workshop, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. 2010 4-Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium, Perime- ter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 2008 Western Institute for Nanomaterials Science workshop, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. 2007 Western Institute for Nanomaterials Science workshop, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. 2007 14th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Participated in organizing, and attended the conference. 2006 Toward more accurate temperature 鍖xed points EUROMET Work- shop, Laboratoire National de M辿trologie et dEssais (LNE), a Plaine Saint Denis, Paris, France. 2005 The XXV Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science & Workshop on Photonic Materials and Optoelectronic Devices(II), Egyptian Materials Research Society, Luxor, Egypt. Participated in organizing, and attended the conference and workshop. 2004 USEgypt Workshop on Laser Chemistry and Applications to Ma- terials and Biomedical Research, Egyptian Materials Research Society, Cairo, Egypt. 2004 The XXIV Conference on Solid State Science & Workshop on Pho- tonic Materials and Optoelectronic Devices , Egyptian Materials Re- search Society, Safaga, Red Sea, Egypt. Participated in organizing, and attended the conference and workshop. 2003 Photonic Materials and Optoelectronic Devices one day workshop, Egyptian Materials Research Society, Cairo, Egypt. 2003 Physical Basics and Status of Photovoltaics one day workshop, Egyp- tian Materials Research Society, Cairo, Egypt.
  • 7. 2002 The XXIII Conference on Solid State Science & Workshop on Physics and Application Potential of Functional Ceramic Thin Films, Egyptian Materials Research Society, harm Al-Shiekh, Sinai, Egypt. Participated in organizing, and attended the conference and workshop. 2001 The Fifth International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, National Institute of Standards, Giza, Egypt. Participated in organizing and attended the conference. References National Institute of Standards Prof. Dr. Mostafa Mekawy Head of Thermal Measurements Metrology Laboratory National Institute of Standards Tersa Street, Haram, P.O.Box:136, Giza 12211 Egypt m_mekawy@yahoo.com +2 011 1126 2886 Western University Prof. Peter Simpson Department of Physics and Astronomy 1151 Richmond Street,London Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7 psimpson@uwo.ca +1 (519) 661 2111 x83390 Helwan University Dr. Hany Mohammed Hashem Physics Department Faculty of Science Helwan University Ain Helwan, Cairo, Egypt hany_m_hashem@yahoo.com +2 011 4074 0892 Prof. Dr. Amin Fahim Hassan Physics Department Faculty of Science Helwan University Ain Helwan, Cairo, Egypt aminhassan44@yahoo.com +2 01006607758