You can turn your hobby into a small business to make money doing something you enjoy. The document provides tips for how to do this, such as assessing your hobbies and skills, creating products/services to sell, researching the market, starting small, keeping records, and developing your marketing. Examples are given of hobbies like fishing, crafts, photography, and more that people have successfully turned into businesses. Overall, the document encourages pursuing your passion as a possible income stream by following the steps of selecting a hobby, developing your skills, and ramping up your creative output to sell.
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Make Money From Your Hobby
2. From a financial perspective, making money on
something you love simply makes good sense.
Getting paid is icing on the cake if you are doing
what you love.
Making money through a hobby is simply a
smart thing to do.
3. I am a very lucky man. I am living my life with
my hobby as my profession. Jim Sullivan
Choose a Hobby
4. Choose a Hobby
Assess all of your options. What do you
enjoy? List them out.
Educate yourself about the topics and
hobbies that you enjoy.
Create, create, create. Ramp up your
creation and make more items to sell.
Sell your skills. Do what you are good at
based on your unique skill set.
Keep your mind wide open. What do you
love to do and how can you monetize it?
5. I do what I did as a hobby as a kid, you know, and
make a living at it. And I just feel like Im one of the
luckiest guys in the world cuz I get paid to make
toys and play with them.Rick Baker
Hobby Ideas
6. Outdoor Pursuits
Become a tour guide.
Give a new perspective on an area.
Establish yourself by charging less.
Take people fishing on your boat.
Provide them with the equipment.
Charge hourly.
Paint patio floors, walls and driveways.
Decorative Painting
7. Craft Hobbies
Design pieces and sell them.
Develop a unique brand.
Produce the things you love to make.
Knitting and Crochet
Work with materials that interest you.
Sell your jewelry creations online and off.
Jewelry Making
8. Online Activities
Earn money helping other people produce websites.
Creating Websites
Experiment with computer art software.
Create dynamic art and sell it online.
Art Design
Sell your photos online.
There is a substantial market for stock photography.
9. It was just a hobby. I didnt expect it to turn
into a business. Phil Katz
Starting Small
10. Start Small
Recognize that you are starting a small
Limit your spending at first.
Examine your tools and your knowledge
Focus on doing the things that you do well.
Give the pursuit a year, then expand as
11. It feels important to go to school;
not necessarily to further my education,
but more like a hobby. Mandy Moore
Save Receipts and Keep Records
12. Tax Deductible Costs
Advertising costs.
Internet connection costs.
Office supplies and postage costs.
Printing costs.
Travel costs.
Supplies costs.
New equipment costs.
13. Tax Deductible Costs
Any costs incurred in performing the hobby are tax
deductible if your hobby is a business.
Keep accurate records of all incomes and costs.
Use a spiral notebook and file folders to keep your
business records all together. Write everything
Consult an accountant or tax expert with any
questions or uncertainties that you have.
14. I have an expensive hobby; buying homes,
redoing them, tearing them down and building
them up the way they want to be built. I want to
be an architect. Sandra Bullock
Develop Your Skills
15. Tax Deductible Costs
Develop your skills.
Find a mentor.
Join groups and clubs.
Watch videos online.
Read about your hobby.
16. Weve been doing this for 10 years and its
been a hobby for a lot longer than its been a
John Campbell
Tap Into Your Creativity
17. Show off your own individual creativity.
Delve deep within yourself to come up with
unique and interesting ideas.
Do something special in order to highlight your
work and set it apart from the work of others.
Show off your efforts and abilities by making
your skill into something more interesting.
18. Making money is a hobby that will complement
any other hobbies you have, beautifully.
Scott Alexander
Perfect Your Skills
19. Practice, because practice makes
Become a resident expert. Know
everything there is to know.
Present during hobby seminars in
your local area, share what you do.
Teach other people, instructing them
on your craft to develop a reputation.
21. Look at how other people are pricing similarly
designed services and goods.
Consider how much time is expended in labor for
the production of you products or services.
Be meticulous in all aspects of your record keeping.
Keep prices low at first to get more business when
you first start out. Adjust prices later as needed.
22. Golf isnt just my business, its my hobby.
Lee Trevino
Market Your Abilities
23. Market Your Abilities
Develop simple marketing materials.
Use the internet for marketing.
Establish a presence within the community.
Join up with the Chamber of Commerce to meet other business
Display your work at trade shows.
Made contacts in the media.
Get to know other business owners.
Keep in touch.
25. Excellent Customer Service
Be approachable to prospective customers.
Listen actively to people who approach you.
Apply the knowledge gain from customers to your
Return all calls and e-mails promptly.
Guarantee all goods and services you produce.
26. Summary
You can make money from your pastime as a realistic
If you enjoy practicing your craft, you could turn it into a
small hobby business.
Select the right hobby, then start small and work on
developing your skills to turn your hobby into an income
Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most
of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself
awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm
sweep through you. Live today with gusto.
Dale Carnegie
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