DigitalMe is a social media platform for schools that allows students to earn digital badges for completing tasks and learning new skills. It has awarded over 53,000 badges since 2013 and engages 26,000 students from over 1,400 schools. Badges can be earned for areas like literacy, numeracy, languages, health, and more. Teachers report that earning badges motivates students, especially reluctant learners, to try new activities independently.
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1. The Social Media Platform for Schools
At the forefront of educationsocial networks
The Guardian
BETT winner 2012
Finalist 2014
2. Competition Winner
Only UK Badge platform
53,000 badges awarded
since Jan 2013
26,000 students have earned a
badge from over 1,400 schools
7. Badge Club
Students love to
discover and earn badges
and help each other
One of the biggest impacts
we have seen is the
eagerness of children to get
involved and try something
new. Matt Rogers, Teacher
Wide engagement
An incredibly reluctant writer has worked tirelessly on his badge missions,
independently without the need of support from his 1-1.
Digital celebration, find, take and share easily.
Safe badge scheme learning safe social networking skills in a real
Statement on Open Badges.
PICT Badges
Fife Council Primary ICT badges.
Badge partners
A World At School, Comic Relief, Department of Health, Parliaments
Education Service, British Airways
19. Wide range of badges
Global Citizens
Eco Schools
Lifelong learning
#3: Impact of badges on motivation since launched. Being adopted by several project partners as a mechanism to engage young people and to reward achievement and skills.
#6: Why Open Badges are different. The data they carry about how the young person has earned them, From Mozilla , Based on gaming incentives.
#7: Badges on students pages, in members newsfeed and in public library. Evidence unique to their own activity.
#9: Badges created by partners and by other schools can be found in the public badge library on Makewaves. This is just a snapshot of that. Learner-led. Schools track achievement and all types of learning & engagement.
#12: Evidence can be rich media social media tools of Makewaves,
#13: Young oeople can se which members have chosen to take a badge. Mexican wave effect. Young people are notified when a friend / clasmate earns a badge. Quality not quantity.
#14: Teachers receive the evidence and award a badge. Also the option for Makewaves to award based on specfic criteria or a project partner can manage this process.